Statement of Commitment

The NSW Department of Education Executive is committed to advancing reconciliation across the department.

We acknowledge Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people as the first teachers, with a tradition of teaching and learning spanning tens of thousands of years.

We honour the enduring strength, courage and resilience of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. As Australia’s largest provider of public education, we recognise our unique capacity to educate, connect and empower students, staff and communities, shaping a just and equitable future.

We play a pivotal role in fostering understanding and promoting reconciliation. Our Plan for NSW Public Education emphasises our commitment to advancing reconciliation and achieving equitable outcomes, opportunities and experiences for all. This is a guiding principle that informs everything that we do.

Our longstanding valued partnership with the NSW AECG, provides a unique opportunity for our preschools, primary, central and secondary schools, to co-jointly develop/create place based local AECG partnership agreements. By working together in genuine partnership, we will be better positioned to achieving true reconciliation.

To genuinely advance reconciliation, we must provide culturally responsive educational opportunities for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students, that enable them to achieve excellence while maintaining their Cultural identity and pride.

The 2024 National Reconciliation Week theme, ‘Now More Than Ever’, reminds us that the journey towards reconciliation is ongoing, and we must be honest with ourselves to address unfinished business.

As part of our commitment, we have initiated a formal truth-telling process, to examine our role and impact on Aboriginal people. This process is essential to creating an honest environment where both truth-telling and active, genuine listening are necessary, and where we are willing to acknowledge our mistakes and learn from them. By confronting historical and current practices that have deliberately impacted on Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islander people, we can work toward building a future that is authentic and inclusive.

A component of Reconciliation is tackling racism which is central to our efforts. We need to create workplaces and educational settings that are free from racism. We need to lead by example, set expectations and ensure that systems and processes are in place to eliminate racism. This year, as part of this work, we will launch and champion a whole-of-department Anti-Racism Strategy.

Under our Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan, we seek to build inclusive workplaces built on mutual respect, where Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples, communities and cultures are understood, recognised, valued and celebrated.

We are also committed to expanding opportunities for Aboriginal and /or Torres Strait Islander people through employment, mentorship, leadership development, and procurement. These initiatives will be a cornerstone of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Workforce and Leadership Strategy, which we are proud to launch this year.

As senior leaders, we understand that our commitment to reconciliation requires more than words – it requires action. We pledge to lead the change needed within the department, to champion reconciliation, and to ensure that our efforts make a real and lasting impact. Together, we can build a better future for all.


  • DoE

Business Unit:

  • Chief People Officer
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