Volume 10 1991

Issue 1
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In this issue:
- Journey into the imagination by Diana Kidd
- The multiskilled teacher-librarian by Darelyn Dawson
- Library Policy CICG final report by Sandra Sleeman
- Will you please listen: I have something to say by Fay Gardiner
- Literacy across the curriculum: School Development Day at Liverpool Girls High School by Brian Miller
- The challenges of small school teacher-librarianship by Geraldine White, Libby O'Connor, Dianne McInnes and Christine Ray
- AV copyright hits the screen
- Promoting NCIN/ACIN in your school by Nigel Paull
- CD-ROM buyer: be informed or beware by Peter Day
- ASCIS subject headings list update by Ann Parry
- Resource reviews
- Columns.
Issue 2
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In this issue:
- Real! Bearable! And believable! Paul Jennings talks to Fay Gardiner
- School archives: a personal lament by Jim Fletcher
- The pursuit of excellence and effectiveness: a matter of vision by Ross J. Todd
- Treat Yourself: Professionally. The 12th Biennial Conference of the Australian School Library Association
- New directions and a new book for Libby Gleeson by Graham Spindler
- Nutcote now by Graham Spindler
- You should see us now! The school library program at Mittagong Public School by Robyn Karakasch
- Celebrating information skills by Doreen Teasdale
- Online services for schools by Vicki Lowery
- Meeting the NCIN challenge in Met South West by Virginia Elliott
- ASCIS curriculum information services by Ann Parry and Nigel Paull
- Of camels and horses: collection development in school libraries by Liz Bowring
- ASCIS cataloguing services by Ann Parry
- OASIS Library prep
- Resource reviews
- Columns.
Issue 3
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In this issue:
- A window on Jeannie Baker by Jill Buckley
- From Norman Gunston to Misery guts: Morris Gleitzman talks to Michelle Ellis
- Repackaging in the post-microwave society by Marion Robertson
- Selling information skills: the mission by Martha Heeren
- Down by the river: a cooperatively planned unit with a home grown flavour by Linda Jones and Tish Creenaume
- Putting the planning into CPPT by Fay Gardiner
- It takes two to tango by Alison Glasscock
- OASIS ... easier than I thought by Laureen Shepherd
- Budgeting: Adapted from the management module of the School-based support course for teacher-librarians
- Educating to change the world by David Foley
- Using the NCIN microfiche by Nigel Paull
- New additions to NCIN
- Great ideas
- Resource reviews
- Columns.
Issue 4
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In this issue:
- Greetings from Crusher's best mate by Fay Gardiner
- Information Skills, Information Technologies and the Teacher Librarian by Toni Downes
- Writing for children by Fay Gardiner
- Teacher-librarians and survival of the species: united we stand, divided we fall! by James Henri
- A reviewer writes ... by Jill Buckley
- SLASA role statement for teacher-librarians
- The CIA and US: changing information awareness, useful strategies by Ross Todd
- Distance education, Dubbo style by Maureen Nicol
- Inter-library loan: resources to support the curriculum by Beth McLaren
- Realising goals
- Powerhouse, power learning by Elizabeth Schaffer
- Working together at St Clair High by Jackie Hawkes
- From devastation to restoration by Michelle Simpson
- What can OASIS Library do for you? by Gail Henley
- Resource reviews
- Columns.