Using the application website

Follow the step-by-step guide for help with submitting your application.

To get started, register your online application account.

Register for an account

To apply for opportunity class – Year 5 entry or selective high schoolYear 7 entry you must use this application website.

There is a separate application process for entry to selective high schools starting in Years 8 to 12.

The website is best viewed in landscape view if used on a mobile device.

If you have registered before (for example, because you applied for one of your other children) please use your existing email and password to log in and begin a new application.

  1. Access the application website when the application period is open – see key dates.
  2. Select the ‘Register’ button.
  3. Enter your (parent’s) name, your email address and a password. (Do not use a student's email.)
  4. Complete the ‘Captcha’ tool.
  5. Select the ‘Register’ button.
  6. You will receive an email to verify your registration. Select the verification link in the email to complete the registration process. (No email? Check your junk or SPAM folder.)

You will now be able to log in to the application website using the email address and password you provided.

Example screenshot Example screenshot
Image: Screenshot of the application website register and login page.

About the application dashboard

Once you have submitted your application, the application website displays your application dashboard as soon as you have logged in. It is what parents and carers use to:

The website is best viewed in landscape view if used on a mobile device.


After registering, you must:

  • log back into the application site
  • complete all the sections and their questions
  • review and submit your application.

Select '2. Student details' in the menu (or click the 'Next' button below) to keep reading about the application website.

Do you need more help?

Where parents live at different addresses but have equal responsibility for the care of the child, the parent the child lives with for most of the time should submit the application. If the student lives with each parent for equal time, the parent the child is staying with at the time of submitting the application should apply.

Please apply only once for the same student. Duplicate applications will be deleted.

If you forget your password, select 'Forgot your password?' under the login button. Enter your email address and click 'Submit' to get an email to reset your password. Previous passwords will no longer be valid.

You can log back into your application dashboard to make updates. Please do not create a new application. Check the due dates for different updates that you can make at Key Dates.

If you do not have internet access, please use the internet at a local public library.

Please contact us for assistance if you have a disability that prevents you from using a computer.

Information privacy

The department collects information about applicants and their children to process and assess their application. This includes health information about students to meet our obligations under legislation and to provide appropriate support, such as providing reasonable adjustments for students with disability to sit the placement test.

Any information provided to the department will be collected, used, disclosed and stored in accordance with the NSW privacy laws (the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW) and the Health Records and Information Privacy Act (NSW)).

Please refer to the full Privacy Notice within the application website for more information.

To begin your application, enter your child's details.

Student details

You can save your application at any time and come back later to continue. Select ‘Save and continue’ at the bottom of each page. Be sure to submit your application by the closing date – see Key dates.

Example screenshot Example screenshot
Image: Screenshot of the Student details page

The ‘Student details’ page collects details such as the child’s date of birth and address.

You’ll need to provide us with your child's:

  • full name
  • gender
  • date of birth
  • reason for applying if outside the usual school Year or age range (if relevant)
  • address (where the student lives most of the time)
  • current school, school type, school year and student email address (if a current NSW public school student)
  • ability to sit the placement test (if currently living interstate or overseas)
  • preferred test centre location (if currently living interstate or overseas and intending to return to NSW for the test).

Once you have finished the student details, the next sections can be completed in any order but you must complete all of them.

Choose the schools you would like to apply for.

School selection

Number of schools choices

  • Selective high schools — you can choose between 1 and 3 schools
  • Opportunity classes — you can choose between 1 and 2 schools

Making your school choices

In the application website, you must list your school choices in your order of preference.

  1. Under 'First choice' select the school you want the most.
  2. Under 'Second choice' select your next choice (optional).
  3. Under 'Third choice' select your next choice (optional and available only for selective high school applications).
  4. Select 'Save & continue'.

Screenshot image of the School selection page

Example screenshot Example screenshot
Image: Screenshot of the 'School selection' question in the application website (for selective high school–Year 7 entry)

How offers work

Parents are offered a place based on test performance and the order of their school choices.

The test performance needed to get an offer at each school is different. This is because it is based on the number of students who apply, their test performance and the number of places available at the school.

