Electricity Daily Detail Report

About the report

This report provides information about the daily breakdown of electricity usage at your school. Monitoring your consumption patterns regularly helps your school operate efficiently and sustainably.

To learn more about whole of government contracts, billing, and ideas for schools and classrooms, please see the resources section below.

Data Source: The data is extracted from Shell Energy.

Designed for: Principals, school leaders, teachers, school admin managers and asset services officers to:

  • monitor their school’s electricity usage hourly, daily and monthly
  • track peak consumption periods
  • compare consumption patterns to better understand how much electricity is being drawn from the grid or exported back if your school has solar panels.

Updated: Monthly

Getting started with Scout reports

More information about how to use Scout reports, including how to export data and reset filters, is available on the How to use Scout page.

What is included in this report?

The electricity daily detail report contains more detailed information on electricity consumption including the amount of electricity imported from and exported to the grid, viewable by hour, day or month.

Schools with smart meters can track their peak consumption periods over a 24-hour period and view how much electricity is being drawn from the grid.

Schools with solar panels can also see how much solar energy they are exporting back to the grid.

Please note that the electricity daily detail report only includes contract data. It does not include the amount of solar energy generated or consumed on-site. Schools may access this additional information through their inverter via the various solar portals.

What should I look for?

The information provided in the electricity daily detail report can help identify inefficiencies at your school which may be due to factors like the lights being left on overnight or heating, ventilation and aircon (HVAC) systems running when no one is on site.

Use the data and information to support energy-saving measures particularly after hours and over weekends.

If there are days or times when electricity consumption is higher than anticipated, further investigation may be required.

How to use the report

Select a school

Use the 'Select School' slicer at the top of the report to select a school.

Information about the selected school

The tiles at the top of the report allow you to filter your school’s electricity consumption data by month, day or hour for a given day. The tiles include:

  • Imported from grid (kWh),
  • Exported to grid (kWh)
  • Date or range.

Note: The amount of electricity exported to the grid only applies to schools with solar panels.

3 coloured tiles showing Imported from grid, Exported to grid and month. 3 coloured tiles showing Imported from grid, Exported to grid and month.
Image: Summary data tiles at the top of the report

Use the filters below the tiles to toggle between monthly, daily and hourly consumption (kWh) specific to those segments.

  • Filter by Month to compare electricity consumption year to year. When multiple years are selected, import/export tiles display a combination of those years’ consumption.
  • Filter by Day to compare electricity consumption day to day over the selected month.
  • Filter by Hour to compare electricity consumption over a 24-hour period for the selected month and date.
The summary tiles for the report with a red box around the filters showing monthly, daily and hourly. The summary tiles for the report with a red box around the filters showing monthly, daily and hourly.
Image: Use the filters below the tiles

Specific hourly kWh export

Hover your mouse over a bar on the graph to view the time and number of kWh exported.

The Electricity Consumption bar chart showing a mouse hovering to reveal a black box with more information. The Electricity Consumption bar chart showing a mouse hovering to reveal a black box with more information.
Image: Hover your mouse over a bar on the graph to reveal hourly consumption detail

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Scout support


  • Technology

Business Unit:

  • Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation
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