Volume 31 2012

Issue 1
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In this issue:
- Fantasy fan fiction and community by Victor Davidson
- Exploring iPads in learning by Lisa Nash
- Evolvability: a world of persistent ambient digital culture by Dean Groom
- Curiouser and curiouser ... a reading wonderland by Cathy Sly
- Looking at the comical side of life by Seth Fitisemanu and Renee Hunt
- Kellyville High iPad trial by Ingrid Simpson
- 2012 student challenges
- Peer reviewed article - The impact of technology on reading practices for 21C learners by Alyson Simpson and Maureen Walsh
- The Best Start and Talented Kindergarten Curriculum Differentiation Project by Dr Angela Chessman
- Cybersafety in the classroom: looking toward the future by Kellie Britnell
- Web filtering unpacked by Elaine Talbert
- Resource reviews
Issue 2
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In this issue:
- So you think they can learn? by Judy O'Connell
- Teachers as designers of learning by Mark Burgess
- iPads in action by Audrey Nay
- Peer reviewed article - Building a school based professional learning network by Beryl Morris and Lyn Hay
- Tablet technology in the classroom by Next Practice team
- Digital citizenship: support for schools by Leonie Wittman
- Digital opportunities for all by Stacey Allen
- Geography Challenge 2012
- Resource reviews
Issue 3
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In this issue:
- Where the rich texts are: Sendak's influence by Catherine Thomson
- Something magical with Libby Hathorn by Libby Hathorn and Joachim Cohen
- Endanger Ranger - Western Walkabout by Kristy Robberts
- Peer reviewed article - School libraries as pedagogical centres by Dr Ross J Todd
- Peer reviewed article - Critical literacy and interactivity in a Year 1 classroom by Laetitia Kilpatrick and Tony Loughland
- Resourcing curriculum is everybody’s business by Colleen Foley
- TeachMeet: Sydney and beyond by Tash Bryceson
- Book Week 2012: read ... rap ... celebrate! by Colleen Foley
- Resource reviews
Issue 4
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In this issue:
- Ebooks for leisure and learning by Colleen Foley
- Students create ebooks by Wendy Dawson
- Murder under the Microscope 2012: Lament in the lucky country by Catherine Nielsen
- The MuM diaries by Belinda Doyle and Robyn Greenhalgh
- MuM: Thirrouligan sleuths by Sharon McGuiness
- Peer reviewed article - iPads and Kindergarten students' literacy development by Matthew Jones
- Australian curriculum in New South Wales by Raju Varanasi
- Assisting students to be MoneySmart by Colleen Blancato
- Indonesian: where it can take you! by Lyndall Franks
- Readings by the river by Sue Hillery
- The Library Café by Nigel Paull
- Local champions read by Julie Lake
- Igniting the reading spirit by Katherine Hannaford
- Resource reviews