When initial outcomes are released:

  • Parents can get a placement offer from only one school.

    If your child’s test performance meets the levels needed for an offer from multiple schools, your offer will come from your higher choice school only. See 'Choosing schools – example scenarios' below.

Later offers from reserve lists

Students may be placed on a reserve list(s) for a higher-choice school(s) when outcomes are first released. If their position on the list is reached, they may get a later offer.

Learn more about offers and reserve lists at Outcomes.

The order of your school choices is important

This is because:

  • You cannot decline a placement offer to get a later offer from one of your lower-choice schools.
  • If you decline an offer from one of your lower-choice schools and you are on a reserve list for a higher-choice school(s), there is no guarantee that you will get a later offer from a reserve list.

So please choose the order of your schools carefully and select the school you want the most as your first-choice.

Do I get any advantage for choosing a school as my first choice?

Your child will be considered for all school choices based solely on their test performance. You will not be given any extra consideration for listing a school as your first choice.

Choosing schools – example scenarios

Changing your school choices

You can change your school choices after you submit your application – see 'last day to change school choices' in the Key dates). Log back into the application dashboard to change your choices.

You cannot change your school selections after the 'last day to change choices' date.

If you have experienced exceptional circumstances that might require a change after this date, please refer to the Selective high schools and opportunity classes placement procedures for more information and the evidence you need to submit for special consideration.

Need help deciding which schools to choose for your child?

Tell us if your child needs support when taking the test for their disability or health and safety.

Reasonable adjustments

The Selective Education Unit will use your answers in this section to assess your child's eligibility for adjustments so they can have fair access to sit the test.

The information you provide about your child's disability or medical condition cannot be used to restrict their access to placement in any way.

Information privacy

The department collects information about applicants and their children to process and assess their application. This includes health information about students to meet our obligations under legislation and to provide appropriate support, such as providing reasonable adjustments for students with disability to sit the placement test.

Any information provided to the department will be collected, used, disclosed and stored in accordance with the NSW privacy laws (the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW) and the Health Records and Information Privacy Act (NSW)).

Please refer to the full Privacy Notice within the application website for more information.

What are reasonable adjustments?

Reasonable adjustments are practical arrangements made for students with disability so that they can access the test on the same basis as students without disability.

Providing students with reasonable adjustments complies with the Disability Standards for Education 2005.

What you need to tell us

Please tell us if your child:

  • has a disability
  • has a medical condition
  • has a behavioural condition
  • has a recent injury that could affect test performance
  • takes medication.

Why telling us this information is important

Telling us about your child's support needs helps us to:

  • provide them with fair access to sit the test
  • protect their health and wellbeing, and the health and wellbeing of other students, when sitting the test.

If your child has adjustments at school because of their disability or medical conditions, similar adjustments can be made for the test.

If your child needs a reasonable adjustment to sit the test, you need tell us why and upload supporting evidence as soon as possible in your application. The processing of any requests for reasonable adjustments received after the application closing date cannot be guaranteed.

How to answer this section

If your child has a disability, medical or behavioural condition, injury or needs reasonable adjustments:

  1. Select 'Yes' if your child has a disability, medical or behavioural condition or injury.
  2. Select your child's disability, medical or behavioural condition(s) from the list (select all that apply). If it is not listed, provide details in the 'Other' field.
  3. Select ‘Yes’ if your child needs adjustments for the test. Describe the adjustments in detail. For example, if requesting large print test papers include font size. Also let the Selective Education Unit know if your child's disability or condition may disturb other students at the test centre so that a separate test room can be organised.

    (This question is not displayed if you live interstate or overseas and you are not able to travel to NSW for the test.)
  4. Attach evidence of your child's disability and the adjustments needed. Your supporting evidence should be uploaded as soon as possible in your application. The processing of any requests for reasonable adjustments received after the application closing date cannot be guaranteed.
  5. Select 'Save & continue'.

Examples reasonable adjustments

  • large print or coloured test papers (see Font and paper sizes below)
  • wheelchair access
  • medical equipment
  • specific seating
  • noise-reducing earphones
  • bringing medications.

