Planning, programming and resources

Resources and sample programs

K-6 support

One week plans, two week learning sequences and useful links to support programming and planning.

7-10 support

Sample virtual programs, advice on social distancing and useful links to support programming and planning.

11-12 support

Sample programs, advice on social distancing and useful links to support programming of Stage 6 subjects including VET.

Early learning resources

Resources for teachers to support children’s learning in the early years.

Expectations for learning from home

Support for delivering learning from home.

Universal design for learning

A framework which helps teachers design teaching and learning that supports all students.

Diversity and inclusion

Supporting Aboriginal, culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD), and refugee students. Guidance for differentiation to support high potential and gifted students.

Evidence-based practice and research

Evidence-based support for learning and teaching at home.

Digital learning opportunities

Explore virtual excursions, tours and digital resources available from the department and external providers.

Assessment advice

Tools, advice and support for teachers assessing student learning in a mixed digital and face-to-face classroom.

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