Applying for an executive role

Vacant PSSE roles are advertised across multiple online platforms including I work for NSW as well as seek, toozly, and career one. When applying for a PSSE role, applicants should familiarise themselves with the recruitment process, the NSW Public Sector Capability Framework, and the role description which is usually attached to the advertising.

Applying for a public service senior executive (PSSE) role

The recruitment process for all PSSE roles is in line with The Government Sector Employment Act 2013 (GSE Act) which provides the legislative framework for government employment in NSW. The GSE Act establishes two main employment groups, the government sector, and within that, the public service. The Teaching Service is part of the government sector.

The GSE Act governs the recruitment of PSSEs.

Merit principles to be applied in employment decisions

Any employment decision relating to a role in the Public Service is to be based on an assessment of the capabilities, experience and knowledge of the person concerned against the pre-established standards for the role to determine the person best suited to the requirements of the role and the needs of the relevant Public Service agency.

Components of the comparative assessment

When you apply for an externally advertised PSSE role, you will be required to undergo a comparative assessment process. Comparative assessment for a role is the process of assessing an individual’s claim against:

  1. the pre-established standards for the role; and
  2. any other claimants for the role.

The process includes the following:

  1. screening for essential requirements such as qualifications or licence
  2. reviewing an application and resume
  3. at least three capability-based assessments, one of which is an interview
  4. referee checks.

After the interview process

The panel will convene after the interview process and decide which candidate(s) will progress to referee checks.

Referee checks

Two referee checks are required. Applicant referees should be professional referees from the last 3 years, who have known the applicant for a minimum period of 6 months in a professional context, and at least one referee should be a current or recent (within the last 2 years) line manager of the applicant. Only nominated referees will be contacted.

Offer of employment

Once the panel has finalised a decision on which candidate(s) will be recommended for employment, the final shortlisted candidate will be notified that they are recommended for offer subject to Secretary approval.

Who will see my assessment results?

Your results will only be used for the purpose of assessing your suitability for the role you have applied for. Your results will be made available to the interview panel for recruitment purposes.

Will I be notified of the outcome of my application?

Yes, all candidates should receive notification usually via email to advise of the outcome of an application.


  • Education support operations
  • Group or division
  • Human resources
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