Reading and viewing
How does a reader read and navigate digital and multimodal texts?
Written text:
- reading is linear in nature
- reader has control over how much is read
- reader must follow the linear structure to get meaning
- choice to keep reading or put down
Visual text: – poster, picture book:
- meaning is made by interpretation of visuals and written text
- not necessarily linear in nature
- different reading paths.
- reader/viewer has a choice as to where they focus their attention on image or written text.
Website or ebook:
- reader or viewer needs to be competent in skimming and scanning. Text often in pieces or snippets
- not necessarily linear in nature.– autonomous navigation
- reader or viewer has the choice and responsibility to navigate to the correct page.
- sound can be an option or standard
- reader or viewer may have to process information from three modes
- video clip linear in nature, although it may be cut into shorter clips and jump between scenes
- viewer needs to understand conventions and techniques that show progression of time and place
- viewer has choice to stop and start and replay when appropriate.