Small group tuition

The Small Group Tuition (SGT) report displays high-level information about each school’s current Small Group Tuition funding allocation and year-to-date activity. It also gives an overview of the tuition implementation data that has been recorded by schools in PLAN2.

Data Source: Activity information comes from PLAN2. School allocations are provided by the SGT team.

Designed for: Principals, SGT coordinators and educators, and Directors, Educational Leadership.

Updated: Daily

For advice about implementing Small Group Tuition, email the SGT School Support team:

You can also ask implementation questions and access targeted professional learning by joining the Small Group Tuition statewide staffroom, a community of over 7,000 SGT educators, coordinators and school leaders.

What is included in this report?

The report includes two pages:

  1. Budget and Activity - shows each school’s funding allocation, activity, and highlights schools that may need SGT implementation support.
  2. Tuition Dashboard - shows summarised information about tuition implementation.

What should I look for?

  • Are there differences between the number of tuition groups a school has been funded to provide, and the number of groups they have been able to deliver? Compare ‘Target groups’ and ‘Actual groups’ on the Budget and Activity page.
  • Has a school been able to provide as many tuition placements to students as they were funded for the year? Compare ‘Target placements’ to ‘Actual placements’.
  • Are schools able to deliver small-group tutoring within the evidence-based guidelines? Look for:
    • The average and maximum AOF (area of focus) and group size – should be between 2 and 5 students
    • Cycle length (weeks of tuition) – should be 10 to 20 weeks
    • Session frequency (days per week of tuition) – should be more than 3
  • How is Small Group Tuition being delivered at your school/s? Look at the Tuition Dashboard page.

How to use the report

Select schools or tuition characteristics of interest with slicers

Use the slicers at the top of each page to select schools by their location, and level of schooling, or to search for a particular school.

A screenshot of the slicers available at the top of the report A screenshot of the slicers available at the top of the report
Image: Filter data using the slicers at the top of the report

On the Tuition Dashboard page, you can use slicers to narrow down the results displayed to particular types of tuition – for example, to see what type of educator is most often used to deliver numeracy tuition, or how many days per week year 3 students are receiving tutoring.

Image: Further narrow down the results using slicers on the Tuition Dashboard

Budget and Activity

Use the Budget and Activity page to compare the funds allocated to your school to the amount of tuition they have been able to deliver.

The report uses a range of criteria to help identify schools working within the program guidelines, partially within the guidelines, or need further support. Key criteria are shown for each school in the Details table:

  • Target groups and target areas of focus (AOFs), compared to actual groups and actual AOFs: Targets are the number of small tuition groups that should be delivered by the school, given their funding allocation. If a school is successfully using PLAN2 to record their tuition, each group will have an AOF. Ideally, each school should deliver at least half of the anticipated groups their funding covers.
  • Average and maximum sizes of groups and AOFs: how many students are in each small group? Tuition is within the guidelines if each group is delivered to 2 to 5 students.
  • Session frequency: how many days per week is tuition delivered to a group? To work within the guidelines, each group should receive tuition at least 3 times each week.
  • Target placements compared to actual placements: how many student placements in small groups have been funded, compared to how many have been recorded as planned or delivered in PLAN2? If a school has delivered fewer than half of their target placements by the start of Term 3, it may need support.
  • Cycle length: how many weeks is tuition being delivered to each group? To work within the guidelines, each group should receive a tuition cycle of 10 to 20 school weeks.

When looking at several schools (for example, a whole principal network or directorate), it can be helpful to see all these criteria at once.

A screenshot of a pie chart and a bar chart in the report A screenshot of a pie chart and a bar chart in the report
Image: Overall program status chart and Tuition implementation status chart

Overall program status shows the number of schools that are generally delivering tuition in line with their funding and within the program guidelines.

Tuition implementation status breaks down school activity into 7 domains and shows the number of schools working within the guidelines for each. Selecting any of the coloured bars on these visuals will also show the schools with the corresponding status in the Details table.

Tuition Dashboard

Use the Tuition Dashboard to understand how tuition is delivered in a school, group of schools, region or cohort. All information on the dashboard is entered into PLAN2 by schools. Information about how a particular tutoring group is delivered is only available if a school has created an Area of Focus (AOF) in PLAN2 for that group.

The dashboard reports on the following tuition characteristics by counting the number of AOFs for each category within that characteristic:

  • Mode of delivery
  • Educator type
  • Tuition focus
  • Session length
  • Sessions per week

For example, if the ‘Teacher’ category in the 'Educator type' bar chart has a value of 67.1%, this can be interpreted as “67.1% of SGT Areas of Focus are delivered by a teacher”.

Image: Educator type bar chart

Since students can be part of multiple tuition groups, only the 'Students' and 'Students by Scholastic Year' cards provide a count of individual students.

If a student is in more than one tuition group, they will be counted in each group they belong to, affecting the counts and percentages for all of those groups.

The 'Placements in AOFs' card shows the total number of student placements in AOFs, counting each student as many times as they appear in PLAN2. Because many students receive tutoring in both literacy and numeracy, this total number is often higher than the actual number of students who have received tutoring.

Need further support?

For advice about implementing Small Group Tuition, email the SGT School Support team:

You can also ask implementation questions and access targeted professional learning by joining the Small Group Tuition statewide staffroom.

This How to use Scout guide demonstrates the basics of using Scout reports.

Please get in touch with Scout support if you have any questions or difficulty accessing Scout reports.


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  • Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation
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