CPM meeting nominations
School leaders self-nominate for the role of facilitator in a CPM meeting.
Who can be a facilitator?
CPM meeting facilitators are drawn from existing principals, deputy principals, head teachers, assistant principals, assistant principal curriculum and instruction (APCI), or staff with a leadership role in curriculum delivery, such as a stage or faculty leader, instructional leader or teacher mentor. Non-School Based Teachers (NSBTs) are also encouraged to apply.
Each CPM meeting will have two facilitators.
Before submitting a nomination:
- review suitability using the CPM self-assessment statements.
- discuss suitability with your principal.
- principals should discuss suitability with their DEL.
After nominating all CPM facilitators must be endorsed by their DEL. Strategic School Improvement will provide training for new facilitators.
Suitability assessment and principal discussion
The opportunity to be part of the CPM process allows you to share your expertise, support colleagues, take part in an important peer-led process, and further develop your capabilities.
Staff who are not current principals should organise a time to discuss the nomination with your principal (or line manager if a NSBT). Use the following self-assessment statements and Australian Professional Teaching Standards to guide this discussion. You are not required to present evidence at this principal discussion, but you will discuss the supporting evidence you could provide in your nomination.
Self-assessment statements
The following statements are for the facilitator to assess their suitability, and to discuss with their principal, prior to self-nominating.
Consider your skills and your experience in light of the following statements:
- I am recognised as a highly skilled teacher or leader who effectively collaborates with colleagues, sharing a broad repertoire of teaching strategies.
- I have an in-depth knowledge of curriculum.
- I take on roles that guide and advise others and establish a collegial environment that promotes professional learning.
- I model highly effective teaching practices to colleagues in their teaching context and beyond.
- I work with or lead colleagues to plan, evaluate and modify teaching programs for student learning.
- I initiate and engage in collaborative professional discussions about effective teaching to improve educational outcomes.
- I make sure to keep up to date with developments in my own teaching areas.
- I exhibit highly developed interpersonal skills and ethical practice.
Self-assessment against standards
Facilitators are leaders in curriculum implementation. The following list shows the Australian Professional Teaching Standards at Highly Accomplished level relevant to the CPM facilitator role.
It is expected that nominees are able to meet these standards.
Know students and how they learn
- 1.5.3 Evaluate learning and teaching programs, using student assessment data that are differentiated for the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities.
Know the content and how to teach it
- 2.1.3 Support colleagues using current and comprehensive knowledge of content and teaching strategies to develop and implement engaging learning and teaching programs.
- 2.3.3 Support colleagues to plan and implement learning and teaching programs using contemporary knowledge and understanding of curriculum, assessment and reporting requirements.
Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- 3.6.3 Work with colleagues to plan, evaluate and modify learning and teaching programs to create productive learning environments that engage all students.
Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- 5.1.3 Develop and apply a comprehensive range of assessment strategies to diagnose learning needs, comply with curriculum requirements and support colleagues to evaluate the effectiveness of their approaches to assessment.
- 5.3.3 Organise assessment moderation activities that support consistent and comparable judgements of student learning.
Engage in professional learning
- 6.3.3 Initiate and engage in professional discussions with colleagues in a range of forums to evaluate practice directed at improving professional knowledge and practice, and the educational outcomes of students.
Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/ carers and the community
- 7.1.3 Maintain high ethical standards and support colleagues to interpret codes of ethics and exercise sound judgement in all schools and community contexts.
- 7.2.3 Support colleagues to review and interpret legislative, administrative and organisational requirements, policies and processes.
Nomination form
Nominations for the facilitator role is to be completed on the CPM meeting roles nomination form.
Learn more
More information can be found on the Curriculum and policy monitoring (CPM) webpage.
Email the Strategic School Improvement team at registration@det.nsw.edu.au
or call 02 7814 3853 with enquiries.