Volume 24 2005

Issue 1
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In this issue:
- The power of the circle: encouraging rapacious readers by Anne Cleary
- Book raps supporting literacy in the English Years 7-10 syllabus by Lee Cutler
- Premier's Reading Challenge 2004 – a huge success!! by Rosie Charles
- The teacher-librarian collaborating to implement the Premier's Reading Challenge at Darlington Public School by Daisy Lee
- The information process supporting investigating scientifically by Harry Vassila
- Providing learning opportunities at Barnier Public School: integrating information skills and ICT by Jane Gee
- Educational technologies for students who have disabilities by Andrew Downie
- My first community: student literacy project by Christine Johnson
- Research columns
- Research column one, 2005 by Dr Ross J. Todd
- Research abstracts
- Teacher-librarians supporting implementation of the new Years 7-10 syllabuses for Creative Arts by Reg Newitt
- Centre for Learning Innovation http://www.tale.edu.au: Promoting and fostering innovation in teaching and learning by Karen White
- Time to teach – time to learn: progress of the implementation of the ELTIS report recommendations
- Noticeboard
- Resource reviews.
Issue 2
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In this issue:
- ICT: Integral to the curriculum by ]an Reynolds
- The intranet: more than just an access point to the Internet by Gavin Sanders
- Video readings of picture books by Sean McLoughlin
- Collaboration to support gifted and talented students in Stage 4 by Lizzie Chase and Lynden Mansfield
- Research columns
- Research column two, 2005 by Colleen Foley
- Teacher-librarians making a difference: providing the evidence by Sandra Ryan and Vicki Hudson
- The Review of Aboriginal Education by Cindy Berwick
- Bidialectal pilot research project 2002-2004 by Betty Noad
- What's new in gifted and talented education by Angela Chessman
- Intel®Teach to the Future by Sally Blackwell
- Leadership in ICT: a teacher-librarian becomes a Master Trainer by Joanne Wilkinson
- Related ICT reviews
- Noticeboard
- Resource reviews.
Issue 3
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In this issue:
- Providing cognitive ramps to the curriculum: cognitively inclusive library programs for students with moderate to severe intellectual disability by Veneta Aimes and Philip Brown
- How do we meet the challenge of diversity? by Brian Smyth King
- Resources supporting teaching and learning: using resources and reviews in the classroom by Michele Busch
- Balancing a new curriculum, ICT and resources by Jackie Hawkes
- Evaluating and using resources in teaching and learning by Bronwyn Hull
- Sample teaching ideas for using Scan in teaching and learning by Cath Keane
- Website review lesson ideas by Shelley Jensen
- Integrating ICT in teaching and learning online modules by Frances Plummer
- Online modules engage teachers and students developing critical literacy by Kenn Wood
- Research columns
- Research column three, 2005 by Dr Ross J. Todd
- Teacher-librarians and the leading of learning by Dr Ross J. Todd
- Subverting fairytales by Kerry Underhill
- Old tales, new readers by Judith Ridge
- Connected Outcomes Group (COGs) making teaching manageable and meaningful by Lee Brown
- Quality teaching in NSW public schools: phase three, assessment practice by Therese Doyle
- Science in Context: schools working with Aboriginal communities by Bob Percival
- Noticeboard
- Resource reviews.
Issue 4
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In this issue:
- Teachers working together to develop quality teaching at Belmore Boys High School by Kathy Rushton, Kareena Momdjian, and Cathie Harrison
- One small step: evidence based practice at Warilla High School by Marion Hing
- Integrating literacy strategies and ICT skills to support the Premier's Reading Challenge by Di Johnston
- Including all students in the Premier's Reading Challenge by Rosie Charles
- Multiliteracies: another dimension of information literacy by Charmayne Hodgman
- Journey into Stage 6 by Janelle Skinner
- Taking peer tutoring one step further at East Hills Boys High School by Susan Turnbull and Lynda Stuart-Muirk
- Establishing a new library by Mandy Kirk
- Research columns
- Research column four, 2005 by Dr Ross J. Todd
- The leading of learning and evidence based practice – Part 2 by Dr Ross J. Todd
- Boys' education initiatives by Andrew Anderson
- National Literacy and Numeracy Week 2005 by Bernard Pryor
- Gateways to learning by Ruth Mason
- Child protection education by Wendy Alford
- Le Francais au travail-creation d'un site web Vocational learning in French by Helene Bartleson
- Noticeboard
- Resource reviews.