Hearing Australia/Toukley Public School Project
Project summary
To better understand what is happening for students who have undiagnosed hearing loss if we are going to improve learning outcomes.
The project seeks to answer the question of whether there are students in NSW primary schools with undiagnosed hearing loss that is likely to reduce their educational outcomes. It will also explore how we might leverage existing programs and resources in schools.
Hearing Australia’s 2019 data showed that 2607 of its clients were in primary school and 200 children of primary age have permanent hearing loss but do not use hearing aids.
Research shows that Aboriginal children are three times more likely to have a hearing loss than non-Aboriginal children.
The project is taking a system design approach: so that there is a structured, guided way to build solutions. However, the first step is to deeply understand the problem.
The system design approach to this project is outlined in the graphic below.

What will success look like?
- Early identification of students with hearing loss
- Systemic change
- Building capacity
- Building a community of practice
How will success be measured?
- Engagement in Professional Learning
- Seeing change in behaviours
- Increased screening of students
Key project milestones
- Teacher PL- Modules 1 & 2, 100% of staff completed.
- Screening - K-2:
- 52 students screened.
- 4 students with possible ear health and hearing. Audiologists following up with Parent/Carers.
Next steps planning:
- Transition the project from Inclusive Education to Aboriginal Outcomes and Partnerships by 1 June 2021.
- Hearing Australia and Inclusive Education will develop a flow chart template for referral pathways for families by 30 June 2021.
- Creation of a MS TEAMS page for Toukley PS staff and the local itinerant hearing team, for collaboration and shared resources by 30 June 2021.
- Further engagement in professional learning at Toukley Public School, delivered by Hearing Australia, on a needs basis.
- Explore opportunities to scale up the project to a neighbouring school.
Project Governance
- Division: Education and Skills Reform
- Project executive: Director, Learning School Strategy, Aboriginal Outcomes and Partnerships
- Project lead: Hearing Australia