Evidence-based practices for students with disability
In 2020 the Department of Education commissioned the University of New South Wales to undertake an umbrella review into research conducted on educational supports for students with disability. This research indicated which practices met the threshold of being labelled ‘evidence-based’.
The department’s suite of evidence-based practice resources was created by subject matter experts from Monash University and the NSW Department of Education These practices have been proven to support the learning and wellbeing outcomes for students with disability.
These resources support school staff to choose which evidence-based practice best meets the needs of their student(s) and the skill(s) they need to develop. This information can be accessed online by clicking here.
The introductory module contains decision-making materials about educational stage, disability and skills, parent/carer consultation, and outlines the roles and responsibilities of school staff. It guides department staff in how to plan, personalise, implement, and evaluate evidence-based practices in schools in alignment with the Inclusive Education policy, the Disability Standards for Education 2005 (DSE2005) and Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) adjustment guidelines.