School Excellence Plan
This working document details the steps your school will take to improve learning outcomes and the achievement and growth of all students.

Why does your school need a School Excellence Plan?
It is a requirement that all NSW government schools develop and publish a School Excellence Plan (SEP).
A School Excellence Plan (SEP) is a working document that details the steps your school will take to improve learning outcomes, and the achievement and growth of all students. To ensure continuous improvement, the SEP reflects where your school is at and how it will further improve learning, teaching and leading.
For school support for the School Excellence Plan, visit the School Excellence in Action support page.
Policy and context
Schools engage in all aspects of the School Excellence cycle. This includes developing a SEP in consultation with their community. The SEP has up to 3 strategic directions and associated improvement measures which form the basis of each planning cycle. One of these strategic directions will be ‘Student growth and attainment’ for all schools. The remaining strategic directions are chosen by each school to reflect and respond to their unique context.
The SEP is approved by the Director, Educational Leadership and published on the school’s website by the end of Term 1 at the commencement of a planning cycle. The SEP is also required as a state archive.
Your school will develop a comprehensive School Excellence Plan in consultation with the school community, identifying student outcomes to be achieved and connected to the budget.
The School Excellence Plan
The School Excellence Plan (SEP):
- is underpinned by the School Excellence Framework (SEF), SEF Self-assessments and the external validation process
- clearly identifies the expected improvement in learning, teaching and leading aligned to specific strategies, initiatives, resources and professional learning
- includes strategic directions and the improvement measures against which your school's impact will be monitored and evaluated
- clearly reflects the department’s strategic plan and the The Plan for Public Education
- demonstrates your school’s commitment to excellence and equity as part of NSW public education
- is clearly linked to the school budget, reflecting the resources that will be used to achieve the planned improvements
- is underpinned by high impact teacher professional learning to build the capabilities of teachers and school leaders.
The School Excellence Policy provides direction for schools on school planning, ongoing self-assessment, annual reporting and external validation.
What the SEP is and what it isn't
- based on the analysis of the school's current situation and the School Excellence Framework
- recognises the importance of a sharp, deep focus on strategic areas to address improvement
- improvement focused with a clear vision for student achievement
- a consultative process including all stakeholders
- based on authentic school practice and reflections on practice
- focused on collection, analysis, reflection and evaluation of evidence
- based on improvement measures aligned to your school's current state.
- based on opinion and personal preferences
- focused on validation or external views
- for school leadership teams exclusively
- part of an inspection process
- leading to external rankings for schools.
Learn more
Find more information about School Excellence in Action or contact the team at