Volume 35 2016

Issue 1
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In this issue:
- Showcasing evidence based practice by Jenny Scheffers and Najwa Joukhdar
- Collaboration and the power of team teaching by Lizzie Chase
- Oliver supporting learning at Thirroul Public School: an Oliver lighthouse school by Sonya Engelen
- Finding the heart of English by Prue Greene
- Geography K–10: Creating active global citizens by Jennifer Curtis
- Mindfulness-based social and emotional learning: a new approach to promoting positive development in young people by Joseph Ciarrochi and Louise Hayes
- Resource reviews, including:
- SPaRK - How the sun got to Coco’s house by Sally Rasaiah
- SPaRK - Desert visions: Topography of the psyche. Mapping a network of practice by Helen Yip
- SPaRK - Sister heart by Jennifer Duvall
- SPaRK - Kerenza: A new Australian by Rosanne Hawke by Gaye Braiding
- Multicultural education resources supplement: Volume 3
Issue 2
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In this issue:
- STEM education: the story so far by the STEM education advisory team
- Digital technologies by Allan Booth
- The will, the skill and the understanding by Peter Gould
- Using Oliver to engage learners by Colleen Foley
- Rough medicine: a Twitter tour by Evonne Webb
- Peer reviewed article - A science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) review of the research by June Wall
- Resource reviews, including:
- SPaRK - Video physics by David Randall
- SPaRK - PhET: interactive simulations for science and math by Jenny Perry
- SPaRK - Remote sensing and GIS in agriculture by David Randall
- SPaRK - How do we know there is life on Mars? Mars Lab by Alice Leung
- SPaRK - How does genetic engineering affect us? Genetically Engineered Crops by Alice Leung
- SPaRK - Improving everyday life with robotics. Engibear's Dream by Amanda Lee
- SPaRK - Soil biology
- SPaRK - Our social environment: meeting the needs of users. Kid Architects and Sustainable Design by Amanda Lee
- SPaRK - Surviving natural disasters. Cyclone by Amanda Lee
- SPaRK - Footpath Flowers by Cath Keane
Issue 3
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In this issue:
- Text selection by Catherine Thomson
- Preparing to work with textual concepts in K–6 English by Mel Dixon
- Demystifying the big ideas of English by Elizabeth Williams
- The Quality Literature Corridor at Cammeray Public School by Sally Rasaiah
- A wonderful world of words by Geoffrey McSkimming
- Peer reviewed article - Children’s literature in the digital world: How does multimodality support affective, aesthetic and critical response to narrative? by Alyson Simpson and Maureen Walsh. An extended abstract by June Wall
- Resource reviews, including:
- SPaRK - The Day the Crayons Quit by Kelly Hodkinson
- SPaRK - The Duck and the Darklings by Amanda Gilligan, Vicky Valensise and Mira Najdovska
- SPaRK - Fabulous Frogs by Mira Najdovska
- SPaRK - Lightning Jack by Mira Najdovska and Sally Rasaiah
- SPaRK - Me, Teddy by Kelly Hodkinson
- SPaRK - The Right Word: Roget and his Thesaurus by Kelly Hodkinson
- SPaRK - Suri's Wall by Amanda Gilligan and Mira Najdovska
- SPaRK - A Tale of Two Beasts by Sally Rasaiah and Kelly Hodkinson
- SPaRK - The Wolf's Story: What Really Happened to Little Red Riding Hood by Amanda Gilligan and Mira Najdovska
- SPaRK - US-CERT. Tips by Paul Soares
- SPaRK - How Bridges Work by Darren Monte
- SPaRK - How Stuff Works by Darren Monte
- Multicultural education resources supplement: Volume 4
Issue 4
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In this issue:
- Collaboration for future learning by Steve Wilkins and Eric Land
- Connect locally, learn globally by Chris Robertson
- Learning creatively with STEM by Chris Hopkins
- Future focused learning – step forward and lead by example by Marlene Filippi
- Peer reviewed article - Choosing to teach with quality literature: from reading (through talk) to writing by Alyson Simpson
- Resource reviews, including:
- SPaRK - Alice by Darren Monte
- SPaRK - On the River by Kelly Hodkinson