Your child's participation
The information on this page is for parents and carers and how they can support their child to participate in the NSW Public Schools Student Survey.
If you do not want your child to complete the survey, you are welcome to fill out the opt-out consent form. Schools will provide you with the form before running the student survey. You must return the form to the school.
About the survey
The NSW Public Schools Student Survey asks students about their experiences at school. Key topics in the survey include sense of belonging, teaching practices and engagement.
The survey takes around 10 to 15 minutes to complete.
Explaining the survey to your child
- Your child will be filling out an online survey called the NSW Public Schools Student Survey.
- This survey is an opportunity for your child to let their school know how they are going at school.
- The survey will ask your child how engaged they are with their learning, whether they feel supported at school, and more.
- Your child’s responses are confidential, which means the school and their teachers will not know how they have answered.
- Please encourage your child to answer as honestly as they can. There are no right or wrong answers. The school wants to hear what students think, and responses will help to improve their school and better understand student needs.
- If your child doesn’t understand a question, they can ask their teacher for help.
- Your child can skip any question they don’t want to answer.
- If your child feels distressed while completing the survey, they can speak to their teacher or the school counsellor/psychologist. At the end of the survey, there is also the contact information for the Kids Helpline (1800 55 1800) and a link to make a report to the eSafety Commissioner if your child is experiencing cyberbullying.