Walk Safely to School Day at Belmore South PS
Walk Safely to School Day can just be the beginning of encouraging families to regularly walk to school.

Friday 17 May was Walk Safely to School Day and Belmore South Public School celebrated with almost all of their 300 students and supporting parents and carers. Students and families walking to school were being greeted by students dressed in crazy socks at the school gate as they were handing out the Walk Safely to School stickers to raise everyone's awareness about the day.
Students entered the school decorated with colour and images of active travel, delicious fresh fruit, veggies, bread and bottled water that was donated by the local community. They played music in the background that added to the festive feel.
Teachers, students, and the wider community shared breakfast together, and those celebrating Ramadan got to take some food home for the evening. There were colouring in pages for students to decorate their own crazy sock and they continued the discussion of how they got to school safely that morning in class. The benefits of physical activity and reducing local traffic congestion around the school.
The Principal, Lurlene Mitchell, used the opportunity to discuss with parents and carers what is a safety door (back passenger side) and why it makes students exiting vehicles safer.
All students were involved in pre and post activities throughout the month of May about keeping safe on and near roads, including what the road safety message of STOP, LOOK, LISTEN, THINK really means and how to safely use their pedestrian crossing outside the school.
Belmore South Public School is continually working on how to make the entry and exiting of their students safer.
Walk Safely to School Day doesn't just have to be one day let's make it every day.