Best practice tips for ADHD
Obtain student voice
Check in with students to see how they're travelling on a regular basis. Some students may need adjustments to the teaching pace, their goals or type of support given.
Use special sitting tools
Promote social skills
Create a warm and fun environment. This includes making sure behaviours of concern are managed well. Students may need help to get along with others.
The social skills to be taught are dependent on the student and their age and developmental stage. Examples might include showing them how to listen, make conversation, talk politely, help others, give and accept effective feedback and opinions, manage conflicts and cooperate in play.
Role-play different situations and give students feedback as they practise these skills. Set social goals, model ways to achieve goals, and provide immediate feedback to students in social interactions.
Help peers to see positive characteristics in students with ADHD and socially accept them. Pair students with peers who model positive behaviours.