Five games to have fun with maths in Years 3 and 4

Games are a fun way to get your child thinking, communicating and reasoning like a mathematician. Here are five games for you to play together.

Four dice on a piece of paper with gridlines. Four dice on a piece of paper with gridlines.


Yahtzee is a great way for your child to enhance their skills in quantifying collections, understanding how numbers work and using operations. Combining both skills and luck, there’s a chance that probability might enter the conversation too!

The object of the game is to get the highest score. Players take turns rolling dice and meeting specific criteria to grow their score. Good luck rolling a Yahtzee!


This game takes maths outdoors. Players take turns to throw a wooden log - the Finska - at a set of numbered pins. Similar to lawn bowls or bowling, the aim of the game is to score exactly 50 points.

Playing Finska involves working with the operations, quantifying collections and using what we know about how numbers work. It also requires mathematical reasoning, problem solving and spatial awareness to hit your target.

You can use this game to explore velocity and risk because they are also underpinned by maths!

The Game Of Life

Does your child wish they were a grown-up already? Here’s a chance for them to give adulthood - and some maths - a trial run.

This board game helps enrich our understanding of working with money by exploring ideas like earning a wage, paying taxes and exploring debt - all whilst using an understanding of the operations and how numbers work. It’ll give your child a glimpse of how maths is used in our daily lives.


Sequence is a game of strategy! Helping your child enrich their understanding of position and probability, the aim of the game is to be the first person to make 2 collections of five tokens in a row. Aside from exploring position and probability, this game is rich in mathematical reasoning.


A classic game, chess is steeped in opportunities to deepen mathematical skills and understanding. Players take turns moving one chess piece at a time until one player is able to capture their opponent's king.

A great game to develop mathematical reasoning and patient problem solving, chess promotes your child’s understanding of concepts such as position, angles and probability.

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