Volume 32 2013

Issue 1
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In this issue:
- Professional learning for new curriculum by Steve Wilkins and Tim Gorrod
- A perfect match: Guided Inquiry and iPad technology by Jenny Scheffers and Kylie Bryant
- Riding the research wave in the Illawarra by Sharon McGuinness
- Specialised work: being literate for school by Professor Peter Freebody
- Peer reviewed article - Point of view in picture books and animated movie adaptations by Professor Len Unsworth
- Stories from the new digital space by Linden Hyatt
- Teaching Aboriginal languages: strategies for engaging learners by Donna McLaren
- English K-10 syllabus Q&A by Catherine Thomson
- Resource reviews, including:
- SPaRK (Australian curriculum springboard) - English Stage 5: multimodal texts by Cathy Sly
Issue 2
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In this issue:
- Picture books: engaging students in numeracy by Jennifer McCredie
- Comic serials: dynamic literature by Sue Murray
- Integrating Year 6 History curriculum by Alison Mackenzie
- Peer reviewed article - Learning in the Asian Century by Dr Peter Gould
- The Literacy continuum K–10: a vital tool for all teachers by Michael Murray
- The NSW English syllabus for the Australian curriculum by Prue Greene
- Google Apps in the NSW DEC by Joachim Cohen and Kelly Burke
- Resource reviews, including:
- SPaRK (Australian curriculum springboard) - How are different cultures represented in texts? by Sue Morton
- SPaRK (Australian curriculum springboard) - Think imaginatively, creatively, interpretively and critically by Heather Gardiner
- SPaRK (Australian curriculum springboard) - What are the connections between these texts?
- SPaRK (Australian curriculum springboard) - Design a toy for a class museum
- SPaRK (Australian curriculum springboard) - What was life like for First Fleet settlers? by Ruth Higginbottom
- SPaRK (Australian curriculum springboard) - The Gallipoli campaign
Issue 3
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In this issue:
- National reading blitz by Cath Keane
- The real 3 Rs: relationships, relevance and rigour by Tim Gorrod
- New opportunities for collaboration and research by Margaret McEwan
- Learning assistance library by Alanna Sydes
- Peer reviewed article - The Book Bank program by Dr Susan Harriman
- Programming for the NSW syllabus for the Australian curriculum English by Catherine Thomson
- Web filtering Q&A
- Resource reviews, including:
- SPaRK (Australian curriculum springboard) - Cultivating visual literacy by Cathy Sly
- SPaRK (Australian curriculum springboard) - How do authors and illustrators use humour to engage readers?
- SPaRK (Australian curriculum springboard) - How do authors inspire us to empathise with characters?
- SPaRK (Australian curriculum springboard) - How do language features and images shape a reader’s understanding of subject matter? by Sally Rasaiah
- SPaRK (Australian curriculum springboard) - How is artistry evident in quality literature?
- SPaRK (Australian curriculum springboard) - Voices from the past by Cathy Sly
- SPaRK (Australian curriculum springboard) - We owe it to each other to tell stories by Cathy Sly
- SPaRK (Australian curriculum springboard) - Australians All: A History of Growing up from the Ice Age to The Apology by Gaye Braiding
- SPaRK (Australian curriculum springboard) - Bushland Lullaby by Sally Rasaiah
Issue 4
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In this issue:
- NSW DEC Scootle is here by Allan Booth
- Smashing apps by Laura Chaffey
- Learning resources: engaging with Asia by Ian Simpson
- Connecting with India by Carla Gillis and Stephen Nicholas
- Peer reviewed article - Issues in assessment of general capabilities by Dr Robert Stevens
- Designing inclusive digital learning environments by Greg Alchin
- Asia and Australia's engagement with Asia by Anne Southwell
- Confucius Institute by Evelyn Man
- New website supports Asia in the curriculum by Elisabeth Robertson
- Tap into apps by Jo Woodrow
- Resource reviews, including:
- SPaRK (Australian curriculum springboard) - Big Red Kangaroo by Gaye Braiding
- SPaRK (Australian curriculum springboard) - How does creative language contribute to engagement and meaning?
- SPaRK (Australian curriculum springboard) - How has the local community changed? by Gaye Braiding
- SPaRK (Australian curriculum springboard) - A Wrinkle in Time: The Graphic Novel by Cathy Sly
- SPaRK (Australian curriculum springboard) - The Legend of the Phoenix Dragon by Cathy Sly
- SPaRK (Australian curriculum springboard) - Dandelion by Therese Kenny
- SPaRK (Australian curriculum springboard) - Rules of Summer by Cathy Sly
- SPaRK (Australian curriculum springboard) - A New Year’s Reunion by Gaye Braiding