Problem solving guide

Some students may need support to learn effective problem-solving skills. This resource can assist students to think of and evaluate options to a problem or situation.

You can encourage and support students to use this tool to:

- come up with two options

- write the pros and cons of each option, and

- implement the option they think is best. 

In high school settings, some students may respond better to a short conversation. For these students, you can use the first page of the guide as a prompt sheet to facilitate talking through a problem. Short notes in a workbook of a student’s choosing as a reminder of decisions made may also be helpful.

School Excellence Framework alignment


Australian Professional Standards for Teachers alignment

Standard 1: Know students and how they learn


Secondary teachers, SLSOs


This resource can be used to support students to think of and evaluate options to a problem or situation. It includes a template for students to consider and compare two potential solutions.


November 2021. Share your feedback here