Swimming strokes

With your child and their friends splashing around in the pool, get them to estimate the number of strokes they’ll need to swim from one point to another.

Things you need

  • Access to a pool
  • An adult to supervise
  • A group of family or friends.

The challenge

Step 1

In the pool, ask your child to estimate the number of strokes it'll take them to get from their starting position to the finish point. The finish point can be any position you nominate in the pool.

Step 2

From the same starting position, get the participating swimmers to swim freestyle to the finish point, counting their strokes as they swim.

Step 3

The swimmer whose estimate was closest to the actual number of strokes gets to pick where in the pool the next finish point will be.

The Conversation

What would happen to the number of strokes you'd take if you didn't kick your legs? Let's test it out!

What would happen to the number of strokes if we used a different swim style?

We could get curious about these thins outside of the pool too, for example, how many steps do you think it would take me to walk to the car?

How many steps would it take you?

What are you curious about?

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