These are just a few examples of adjustments. We suggest requesting the adjustments that your child has at school for assessments such as NAPLAN.

Font and paper sizes

The question papers and answer sheets for the test are printed in Arial font in size N12 (size 12 font).

For students requiring large print and/or enlarged papers, the following options are available in Arial font:

  • Size 18 (A4 paper)
  • Size 24 (A4 paper)
  • Size 24 (A3 paper)
  • Size 36 (A3 paper)

Does your child have an allergy and are they at risk of Anaphylaxis?

A person trained in anaphylaxis response will be present at each test centre.

Parents of students with anaphylaxis must give an anaphylaxis kit to the test supervisor before the test starts.

Parents will be sent information about the anaphylaxis kit well before the test day.

Screenshot image of the Reasonable adjustments page

Example screenshot Example screenshot
Image: Screenshot from the Reasonable adjustments page in the application site. Note that more conditions are listed on the site.

What happens next?

After you have uploaded all your supporting evidence, your request will be reviewed by the Selective Education Unit. The Unit may also consider any adjustments already being provided at your child's school. Once the review is complete, the Unit will contact you about the outcome or the next steps for organising any adjustments.

Placement support for students with disability

What you tell us in this section might also be used to check if your child is eligible for a placement offer under the Equity Placement Model.

Learn more at Fair access.

Tell us about your child's residency status.

Student residency

What you tell us here helps us to assess your child's eligibility for enrolment based on where they will be living and whether they have eligible residency status. For more information see:

  1. Select your child’s residency status. Options are:
    1. Australian or New Zealand citizen – go to step 5
    2. Australian permanent resident – go to step 2
    3. Other – go to step 2.
  2. Visit the visa information link to help you select the correct class and sub-class.
  3. Select the appropriate visa class.
  4. Select the appropriate visa sub-class.
  5. Select 'Save and continue'.

Screenshot image of the Student residency page

Example screenshot Example screenshot
Image: Screenshot of the 'Student residency' section

Tell us if you have any court orders relating to your child's custody.

Court orders

The ‘Court orders’ section helps us to communicate with the primary parent for the application and to meet any privacy requirements.

  1. Select 'Yes' or 'No' to the Court orders question.
    (If you select ‘No’ you will go to the next section in the application.)
  2. Enter the name of the person(s) covered by the court order
  3. Enter the relationship between the person(s) covered by the court order and your child and then select 'Save'.
  4. Attach supporting documents and select 'Save'.

    If you do not currently have any supporting documents, select the ‘I will provide supporting documents later’ checkbox. You can upload these as soon as possible after you submit your application (see Making updates and sending message (go to step 9).
  5. Select 'Save and continue'.

Screenshot image of the Court orders page

Example screenshot Example screenshot
Image: Screenshot of the 'Court orders' section of the application

Contact information for the primary parent who is applying and for any other parent or carer.

Parent/carer details

  • Add your name and contact details.
    While we prefer to contact parents and carers through the application dashboard, occasionally we may need to contact you another way. For example, we might need to contact you by phone if there was a test centre incident.
  • You can choose to add the contact details for another parent or carer.
    You must add them if they will be making enquiries or decisions about the application. Only the registered parent or carer can access the application dashboard but all listed parents and carers can make phone and email enquiries about the application.

Screenshot image of the Parent/carers page

Example screenshot Example screenshot
Image: Screenshot of the 'Parent/carer details' section in the application.

You must submit your application after completing it.

Review and submit

  1. Select the drop-down arrow to expand the page you would like to review.
    You can also select the 'Expand all' button (see screenshot below) to review all pages at the same time.
  2. Select the 'Go to section to update' button to edit any information that is not correct or complete.
  3. Optional: Select the checkbox to give permission to release NAPLAN data for use in the selective high school placement process under exceptional circumstances.
  4. Select the 'Submit application' button at the bottom or top of the page.
  5. Check that the status is showing ‘Submitted’ at the top of the screen.


After submitting your application you will receive an email confirming your application has been submitted.

If the email is not in your inbox, please check your junk or spam folder before contacting us.

Students in non-government schools

Along with your confirmation email, you will also receive a form that needs to be downloaded and printed to give to your child's primary school principal.

This is so we can collect any information needed to provide support to your child on the test day, such as adjustments for disability.

We may also need to contact your child's current school for this information.


  • Make sure you apply by the closing date for applications – see Key dates.
  • Submit only one application per child — duplicate applications will be deleted.

Screenshot image of the Review and submit page

Image: Screenshot of the 'Review and submit' section of the online application.

Screenshot image of the bottom of the Review and submit page

Example screenshot Example screenshot
Image: Screenshot of the bottom of the 'Review and submit' section.

You can update your application or message us in the application website.

Making updates & sending messages

You can make changes to your saved application before you submit it. You can also update your submitted application, including:

  • update the information you have entered. For example, your contact details or school selections by the due dates.
  • upload documents and supporting evidence. For example, court orders, disability information.
  • withdraw your application before outcomes are released – if you no longer want your child to be considered for placement.

You can also log into your application dashboard to send us messages.

Deadlines for updating your application

Be aware that there are specific dates when you can no longer update your application yourself. You may have to ask the Selective Education Unit to make a change.

If your application details change, it is your responsibility to update your application by the due dates.

For example, there are strict due dates to:

  • submit an application
  • add supporting documents to your reasonable adjustments application
  • change your child's current school
  • change your child's personal details
  • change your school choices
  • submit a request to submit a late application
  • submit a late application.

Check the full list of Key dates for your placement year and program.

Changing your school choices

Ensure you make any changes to your school choices before the specified due date in the Key dates. No changes are possible after this date.

For more information see the Selective high schools and opportunity classes placement procedures.

How do I update my application?

You can change your answers to the application questions.

  1. Log in to the application website (this will now take you to your 'application dashboard' page).
  2. Select the 3 dots under the 'Action' column and then 'Update application'.
    (Or select 'Withdraw application' if you want to cancel your application for placement in all schools.)
  3. Make your changes and then resubmit by selecting the 'Submit application' button.

Screenshot image of the application dashboard

Example screenshot Example screenshot
Image: Screenshot of the Application dashboard 'landing' page

IMPORTANT: After making your updates, remember to press the 'Submit application' button at the top or bottom of the page. Check that the status is showing ‘Submitted’.

How do I ask questions about my application?

Most questions have been answered within the web section you are on now – Selective high schools and opportunity classes. Be sure to read through the information provided here.

If your question is not covered, the quickest way to contact the Selective Education Unit is by sending a message through the application website.

We also use the messaging area in the application site to send you important information about your child's application. We will notify you of a new message by sending an email alert to the email address you used to register your account.

Sending and getting messages

You can send a message to the Selective Education Unit through the application website and attach any supporting documents that we have asked for.

  1. Log in to the application site. This will now take you to your 'application dashboard' page.
  2. In the messages section you can see a list of any messages we have sent you.
    Click on the message subject to open it.
  3. To send us a message, select the '+New message' button. Write your message and add any attachments, if needed, and then select 'Send'.

Screenshot image of the messages area in the application dashboard

Example screenshot Example screenshot
Image: Screenshot of the messages section in the application dashboard.

Screenshot image of the new message screen

Example screenshot Example screenshot
Image: Screenshot of the messaging screen in the application dashboard

How do I upload documents and supporting evidence?

You can send us a message in the application site and attach any supporting documents that we have asked for.

  1. Follow the instructions above to start a new message.
  2. Select the 'Add attachment' button.
  3. Select the attachment category and choose the file location (you can choose more than one).
  4. Select 'Send'.

Screenshot image of the 'Add attachment' area on the messaging screen

Example screenshot Example screenshot
Image: Screenshot of the messaging screen where you can upload supporting documents

Looking for information about your outcome after the test?

For information about viewing your placement outcome, Performance report and responding to an offer, visit Outcomes.

Contact us

Sending a message through the application website is the fastest way to contact the Selective Education Unit and get a reply.

However, there are other ways to contact the Selective Education Unit if you're unable to log in to the application website.

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