Road safety education - Safer behaviours through PDHPE K-6
Road-related crashes are a leading cause of death and serious injury for children and young people in NSW. This professional learning supports K-6 teachers to consider their students’ vulnerabilities as road users within the local school context, enabling them to address the specific risks and support student safety.
In this comprehensive full-day workshop, teachers will:
- utilise the PDHPE K-6 Syllabus (2024) and Safety Town website to develop effective teaching and learning programs tailored to their students' road safety needs
- increase their knowledge and understanding of how to address road safety issues impacting student safety
- explore resources to support effective teaching of road safety to meet their student's learning needs
- review strategies to promote a whole-school approach to road safety.

Casual relief funding is available if your school hasn't attended in the last 4 years.
Optional day 2 workshop - scheduled one week after the first workshop.
Provides teachers with additional support to develop road safety learning experiences / resources, facilitating the effective teaching of road safety and meet their students’ needs.
More information and enrolment details will be provided on day 1.

Attending both workshops provides 10 hours of registered professional learning addressing Australian Professional Standards 2.1.2, 3.4.2, for gaining or maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW.