Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Teaching Scholarships

Scholarships available in 2023-24 to help increase the number of qualified early childhood teachers in the early childhood education sector in NSW.

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The NSW Department of Education is committed to attracting, retaining, growing and developing an engaged and valued Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) workforce to deliver high quality services for children and families in NSW.

The 2023-24 Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Early Childhood Teaching (ECT) Scholarships Program supports this commitment by providing eligible scholars with financial support to complete an ECT qualification.

Applications for the 2023-24 Aboriginal and/or Torres Strat Islander Early Childhood Teaching Scholarships Program closed on Sunday 17 December 2023.

Importance of an early childhood teaching qualification

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander early childhood teachers are invaluable to the quality and care of centre-based services and mobile services. They deliver high-quality teaching and learning to young children and help them get the best start in life and learning.

To align with Education and Care National Regulations, NSW centre-based services with 30 or more preschool-aged children or under are required to have at least one early childhood teacher in attendance.

An increase in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander early childhood teachers will help ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives are embedded in early childhood education, and that preschools are welcoming and inclusive places for all children.

About the scholarships

The scholarships provide financial assistance to scholars who intend to be or who are employed in eligible NSW early childhood education and care services, including centre-based preschool, mobile preschool, long day care or family day care.

Scholarships award

Scholarships available for eligible applicants to complete an early childhood teaching qualification:

  • up to $25,000 to complete a Bachelor or Master level early childhood teaching qualification

  • up to $15,000 each to complete a Graduate Certificate or Graduate Diploma level early childhood teaching qualification

Applicants must not already have an ECT qualification recognised by the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA).

These qualifications can be studied at universities or other vocational education and training providers, including TAFE.

The final number of scholarships awarded may vary depending on the financial award provided to each scholar. For instance, if the scholar has partially completed a qualification by completing more than the standard recognised prior learning.

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible to apply for the 2023-24 Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Early Childhood Teaching Scholarships Program, applicants must:

  • be of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent

  • identify as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person

  • be accepted as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person by the community in which you live or have lived

  • intend to work, or continue working, in one of following NSW ECEC service types upon completion of qualification: centre-based preschool, mobile preschool, long day care or family day care

  • reside in NSW.

An exemption from the NSW residency requirements may be provided where the applicant can demonstrate they are working or intend to work in NSW early childhood education and care services. An example of this would be an applicant living in a border region where the applicant is already employed in a NSW early childhood education and care service.

Applicants may study full-time or part-time.

It is expected that a scholar commences study within twelve months of the scholarship award. Scholarship recipients may defer their study for a period of up to 12 months, with the department's prior approval.

Confirmation of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent

Applicants and department employees must provide confirmation of their Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent for Aboriginal-targeted teaching scholarships and identified positions.

The Confirmation of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent procedure details the process applicants or employees must follow to have their Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent recognised.

The procedure does not apply to employees who have previously confirmed their Aboriginal and/or Torres Islander descent with the department.

For more information about the department’s process, please contact the Aboriginal Programs team by phone on 1300 32 32 32 prompts 3 >3 >1 or aboriginalemployment@det.nsw.edu.au

How to apply for a scholarship

The 2023-24 Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Early Childhood Teaching Scholarships Program closed on Sunday 17 December 2023. See the application assessment process section below for more information.

Applicants were asked to supply the following information via the SmartyGrants form:

  • contact information for the applicant

  • if relevant, current employment in a NSW ECEC service (centre-based preschool, mobile preschool, long day care or family day care)

  • details of the qualification currently enrolled in or intending to enrol in

  • intended completion date

  • supporting statements outlining motivation and intent

  • proof of identity

  • confirmation of being Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent

  • proof of home address.

Application assessment process

Applications submitted by 17 December 2023 will be checked for eligibility and completeness. The department may contact applicants to clarify factual information, particularly on the eligibility criteria.

Assessment of applications will be based on information provided by applicants. The assessment process will also consider how the applicant will contribute to the NSW ECEC sector.

Endorsement of scholarships awards will be subject to the number of applicants considered through the assessment process to be suitable for a scholarship grant award, and the allocated budget.


Successful applicants will be offered a scholarship to complete an early childhood teaching qualification recognised by ACECQA on the approved qualifications list:

  • up to $25,000 to complete a Bachelor level or Master level ECT qualification

  • up to $15,000 to complete a Graduate Certificate or Graduate Diploma level ECT qualification

Individual grant award will be confirmed with each scholar up to the maximum amount applicable for their qualification. Individual grants awards will consider the application information and an adjustment to reflect any completed units beyond the standard recognised prior learning provided for diploma qualified educators (for instance if the scholar has partially completed an ECT qualification). Individual grant awards will be confirmed with scholars as part of an individual Deed of Agreement and the initial payment process.

Payments will be made in instalments upon successful completion of milestones based on a scholar’s progress in the qualification and enrolment in practical units where relevant. Further detail regarding payments will be provided as part of the information package for successful applicants. Payments will not be made for units of study completed prior to the award of the scholarship, where this exceeds the standard recognised prior learning provided for a diploma qualified educator.

Use of funds

  • Successful applicants are required to sign a Deed of Agreement setting out the terms and conditions of the scholarship.

  • Scholarship recipients can decide how best to use the funds to support their studies. This may include, but is not limited to, costs of undertaking the qualification and living expenses.

  • Upon completion of study there is an expectation that scholarship recipients maintain or seek employment in the early childhood education sector in NSW (centre- based preschools, mobile preschools, long day care services or family day care).

Eligible early childhood teaching qualifications

The course must be an early childhood teaching qualification recognised by ACECQA on the approved qualifications list. This includes the following qualification types:

  • Bachelor

  • Master

  • Graduate Certificate

  • Graduate Diploma.

Scholarship recipients may enrol in a course offered by any registered Australian higher education provider located in another state/territory – including universities and vocational education and training providers such as TAFE.

Key dates

  • Applications for this program closed on Sunday 17 December 2023.
  • Completion of qualification, including practicums, should occur by December 2032. This allows scholars who wish to study part time to complete an equivalent 4 year degree.
  • Final payment submissions can be made up to March 2033.

Contact us

If you have any enquiries about the 2023-24 Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Scholarship Program, please contact the department by email at AboriginalECEWorkforce@det.nsw.edu.au

To ensure a prompt and accurate enquiry support, please include the following details in your email:

  • name

  • contact information (email preferred)

  • application ID (if you have made an application in SmartyGrants).

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