Volume 7 1988

Issue 1
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In this issue:
- The impact of technology on teaching and learning by Alan Pratt
- Sharing books – reading aloud to children by Barbara Fienberg
- The Bicentennial – how do I know what's going on? by Murray McLachlan
- Promoting the Policy: South Coast implementation plan by Bryan Cowling
- Cooperative program planning and teaching: what's all the fuss about? by Merran Dawson
- Cooperative program planning and teaching (CPPT) at Mt Kuring-gai Public School: cooperating with a two day a week teacher-librarian by Margaret Eden
- Curriculum priorities for 1988
- The State Library: a new service for schools
- ASCIS: curriculum information for all schools
- Information Services Branch – support to teachers and schools
- Resource reviews
- The one-day teacher-librarian by Jennifer Peasley
- ASCIS: dial-up users
- NCIN/ACIN microfiche
- Leading questions
- Columns.
Issue 2
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In this issue:
- Information skills: preparing students for the information society by Joyce Kirk
- Susan Cooper interviewed by Penny Hall
- Staff development program for 1988 by Joan Healy
- Exchanging ideas: cooperative program planning and teaching in a Canadian primary school by Suzanne Leslie
- Cooperative program planning and teaching (CPPT) at Mt Kuring-gai Public School. Part II by Margaret Eden
- Computing Studies Syllabus years 7-10 by Bob Baker
- Literature searches – why, how, where? by Robyn Owens
- Modems
- Projects in progress : current curriculum initiatives in schools by Mary Jane Stannus
- Resource reviews
- Technology, library catalogues and ASCIS by Ann Parry
- Supporting the curriculum in a new school by Jackie Hawkes
- Leading questions
- Curriculum documents
- Columns.
Issue 3
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In this issue:
- Electronic mail: its benefits for students and teachers by Martha Heeren
- Australian Children's Book of the Year Award: the short list
- Introducing change in schools by Robyn Laverack
- The new geography 11-12 syllabus by Brian Ralph
- But who's going to teach them literature? by Marjorie Lobban
- Library Services and the Library Policy: progress report by Merran Dawson
- Selecting software for your school or class by Tricia Berman
- The Inservice Education Library by Robyn Owens
- Resource reviews
- An instant professional collection with a lot of help from NCIN/ACIN by Christine Spink
- ASCIS subject headings list additions and changes
- Columns.
Issue 4
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In this issue:
- Nadia Wheatley interview
- Looking back from Menai High by Jeni Black
- Keylink: a case study by Therese Clancy
- Flexible scheduling by Kevin Channells
- Information skills by Joan Cobb
- Promoting literature
- Getting the Library Policy up and running by Merran Dawson
- Indexing and abstracting services by Robyn Owens
- New staff for Information by Services Branch
- Resource reviews
- Leading question
- Copyright
- Columns.
Issue 5
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In this issue:
- Studies Directorate: What do we do? by Dr Ken Eltis
- The Library Policy in Metropolitan West Region by Reg Pollock
- Cooperative program planning and teaching (CPPT) in the secondary school by Niki Kallenberger
- Time to negotiate by Merran Dawson
- Syllabus in English years 7-10 by Dorothy Hoddinott
- KOALA and cooperative planning and teaching by Liz Bowring
- CD-ROM – the future today by Robyn Owens
- ASCIS development by Georgina Cane
- Watch for the PEP in NCIN
- NCIN leading question
- Becoming a dial-up user of ASCIS services by Barbara Paull
- Leading questions
- Resource reviews
- Columns.
Issue 6
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In this issue:
- Library Policy stop press by Merran Dawson
- My writing by Simon French
- Electronic bulletin boards and libraries by Dr L. Anne Clyde
- Becoming a teacher-librarian the Riverina-Murray Institute way by James Henri
- Information skills in action by Robyn Laverack
- Time management: some tips by Robyn Laverack Marjorie Lobban
- The film and video library: fifty years on by Barrie Brown
- Support for the integration of handicapped students in schools by Mark Clayton
- NCIN/ACIN: promoting the service
- ASCIS dial-up and library organisation by Alison Glasscock, Robyn Auton and Kathleen Buchanan
- Leading question
- Resource reviews
- Columns.
Issue 7
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In this issue:
- Prepararation for OASIS Library by Beth McLaren
- So much to tell you ... by John Marsden
- An interview with Paula Danziger
- Preparing for inspection by Kevin Channells and Ingrid Simpson
- Teleconference report
- The Library Policy and staff development courses
- The impact of library automation on services to users by Robyn Owens
- Using ASCIS dial-up for selection by Murray McLachlan
- Streamlining management in the library by Robyn Laverack
- Cataloguing computer software by Niki Kallenberger and Carol Scott
- ASCIS on annual requisition!
- Resource reviews
- Columns.
Issue 8
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In this issue:
- Katherine Paterson
- Library Services – the year in review
- Reflections on the future by Robyn Laverack
- The new Economics year 11-12 syllabus by Barry Collier
- IFLA/LAA Conference by Murray McLachlan
- Centre liftout: Primary libraries: continuing to cooperatively plan and teach, pages i-viii by Merran Dawson, Kevin Channells and Tim Knowles
- Online public access catalogues by Robyn Owens
- Staff development and NCIN/ACIN
- Using the Handbook by Tim Knowles
- ASCIS progress report
- Resource reviews
- Columns.