Self-monitoring form

This simple and practical downloadable resource can be used to support students to change or maintain a target behaviour or goal. This may include staying on-task or meeting specific work targets, such as including five adjectives in a written piece. Students can set and describe their goal, and use this form to record their progress.

While this form can be used with individual students in a classroom, for best inclusive practice we recommend all students in a class are involved in setting individual goals and recording their own personal progress.

A number of modifications that may support full engagement of all students with this resource include:

- Offering suggested goals for students who are finding it challenging to identify these.

- Visual prompts (such as pictures) when selecting goals for students who prefer other methods of communication to verbal communication.

- Closed booklets or a simple table saved in their laptop or device for students who prefer to keep their goals private. This may also be an age-appropriate alternative for older students.

School Excellence Framework alignment

Wellbeing, Effective classroom practice

Australian Professional Standards for Teachers alignment

Standard 1: Know students and how they learn


Secondary teachers


This evidence-based resource can be utilised by teachers to support students in changing or maintaining a target behaviour or goal.


November 2021. Share your feedback here