Volume 8 1989

Issue 1
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In this issue:
- Margaret Mahy interview
- Resources for Writing K-6 by Michelle Ellis
- Literature across the curriculum by Marjorie Lobban
- Library Policy report by Niki Kallenberger
- Centre liftout: Primary libraries: continuing to cooperatively plan and teach: part 2, pages i-iv
- International Federation of Library Associations 1988 conference papers
- HSC English: 1988 bibliography
- Australian journals as selection aids
- Checklist of cataloguing tools
- Leading question
- ASCIS/OASIS demonstrations
- ASCIS quicksearch
- ASCIS prices for 1989
- Resource reviews
- Columns.
Issue 2
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In this issue:
- The teaching of critical thinking by Helga Rowe
- Small school libraries: 3 case studies
- The School Magazine by Anna Fienberg
- Report on the Australian Libraries Summit by Janet Hansen
- Resource-based learning by Sue Lynch
- Society and culture implementation study
- The NSW Department of Education music collection
- Information online 1989 conference report
- Leading question
- ASCIS and electronic mail
- ASCIS - name change
- ASCIS online information
- Resource reviews
- Columns.
Issue 3
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In this issue:
- The 4th and 5th Rs by Dr Shirley Smith
- OASIS Library: user friendly online enquiry by Paul Drayton
- Where to see OASIS
- ASCIS and OASIS demonstrations
- Using the School Magazine in the classroom by Jill Isbister
- Experience is the best teacher: evaluating cooperative ventures by Niki Kallenberger
- ASCIS looks to the future by Georgina Cane
- Microfiche-phobia by Maxine Rennie
- Managing with less: cutting down on library administration by Merran Dawson
- Resource reviews
- Columns.
Issue 4
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In this issue:
- Integrating information skills and technologies into the curriculum, part 1 by Toni Downes
- Australian Children's Book of the Year Award: the short list
- Jan Mark interview
- The new 2 unit Contemporary English syllabus by Mark McFadden
- Primary teacher-librarians providing RFF by Janet Hansen
- What works: Emergency librarian reprint
- Using NCIN/ACIN at Bennett Road Public School by Nigel Paull
- Implementing OASIS by Pamela Winkless
- OASIS Library – a school-based perspective by Doug Jenkins
- OASIS prices
- The Film and Video library
- The information society: can our bodies stand it? by Merran Dawson
- Telecommunications and the ASCIS database by Allan Ferguson
- Resource reviews
- Columns.
Issue 5
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In this issue:
- Talking with Mr Dahl by Penny Hall
- Roald Dahl and Keylink by Vicky Lowery
- Integrating information skills and technologies into the curriculum, part 2 by Toni Downes
- Carol-Ann Haycock interview: INSERT series
- Haycock conference report by Ian Balcomb and Michelle Ellis
- Two approaches to RFF by Fay Gardiner and Maggie Roche
- School-based support course by Diana Collins
- School-based support course: a participant's report by Wendell Purss
- NCIN: it's not too late!
- IEL's No Frills File
- OASIS - not for us? by Beth McLaren and Murray McLachlan
- Telecommunications and the ASCIS database, part 2 by Alan Ferguson
- Resource reviews
- Columns.
Issues 6 and 7
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In this issue:
- A writer reflects: an interview with Gillian Rubinstein by Simon French
- Information skills: let's go by Merran Dawson
- LINOS: some directions for the future by Joyce Kirk, Barbara Poston-Anderson and Hilary Yerbury
- Curriculum development at Miller High School by Ingrid Simpson
- How much do you know about what's happening in your school's curriculum?
- The Module Bank by Sandra Bushell
- NCIN regional coordinators
- Stocktaking and RFF – how can they co-exist? by Fran Moloney
- Telecommunications and the ASCIS database part 3 by Alan Ferguson
- ASCIS update
- Reflections on circulation systems by Jane Robinson
- Networking drives your dollar further by Nigel Paull and Harry Bruce
- Resource reviews
- Columns.
Issue 8
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In this issue:
- An interview with Tony Ross by Michelle Ellis
- Encyclopedias for the home library by Joan Denny
- Four secondary school libraries link up by Margarite Igras
- Information: the power tool of the 21st century by Fay Gardiner
- A living library for open day by Elizabeth Hull
- Creating a picture book: a year 6 experience by Diane Napthali and Marie Imberger
- Using online databases with students by Alison Glasscock
- Copyright update by Robyn Owens
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Resources
- Australian Studies dataset
- Help make NCIN even more relevant
- How to set up a library network from scratch by Ruth Buchanan
- Resource reviews
- Columns.