New parent and carer hub: disability

A new online hub has been launched for parents and carers featuring information about the supports available for students with additional learning and support needs or disability.
The one-stop online resource will ensure parents and carers are able to easily find up-to-date information about how to access support.
Parents can also use the hub digitally or access printable sheets on key topics related to their child’s education.
The hub has a tool to help parents and carers know when their child can start school and help with enrolment. Parents and carers will get a personalised timeline when they enter their child’s date of birth. The timeline can be saved to email and SMS reminders can be set-up.
The online resource has been designed specifically for parents and carers. The live resource will continue to be tested and improved to ensure it meets families’ needs. We welcome feedback from parents and carers on the hub, which will continue to be tested and improved to ensure it meets families’ needs.
Parents and carers can always contact their local public school to find out about support available for their child and to ask any questions.
Creating a one-stop online resource with information for families and carers was a key commitment under the Disability Strategy.
Access the parent and carer hub: disability. Please email the Disability Strategy team to provide feedback.