Financial Literacy Challenge

Calling all teachers and caregivers! Invest a lesson or two in the new Financial Literacy Challenge to promote the skills and knowledge for your learners to build positive money habits and practice making informed, effective financial decisions.

It is easy to start. Simply choose the appropriate activity for your learners.

Fortunately, you don’t have to do much preparation as the activity will do the heavy lifting for you. Though, we highly recommend you read along and participate in the activities yourself to be ready to assist your learners where needed. The Get Started page link is great to send directly to your learners.

The activities will introduce a scenario in which the learners investigate a financial theme, purchase costs and ongoing expenses, savings goals, budgets and investments. From Year 3 onwards, the activities often culminate in a persuasive writing activity that offers the learners the opportunity to make an evaluation and recommendation. This will bring together the learners ability to make informed financial decisions based on their research and planning.

We think the knowledge and skills from these activities are potentially life-changing and empowering. But we invite you to let us know what you think. Please contact us at

The Financial Literacy Team

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