Volume 27 2008

Issue 1
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In this issue:
- OASIS Web Enquiry welcomed by Colleen Foley
- Exploring OASIS Web Enquiry for Web 2.0 by Ian McLean
- OASIS Web Enquiry supporting young readers by Robert Feny
- Students using OASIS Web Enquiry by Kate Westoby
- Using OASIS Web Enquiry to support teaching and learning by Julie Williams
- Digital movie making in the library by Rhonda Parnis
- Technology and learning: demystifying Web 2.0 technologies by Tracy Considine
- Girls: engaging and participating in 1CT activities by Ulla Bendt and Deborah Weeks
- Winds of change by Teny Wylie
- Embracing and managing change by Robyn Morley
- Research columns
- Research column one, 2008: Shared learning, shared knowledge by Dr Ross J. Todd
- Collaboration: force or forced? Part 2 by Dr Linda Gibson-Langford
- Research column one, 2008: Shared learning, shared knowledge by Dr Ross J. Todd
- Working with community to support reading by Margaret Cossey
- Planning, programming and assessing using English Programming Support by Annalies van Westenbrugge
- The Premier's Reading Challenge: a journey of pleasure to destinations unknown by Trish Anderson
- Noticeboard
- Resource reviews.
Issue 2
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In this issue:
- Happily blogging @ Belmore South by Kim Pericles
- Using ICT to inspire hesitant writers in Stages 3 and 4 by Lizzie Chase
- School Libraries Leading Learning conference: a joint ASLA (NSW) Inc. and School Libraries and Information Literacy initiative by Colleen Foley
- How can teacher librarians support technology learning? by Harry Vassila, Julie King and Lyndall Foster
- Research column two, 2008: The dynamics of classroom teacher and teacher librarian instructional collaborations by Dr Ross J. Todd
- The importance of Human Society and Its Environment, global education and Asia by Pauline Sheppard
- NSW HSC Online updates by Sue Martin
- The Connected Learning Awards: combining creativity and collaborative learning by Ruth Mason
- Connected Learning Advisory Service (CLAS) by Kelly Stephens
- Noticeboard
- Resource reviews.
Issue 3
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In this issue:
- A snapshot of interactivity at Wiley Park Public School library by Gillian Mangle
- Time to start rapping into the 21st century by Cath Keane
- Digital movie making II: Hollywood comes to us by Dr Tom Benjamin
- The resonance of fairytales — sources and extrapolations. Part 1: Tales across time by Cathy Sly
- Research columns
- Research column three, 2008: Teacher librarians: catalysts in instructional collaborations for authentic learning by Dr Ross J. Todd
- A qualitative study of teacher and librarian collaboration: a preliminary report by Dr Patricia Montiel-Overall
- The Boys' and Girls' Education Strategy: a framework to address 1CT in the classroom by Leah Anderson
- Web 2.0 tools for teaching and learning by Grant Casey
- DAISY offers a literacy revolution by Andrew Downie
- Online projects: revealing what it means to be authentic by Dr Susan Harriman
- Connected Classrooms Program by Sue Beveridge
- Finding IWB resources on TaLe by Kevin O'Gorman
- Noticeboard
- Resource reviews.
Issue 4
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In this issue:
- Connected Classrooms creating learning communities using video conferencing technology and Quality Teaching by Jane Hunter and Sue Beveridge
- An interview with Queenie Chan: Aussie queen of manga by Cath Keane
- New literacies, New York & Web 2.0: a little insider knowledge is a helpful thing! by Dr Jon Callow
- School library websites virtually extending learning support
- The resonance of fairy tales — sources and extrapolations. Part 2: Time for the tales by Cathy Sly
- Research columns
- Research column four, 2008: Evidence based education: taking up the challenge by Dr Ross J. Todd
- Guided Inquiry: a learning journey by Jenny Scheffers
- Sharing the fun: how teacher librarians can join English teachers on the adventure of the new HSC English Prescriptions by Michael Murray
- National Literacy and Numeracy Week 2008 by Bernard Piyor
- Collaborating in assessment: the teacher librarian's role by Sharon McGowan
- Noticeboard
- Resource reviews.