Text rendering

Collaboratively construct meaning, clarify and expand thinking about a reading.

Duration – 60 minutes

Timing and description for 'A provocative question' protocol
Timing Description


2 minutes

Designate a facilitator (for a larger group) and timekeeper.

Review the norms and purpose for this session.

Key ideas

15 minutes

Each person reads a short selection and highlights one sentence, one phrase and one word from the text that is personally significant.

If the selection is a longer piece, this step may be completed prior to the conversation.

6 minutes

Key sentences

Each person shares a sentence from the reading, referencing the page number and stating why it seems significant.

Members do not discuss the sentences but listen for commonalities.

Key phrases

Each person shares a phrase from the reading, referencing the page number and states why they feel it is significant.

Members do not discuss the sentences but listen for commonalities.

Key words

Each person shares a word from the reading that they feel is significant. The group records these words ready for sharing.


30 minutes

The group looks at the words recorded and discusses what these words have to say about the reading.


2 minutes

Group members comment briefly on how this session supported their understanding and how they might improve on the process.


5 minutes

One group insight is shared with the larger group.

Adapted from Glaude, C (2011) Protocols for Professional Learning Conversations. Cultivating the Art and Discipline. Bloomington: Solution Tree Press

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