RoSA Curriculum Self-assessment

The Curriculum Self-assessment professional learning simplifies the statutory and legislative requirements for curriculum and policy monitoring in schools.

An overview of the RoSA curriculum self-assessment process.

All schools have the responsibility to monitor their implementation of curriculum and have documented procedures for implementing department policies.

Curriculum Self-assessment, and 7-10 RoSA Curriculum Self-assessment are voluntary and designed to support and strengthen existing internal school curriculum and policy monitoring processes.

The Curriculum Self-assessment builds the capacity of all staff to support the school in meeting requirements outlined in the ‘NESA registration process for the NSW government schooling system manual’ and department policies.

Throughout the curriculum self-assessment, schools are assisted in reviewing curriculum and policy implementation and monitoring processes within their school context by using the curriculum and policy requirement guides

Five main areas are addressed within the curriculum requirement guide. These are:

  • Timetables
  • Scope and sequences
  • Teaching Programs and Units of work
  • Assessment and Reporting
  • and Quality of student learning.

The policy requirements guide supports schools in meeting requirements aligned to the NESA five year plan.

The curriculum self-assessments supports schools in evaluating their practice, the collection of evidence, and allows schools to identify areas of strength and improvement. Uploading evidence into SPaRO is optional. Tagged and annotated evidence can also be used for SEF S-aS and External Validation.

The follow up plan in SPaRO is also optional and can be used as evidence of monitoring curriculum and policy requirements. When completed, the plan strengthens the school’s self-assessment processes in the School Excellence cycle.

Curriculum Self-assessment provides clear advice and assurance for principals that they are meeting requirements and allow for targeted professional conversations. They also provide clarity and assistance to schools in the Department’s curriculum and policy monitoring meetings and NESA random inspections.

The Department provides system support for schools through the System Registration team from Strategic School Improvement.

By embedding ongoing monitoring of curriculum and policy procedures, schools will meet requirements which support positive outcomes for all students.

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All secondary schools can strengthen their school improvement journey by participating in the RoSA Curriculum Self-assessment for Years 7-10.

The professional learning is designed to build on and review procedures already established in schools, and grow capacity and understanding of all staff.

Schools will embed the monitoring of curriculum and policy processes to meet requirements and support positive outcomes for all students.

Curriculum Self-assessment professional learning

The Curriculum Self- assessment professional learning will be provided by Policy Implementation and System Registration (Strategic School Improvement) during Terms 1 and 2 through MS Teams.

This professional learning opportunity is accredited at Highly Accomplished and is available to principals, executive, aspiring leaders, teachers, and non-school based teaching staff.

The content of the RoSA Curriculum Self-assessment (RoSA CS) is relevant to all school contexts.

The professional learning consists of two half-day sessions and simplifies the requirements for curriculum and policy monitoring.

Session 1:

  • Overview
  • Timetables
  • Scope and Sequence
  • Teaching Programs

Session 2:

  • Assessment and Reporting
  • Quality of Student Learning
  • Policy

To receive the Highly Accomplished PL hours it is compulsory for all participants to complete Sessions 1 and 2 MS Teams presentations and a course assignment.

Participants will also have access to two self-paced e-learning modules in MyPL that revise materials from the online webinars. This supports school leadership teams to build the capabilities of all teachers leading to improved student outcomes.

Enrolments open in Term 4 for participation in the following year.

Learn more

Email the Strategic School Improvement team at
or call 02 7814 3853 with enquiries.


  • School operations


  • Curriculum
  • Educational governance
  • Leadership and management
  • Monitoring
  • Professional development

Business Unit:

  • Public Schools
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