Transition to High School (Student on a Page)

The Transition to High School report provides high schools with access to key student data and information about incoming Year 7 students transitioning from public primary schools.

Designed for: High school principals, deputy principals and head teachers

Updated: Daily (from Week 7 Term 3 to Week 10 Term 1)

What is included in this report?

The report displays the details of your incoming Year 7 students. Data is only available for students whose enrolment has been risk assessed and/or validated by your school and those transitioning from a public primary school.

The Transition to High School report displays student information and data across 6 views:

  1. Student summary
  2. School history
  3. Attendance
  5. Check-in
  6. Export view

What should I look for?

High schools should use the report to support their transition planning. Each school has its own transition program and certain information may be more relevant to some school contexts.

This report can help high schools to:

  • Identify students with learning and/or wellbeing needs who may require additional support as they transition
  • Identify students who may have additional supports or plans in place that require a handover by the primary school (for example, Personalised Learning Pathways, Individual Education/Learning Plans, behaviour support plans)
  • Identify students whose transition may be strengthened through parent and carer engagement
  • Identify opportunities for transition activities for specific student cohorts
  • Inform school planning such as Year 7 class placements
  • Inform allocation of school resources such as SLSO placements
  • Support the Year 7 Adviser, Learning Support and Wellbeing teams and other staff to plan for transition
  • Support conversations and collaboration with partner primary schools
  • Support Year 7 classroom teachers with lesson planning and programming

See the Transition to high school webpage for resources and guidance to support your transition planning. 

How to use the report

The Transition to High School report displays student-level information and data across 6 views.

Use slicers at the top of the report to view a selected school or student.

The additional equity slicers allow you to analyse the data of different student cohorts.

The light blue box on the right of the slicers shows the total number of students enrolled for Year 7, including students transitioning from non-government schools.

Screenshot of the 10 slicers available at the top of the report. Screenshot of the 10 slicers available at the top of the report.
Image: Slicers are available at the top of the report

View 1: Student summary

This view displays student demographic information and NCCD data for students in the cohort.

Screenshot of the student summary view table Screenshot of the student summary view table
Image: Student summary view (Mock data used for demonstration purposes)
Column name Definition
Primary school name

The school the student is transitioning from.

Refugee status Did the student arrive in Australia as a refugee?

Does the student identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander or neither?

EAL/D Phase

What EAL/D phase is the student currently at? (Beginning, emerging, developing, consolidating)

See the EAL/D Learning Progression page to learn more about the EAL/D phases.

Language at home

What language other than English does the student speak at home?

NCCD category of disability

Which of the 4 categories does the student’s disability fall under? (Physical, cognitive, sensory, social/emotional)

See the NCCD webpage for definitions of each of the categories.

NCCD level of adjustment required

What level of adjustment does the student need? (Quality differentiated teaching practice, supplementary, substantial, extensive)

See the NCCD webpage for definitions of each of the levels.

Year 6 enrolment type

What was the student’s Year 6 enrolment type? For example, Opportunity Class, Multi Categorical, Mainstream (Distance Education) etc.

See Specialist support classes in mainstream schools and Schools for Specific Purposes for more information.

Number of schools attended

The number of government school settings the student has attended, including specialist school settings.

Refer to View 2 ‘School history’ for more details.

For Year 6 students with a mainstream enrolment and an NCCD Level of adjustment of substantial or extensive, please contact the primary school about any additional supports or plans they may have in place for the student (for example, Integration Funding Support or learning support plans).

View 2: School history

This view displays the enrolment history for students in the cohort.

Use the 'student name’ slicer to search by student.

Image: School history view (Mock data used for demonstration purposes)
Column name Definition
Enrolment type

What was the student’s enrolment type at the school? For example, Opportunity Class, Multi Categorical, Mainstream (Distance Education).

See Specialist support classes in mainstream schools and Schools for Specific Purposes for more information.

Enrolment start date The date the student’s enrolment began at the school.
Enrolment end date The date the student's enrolment ended at the school.

View 3: Attendance

This view displays the attendance history from 2019 for students in the cohort.

Use the 'student name’ slicer to search by student.

Image: Attendance view (Mock data used for demonstration purposes)
Column name Definition
Attendance rate The annual attendance rate (number of days attended as a percentage of total possible days).
Enrolled days The number of days the student has been enrolled at the school.
Whole day absences The number of whole school days a student has been absent.
Unexplained absences The number of absences that have not been explained by the parent or carer.

View 4: NAPLAN

This view displays Year 5 NAPLAN results for students in the cohort.

Use the 'student name’ slicer to search by student.

Image: NAPLAN view (Mock data used for demonstration purposes)
Column name Definition
Assessment name The NAPLAN assessment the student sat.
Domain The 5 NAPLAN domains: reading, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation, and numeracy.

Student achievement against the NAPLAN proficiency standards for each domain. There are 4 proficiency levels (source ACARA):

  • Exceeding: exceeds expectations at the time of testing.
  • Strong: meets challenging but reasonable expectations at the time of testing.
  • Developing: working towards expectations at the time of testing.
  • Needs additional support: not achieving the learning outcomes that are expected at the time of testing. Likely to need additional support to progress satisfactorily.
NAPLAN scaled score The student’s NAPLAN scaled score for each domain.
Assessment school The school where the student attempted the Year 5 NAPLAN.
Assessment year The year the student sat the Year 5 NAPLAN.

View 5: Check-in

This view displays Check-in assessment outcomes for the cohort.

Year 6 Semester 2 Check-in assessment results will be updated as students complete the assessment from Weeks 6-9 of Term 3. Quartiles and scaled scores will be available in early Term 1.

Use the 'student name’ slicer to search by student.

Image: Check-in view (Mock data used for demonstration purposes)
Column name Definition

Check-in domains: reading and numeracy.

Please note that the writing domain only applies to the Year 6 Check-in assessment.

Total student score The number of questions the student correctly answered.
Maximum possible score
The maximum score a student could have achieved.
Check-in scaled score The student’s Check-in scaled score for reading and numeracy domains only.

The quartile grouping is a relative measure based on the Check-in scaled score. The 4 values are:

  • Lower

  • Middle lower

  • Middle upper

  • Upper.

Assessment school The school where the student sat the Check-in assessment.
Assessment year The year the student sat the Check-in assessment.

View 6: Export view

This view is a summary of student data across the first 5 tabs.

Hover over the top right of the table to reveal the 'More options' menu. Select 'Export data' to download a spreadsheet with the following data:

  • All 'student summary' data
  • Year 6 attendance rate
  • Year 5 NAPLAN outcomes – scaled score and proficiencies
  • Year 6 Check-in assessment outcomes – raw scores, scaled scores and quartiles for reading and numeracy and raw scores and scaled scores for writing
Image: Select 'Export data' from the 'More options' menu.

Where does the data come from?

Data Source
NCCD data Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)
Enrolment data ERN
Attendance data Various sources: ERN, EBS, SENTRAL, MILLENIUM, MOMENTUM, COMPASS
Check-in data Check-in assessment

Need further support?

This How to use Scout guide demonstrates the basics of using Scout reports.

Please get in touch with Scout support if you have any questions or difficulty accessing Scout reports.


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Business Unit:

  • Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation
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