Virtual delivery of Stage 6 Life Ready: Teaching the skills through safe travel workshop
Virtual delivery of the Stage 6 Life Ready: Teaching the skills through safe travel workshop has challenged this status quo with teachers across the state recently embarking on this new way of learning. And the results speak for themselves so say:
- Tottenham CS: the PL was delivered very effectively using Adobe Connect
- Cabramatta HS: thanks for putting so much effort and time into helping us!
- Nimbin CS: this was a really worthwhile and supportive professional learning opportunity which I hope to be able to share with the school to improve student learning
As a result of Covid restrictions, the education sector along with the rest of the world was faced with a very new and different way of learning, teaching, delivering and working. We saw this as the perfect opportunity to jump on board so that we could continue to support NSW schools with road safety education.
The road safety education team busily restructured what are traditionally face to face professional learning workshops to be delivered in an online virtual platform. We were able to include many of the interactive elements of our workshops using the features of the Adobe platform.
Even though teachers were faced with a full day in front of the computer screen the flexibility of the virtual delivery allowed them to join in from a variety of locations, some working from home and others joining us from their school staffrooms. Another bonus is that anyone anywhere across the state could join in with north, south, east and western NSW teachers able to share and collaborate bringing different perspectives to the discussions.
Term 3 will see more of our road safety education professional learning workshops being delivered in an online virtual manner via Adobe connect and zoom. Distance and travel are no longer barriers for teachers participating in accredited road safety education professional learning.
For dates and registrations details for term 3 for Life Ready: Teaching the skills through Safe Travel (RG05441)
Read about our other professional learning workshops which are virtually delivered on the department’s Road Safety Education webpage.