This guide is designed to support school leaders to use the HIPL model when planning professional learning at a whole school or team level.
Use this guide to plan for, select, implement and evaluate professional learning that is focused on the needs of students within your school context. Using this process will ensure your new learning will have maximum impact on student progress and achievement.
This process supports teachers to engage in a cycle of continuous professional learning as described in the Professional learning for teachers and school staff procedure.
The professional learning you access might be sourced from the department or external vendors. It might include microlearning to support curriculum reform, literacy and numeracy learning or subject-specific content.
Other resources, such as CESE guides, academic papers and resources on the Universal Resource Hub might also provide a foundation for the cycle of professional learning or add content and support to the learning program.
Purpose of resource
This guide is designed to support school leaders to use the High Impact Professional Learning model to plan, implement and evaluate professional learning at a whole school or team level.
This process supports teachers to engage in a cycle of continuous professional learning as described in the Professional learning for teachers and school staff procedure within the School Excellence policy.
This resource supports school leaders to plan, implement and evaluate a cycle of continuous professional learning that is focused on strengthening teaching practice. It will support the application of the High Impact Professional Learning (HIPL) model and ensure professional learning will have maximum impact on student growth and performance.
Target audience
School leadership teams and aspiring leaders can use this resource to lead and plan professional learning focused on strengthening teaching practice.
When and how to use
The resource should be used as part of school planning to support coherence in the planning of professional learning aligned with school improvement measures. It will support the development of plans that consider resourcing and structural requirements to implement high-impact professional learning.
School leadership teams and aspiring leaders might use this guide:
to plan for, select, implement and evaluate professional learning that is focused on strengthening teaching practice and the needs of students within a school context
to ensure professional learning will have maximum impact on student growth and performance when applied in practice
at the start of a planning cycle to embed professional learning within the SEP and IPMs
when working with specific teams to address key goals or priorities – eg implementation of new K-2 curriculum
The resource includes an implementation guide, a planning template and an illustration of practice which provides an example of what application of the resource looks like in a school context, including suggested time frames.
Research base
This resource is informed by and aligns to the department’s High Impact Professional Learning (HIPL) model which is embedded in the Professional learning for teachers and schools staff procedure within the School Excellence policy. The HIPL model is underpinned by extensive research about teacher professional learning to ensure that professional learning in schools has maximum impact on student growth and performance.
Alignment to system priorities and/or needs – This resource supports teachers and school leaders to implement the department’s Professional learning for teachers and school staff procedure within the School Excellence policy.
Alignment to School Excellence Framework – This resource aligns with the following elements and themes within the School Excellence Framework:
Teaching domain > Learning and development > Professional learning
Leading domain > Educational leadership > Leading, teaching and learning
Alignment to Our Plan for NSW Public Education – This resource aligns with the following themes:
Support staff development through high-quality and accessible professional learning
Support schools to deliver school excellence through continuous improvement
Strengthen educational and instructional leadership
Alignment with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers – 6.1.4, 6.3.4, 6.4.4
Consulted with: Literacy and Numeracy, Curriculum and Reform, LEED and Quality Teaching Practice teams
Reviewed by: Director, Quality Teaching Practice and Executive Director, Teaching Quality and Impact
Related resources
- Professional learning for teachers and school staff procedures
- School excellence policy
- High Impact Professional Learning website
- Enhancing teacher capabilities pages on School Excellence in Action website
- CESE - 'What works best' toolkit
- Curriculum professional learning K-12
- Using student work samples to evaluate impact
- Photovoice
- CESE - Guide to evidence-based models of collaborative inquiry
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- Download a printable version of the Professional learning planning guide (PDF 140kB)
- Download the Professional learning planning guide template (PDF 66kB)
- Review an illustration of practice: Primary school (PDF 124kB)