Eight practical tips to support children's wellbeing

We know how important the first 5 years are for a child’s brain development. Half of all adult mental health challenges will have started before the age of 14.

A female family day care educator sits on the right edge of a yellow and red cushioned mat in a backyard. She is engaging with 3 young children who are also positioned along the mat, while holding her hands in the air. A set of small bongo drums sits on her lap. The small children are holding tambourines or bongo drums. A female family day care educator sits on the right edge of a yellow and red cushioned mat in a backyard. She is engaging with 3 young children who are also positioned along the mat, while holding her hands in the air. A set of small bongo drums sits on her lap. The small children are holding tambourines or bongo drums.
Image: Building strong, trusting relationships with children is essential to their wellbeing and development.

Mental wellbeing is as important as physical wellbeing. Children need positive mental health for their physical and emotional development. It’s important for educators to create safe and healthy environments, and to promote positive wellbeing in children.

Assessing the mental health of children can be tricky. A great way to do this is to look for positive behavioural, social and emotional development.

According to Emerging Minds, positive child mental health may look like a child who:

  • plays (alone and with others)
  • meets development milestones
  • expresses their feelings
  • makes meaning of their world
  • is building their resilience
  • is curious and engaged.

Signs of mental health concern

It’s important to note that signs of mental health concerns can present themselves in many ways. Signs should be considered within the context of the child’s age and developmental stage, experiences (for example, have they been or are they being exposed to trauma), cultural and spiritual beliefs, environmental factors and their personality.

Sydney Children's Hospital Network says signs may include but are not limited to:

  • trouble sleeping or constantly overtired
  • consistent low mood such as sadness for more than 2 weeks
  • sudden mood or behavioural changes
  • irritability
  • weight loss or weight gain
  • loss of appetite or significant change in dietary intake
  • behaving in a way they have outgrown (for example, wetting the bed or sucking their thumb)
  • withdrawal of regular social situations, friends or family.

For school-aged children, a drop in academic performance or experiencing self-harm or suicidal thoughts are also signs of mental health concerns.

Some events and situations that may impact children’s mental health include natural disasters, family conflict or violence, and experiences of poverty, neglect, loss and grief, and severe injury.

These events – whether they’re a one-off, part of everyday life or experienced multiple times over a prolonged period – can contribute to trauma in children.

As Be You explains on its Trauma webpage:

“It’s a child or young person’s experience of the event, rather than the event itself, that makes it traumatic or not.

Whether a child or young person feels overwhelmed and completely out of control or like they had some agency during the incident impacts on their perception of the event as traumatic.”

Children’s responses to trauma can vary – and their reactions may be immediate or occur days, weeks or even years later. They may also respond in unexpected or unpredicted ways. Research also tells us that experiencing trauma early in life can have a profound and lasting effect on a child’s cognitive, social and emotional development.

Understanding and being able to recognise signs of mental health concerns and trauma responses enable early childhood education and care (ECEC) services to provide appropriate supports and strategies to improve outcomes – immediate and long term – for children and their families.

Watch our ‘Working with children who’ve experienced trauma’ webinar, facilitated by the Australian Childhood Foundation, to deepen your understanding of childhood trauma and strategies for supporting children’s wellbeing.

An outside school hours care educator and school-aged child wearing a light and dark blue school uniform sit together chatting in a classroom. They are both smiling. The child holds a round blue and green sequined toy in her hand. Other children are engaging in activities in the background. An outside school hours care educator and school-aged child wearing a light and dark blue school uniform sit together chatting in a classroom. They are both smiling. The child holds a round blue and green sequined toy in her hand. Other children are engaging in activities in the background.
Image: Supporting educator wellbeing is also critical to supporting children’s mental health and development. Led by Beyond Blue, Be You is a great source of practical guidance, tools and resources you can use within your service.

Tips and strategies for educators

It’s important to acknowledge events and how children may feel, but also provide normal play opportunities and experiences. Continuing to do things in a familiar way can help children feel safe.

Positive relationships are important to children’s wellbeing and development. Children rely on trusting and respectful relationships with the adults around them.

Being calm and encouraging can make it easier for a child to talk about what they’re feeling. It also may take a few times reaching out for them to feel comfortable. Children also process experiences through play and interactions – conversations about big situations may happen as they play.

Engage in ongoing conversations with families to find out about their child's circumstances, preferences and routines. Work with them to develop opportunities that build on each child’s experience, and promote and support their development.

Be aware of and support each child’s physical health, wellbeing and comfort. This can include nutrition, sleep, rest and relaxation, and activity and leisure. It’s important to recognise each child’s personal preferences, routines and needs, such as practices, values and beliefs of the child and their family.

Where you have ongoing concerns about a child’s safety and wellbeing use the NSW Mandatory Reporter Guide to help you determine whether you need to report your concerns to the Child Protection Helpline and/or identify alternative supports available for vulnerable children and their families.

Child who are distressed, have experienced a traumatic event, are experiencing ongoing trauma (for example, due to family violence) or simply require additional mental health support may benefit from specialised services. Establishing relationships with local support agencies and health professionals will build your service’s capabilities to support children at your service and provide advice and referrals to their families or carers.

There are a range of educational programs which help in understanding and supporting children’s learning, development and wellbeing.

Parent and carer mental health

Families are where children first learn about love, support and belonging. Children who are a part of a strong and supportive family are more likely to achieve their best possible mental health. It's important to understand there is no 'perfect' family. Families are diverse, each with their own challenges, circumstances and joys.

The NSW Government provides a range of mental health and emotional support for parents and carers who may need it. Head to Health and Beyond Blue also offer practical guidance and tools for families and children, too.

Educator mental health

Though rewarding, supporting children and family wellbeing can – at times – take a toll on your own mental health. It’s important to look after yourself and seek support when needed.

Download Be You’s Beyond Self-Care: An Educator Wellbeing Guide for guidance, suggested activities and actions you can take at your service to promote educator wellbeing. You can also connect with a Be You consultant for tailored guidance and to develop goals specific to your service.

Watch our ‘Mentally health workplaces’ March 2024 ECE Connect session for evidence-based insights and strategies to create and maintain a psychologically and psychosocially safe workplace.

Useful links

Mental health services and hotlines

  • Beyond Blue 1300 224 636: 24/7 mental health support service
  • Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800: 24/7 crisis support and suicide prevention services for children and young people aged 5 to 25
  • 1800RESPECT 1800 737 732: 24/7 support for people impacted by sexual assault, domestic violence and abuse
  • Lifeline 131 114: 24/7 crisis support and suicide prevention services
  • Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467: 24/7 crisis support and counselling service for people affected by suicide
  • MensLine Australia 1300 78 99 78: 24/7 counselling service for men
  • Qlife 1800 184 527: LGBTI peer support and referral. Available 3pm to midnight
  • 13YARN 139 276: 24/7 crisis support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
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