Policy monitoring
Each year, Directors, Educational Leadership (DELs) and principals confirm that there are policy monitoring processes relating to student and staff safety and wellbeing in place at their school. This is actioned in SPaRO.
All NSW public schools have a responsibility to comply with Department of Education policies, and the procedures and processes that support policy implementation.
Our policies are based on the requirements of legislation and the outcomes of events such as coronial inquiries or Royal Commissions.
As these requirements are critical to the safety and wellbeing of our students, staff and communities, all schools must have processes in place to monitor and maintain policy compliance.
Compliance with these requirements is tested at a system level through the department’s work with the NSW Education Standards Authority as outlined in the ‘NESA registration process for the NSW government schooling system manual’ and School Audits. Both processes involve only a sample of schools each year.
Policy monitoring confirmation in SPaRO is designed to provide clarity and support to all schools in meeting mandatory policy requirements.
It directly supports principals and their Directors, Educational Leadership by providing specific policy areas to monitor. This allows the department to confirm all schools are policy compliant beyond the sample of schools visited by NESA or school auditors each year.
Principals and DELs use the Policy monitoring confirmation in SPaRO to determine whether their school has effective processes in place to ensure that high risks are mitigated.
Each year, principals confirm they have reviewed and, where necessary, updated the school processes and practices that monitor and support compliance.
The DEL then discusses with the principal the processes in place and the evidence available at the school to demonstrate that the policy requirements are being met.
The timeframe for Policy Monitoring from the beginning of Term 1 to mid Term 2 aligns with the usual start of year staff inductions, consultations and reviews of processes, prompting principals and DELs to test and verify ongoing compliance.
Policy monitoring in SPaRO is due mid Term 2 each year.
The department provides system support for schools through the Strategic School Improvement Directorate.
Schools will be well placed to demonstrate compliance during internal School Audits, department Curriculum and Policy Monitoring meetings, and any NESA monitoring by using SPaRO and embedding this as an annual process. More importantly, we can also continue to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all our students.
End of transcript.
The annual policy monitoring confirmation in SPaRO focuses on critical policy areas related to safety and wellbeing.
Policy monitoring confirmation in SPaRO is designed to provide clarity and support to all schools in meeting mandatory policy requirements. It directly supports principals and their Directors, Educational Leadership (DELs) by identifying specific policy areas to monitor. This also allows the department to confirm all schools are policy compliant beyond the sample of schools visited by NESA or school auditors each year.
Action required
Principals confirm they have reviewed, and where necessary updated, the school processes and practices that monitor and support compliance consistent with the policy implementation requirements.
Based on the available evidence, the DEL then confirms that monitoring processes are in place, and that documentation is available at the school to demonstrate that these requirements are being met.
Policy monitoring in SPaRO is due by end of Week 5, Term 2 each year. This timeframe aligns with the usual start of year staff inductions, consultations and reviews of processes, prompting principals and DELs to test and verify ongoing compliance.
In SPaRO, the functionality is modelled on the HSC confirmation approach which is familiar to DELs and which continues to be an effective approach to monitoring a high-risk area of compliance. Each principal confirms a statement and the DEL endorses the principal’s confirmation.
Policy monitoring in SPaRO
The focus for 2024 Policy monitoring in SPaRO is similar to previous years, with greater specificity and supporting resources provided for schools and DELs. Critical aspects relating to staff and student wellbeing in the areas of mandatory training, child protection, health and safety and student attendance continue to be a focus.
In 2024, Disability Standards for Education has been included, with a particular focus on providing reasonable adjustments for students with a disability.
Policy monitoring can be found on the Curriculum and Policy menu in SPaRO.

The principal selects the current year, and confirms that they have reviewed and, where necessary, updated the school processes and practices that monitor and support compliance of the high-risk policy areas.
Through discussion with the principal, the DEL establishes that there are processes in place and that evidence is available at the school to demonstrate that the high-risk policy requirements are being met.
The DEL is then able to endorse the declaration by the due date, for each school in the principal network.

Learn more
- See School Excellence and Accountability
- 2025 Policy Monitoring Confirmation - Principals checklist (PDF 134 KB)
- 2025 Policy Monitoring - Principals Guide (PDF 310 KB)
- Access the School Planning and Reporting Online (SPaRO) software platform.
Email the Strategic School Improvement team at registration@det.nsw.edu.au
or call 02 7814 3853 with enquiries.