Balgowlah Heights Public School
Parents encourage and support safe walking to school
The P & C at Balgowlah Heights Public School recently launched their walking school bus. The initiative has been established and coordinated by a parent, Diana Worman, as a way to encourage and support more students to be physically active by walking to and from school, and to reduce traffic congestion in the area.

Diana worked closely with the Road Safety Officer from Northern Beaches Council to plan four walking routes that operate three days per week. Parents from the school volunteer as a walking bus "driver" and students are registered for a route via an online app.
"It's really encouraging as a community to come together and participate in something benefiting ourselves and our kids," Ms Worman said.
Balgowlah Heights Public School principal Judy Goode praised the initiative. "It's not just about the kids being safe. It's also about them learning about safety and being aware of their surroundings."
The P&C at Balgowlah Heights are keen to support other parent groups that may be wanting to start a similar initiative and are more than happy to share their expertise in the planning and development of this whole school initiative. If interested you can contact their P&C via email:
The department encourages parent and carer groups to manage these initiatives rather than schools as there are many considerations before setting one up. Contact your local Road Safety Education Officer for more information about this kind of initiative.