Understanding behaviour
Understanding and managing behaviour resources provide an insight into factors that influence behaviour, aggressive and violent behaviour, identifying risk, enhancing student resilience, and supporting pro-social behaviour.
Information about this resource
This resource provides schools, teachers, students and parents with the supports and resources needed to understand behaviour, including a resource hub.
This resource supports teacher and school needs by providing:
high quality resources to understand factors that influence behaviour
what happens during behaviour, particularly aggressive and violent behaviours
teaching and supporting pro-social behaviour
how to mitigate risk
how to build student resilience.
Professional audience
School leaders and teachers across all school settings.
This resource is able to be used without assistance, as a stand-alone resource and/or linked to professional learning.
Student audience
All students P-12.
When to use
To better understand and support student behaviour, the factors that influence behaviour, aggressive and violent behaviour, identifying risk and strategies to enhance student resilience.
Can be used at any time when teachers require information to better support student behaviour.
System priorities and/or needs
This resource aligns with:
Our Plan for NSW Public Education’s direction and priorities of strengthening student wellbeing and development and advancing equitable outcomes, opportunities and experiences.
- Need identified by Student Wellbeing Support to build teacher capacity in understanding behaviour.
School Excellence Framework
Learning domain – Wellbeing (Caring for students, A planned approach to inclusion and wellbeing, Individual learning needs, Behaviour) .
- Teaching domain Effective classroom practice (Classroom management) .
Relevant frameworks
NESA syllabus documents – personal and social capabilities in all K-10 syllabi, and PDHPE K-10 syllabus Health Wellbeing and Relationships content strand outcomes.
- Standard 1, particularly Standard 1.2, 1.4, 1.6.
- Standard 4, particularly 4.1, 4.3, 4.4 .
Wellbeing Framework - Behaviour, discipline and character education .
Existing resources
Behaviour support toolkit resources and professional learning.
Consulted with: Delivery Support team, Aboriginal Partnerships and Outcomes, Inclusion and Wellbeing as part of the development of the behaviour support toolkit.
Reviewed by: Student Participation
Last updated: January 2025
Baxendale, S., Lester, L., Johnston, R., Cross, D. (2015). Risk factors in adolescent’s involvement in violent behaviors, Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 7(1), p2-18. https://doi.org/10.1108/JACPR-09-2013-0025
Brion-Meisels, G., Garnett, B. R. (2016). Toward an integrated theory of relational youth violence: bridging a gap among the theory, research and practice of bullying prevention, Contemporary School Psychology, 20, p 240-253. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40688-015-0080-8
Bronfenbrenner, U. (1994). Ecological models of human development, International Encyclopedia of Education, 3, 1643-1647.
Byers, T., Liu, K., Knock, A., & Imms, W. (2018). A systematic review of the effects of learning environments on student learning outcomes.
Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation. (2020). What works best: 2020 update. NSW Department of Education. https://www.cese.nsw.gov.au/images/stories/PDF/What-works-best-2020-update.pdf
Goss, P., & Sonneman, J. (2017). Engaging students. Creating classrooms that improve learning. https://grattan.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Engaging-students-creating-classrooms-that-improve-learning.pdf
Hahn, R., Fuqua-Whitley, D., Wethington, H., Lowry, J., Crosby, A., Fullilove, M., Johnson, R., Liberman, A., Moscicki, E., Price, L., Snyder, S., Tuma, F., Cory, S., Stone, G., Mukhopadhaya, K., Chattopadhyay, S., Dahlebrg, L. (2017). Effectiveness of universal school-based programs to prevent violent and aggressive behaviour: A systematic review, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 33(2), p114-129.
Martin AJ and Collie RJ (2019) ‘Teacher–student relationships and students’ engagement in high school: Does the number of negative and positive relationships with teachers matter?’, Journal of Educational Psychology, 111(5):861–876, https://doi.org/10.1037/edu0000317
Pearce, N., Cross, D., Epstein, M., Johnston, R., & Legge, E. (2019). Strengthening school and system capacity to implement effective interventions to support student behaviour and wellbeing in NSW public schools: An evidence review. Telethon Kids Institute: Perth, Western Australia.
Peddie, B., Kelly, M., Greengard, T., Whiting, C., & Richardson, S., (2024). Foundational classroom management resources handbook. Australian Education Research Organisation.
Smigelskas, K., Vaiciunas, T., Lukoseviciute, J., Malinowska-Cieslik, M., Melkumova, M., Movsesyan, E., Zaborskis. (2018). Sufficient social support as a possible prevention factor against fighting and bullying in school children, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/324799596_Sufficient_Social_Support_as_a_Possible_Preventive_Factor_against_Fighting_and_Bullying_in_School_Children
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