Implementing the Approved Learning Frameworks V2.0
Practical guidance and resources for services on embedding the updated frameworks into their program and practice.
21 February 2024

On 1 February 2024, the updated Approved Learning Frameworks came into effect. This includes Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia Version 2.0 (EYLF V2.0) and My Time, Our Place: Framework for School Age Care in Australia Version 2.0 (MTOP V2.0).
After a 12-month period of familiarisation, all approved providers and their services are now required to be operating in accordance with the updated frameworks.
The frameworks are designed to support service providers and staff to best meet the learning, development and wellbeing needs of each child and young person. Details of the changes and the rationale behind them are outlined in the June 2023 ECE Connect online webinars and ACECQA’s ‘What’s changed?’ fact sheets for the EYLF V2.0 (PDF 3.1 MB) and MTOP V2.0 (PDF 1.5 MB).
Exploring and implementing the updated Approved Learning Frameworks
The introduction of the updated frameworks in January 2023 prompted services to revisit the elements of the framework, starting with the vision and how it builds the foundation for all the principles, practices and outcomes.
Services have taken a range of actions to become familiar with the updated frameworks and implement changes, including:
- revisiting their service philosophy, and discussing how it aligns with the research and knowledge reflected in the updated frameworks and their service context
- discussing the updated vision, principles, practices and learning outcomes at regular staff meetings
- reflecting as a team on current practice and how it fits with the updated framework, while celebrating strengths and identifying areas to grow
- reviewing policies and changing these where required, including incorporating updated terminology from the expanded glossary.
There are many great resources available on the updated frameworks. As we enter the implementation phase, we’ve put together some tips for using these resources in your service. A downloadable version of the tips (PDF 205 KB) is also available.
Tips for service leaders
- Ensure your team knows how to access copies of the updated frameworks on the ACECQA website. Encourage educators to actively engage with the documents by reading sections together during staff meetings.
- Support all educators to participate in discussions and decision making by unpacking the terminology used in the frameworks. You could do this in a fun way by playing ACECQA’s Glossary of terms matching game (PDF 2.6 MB).
- Watch the ECE Connect webinars or access the resources on the ACECQA website to build your understanding of the key changes. Bring that learning to the team through a workshop that suits your service context.
- Display a poster of the elements of the frameworks in your staff programming space or as a background on staff computers. Download ACECQA’s EYLF framework diagram poster (PDF 1.4 MB) or MTOP framework diagram poster (PDF 1.1 MB).
- Schedule discussions to explore the various elements of the framework with your team throughout the year. EYLF V2.0 and MTOP V2.0 information sheets are available on ACECQA’s Approved Learning Framework webpage. These contain provocations and reflective questions to help guide discussions. There are also links to the elements of the National Quality Standard to support your self-assessment and quality improvement planning.
- Use further resources to take a closer look at the new principles and practices. For example:
- Stay up to date with the development of the Aboriginal Cultural Safety Framework for NSW Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC). Learn how it can support your understanding and implementation of the new principle of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives.
- Read ACECQA’s 2-part series – Sustainability: Celebrating a new approved learning frameworks principle Part 1 and Part 2. Follow some of the ideas for extending your thinking and embedding sustainability in practice.
- Look deeper at the updated principle of ‘Equity, inclusion and high expectations’ by watching the ECE Connect webinars on this principle and accessing ACECQA’s Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) resources webpage.
- Include ACECQA’s eLearning module on the Approved Learning Frameworks V2.0 in your induction training for new staff members. Encourage your team to refresh their understanding of the frameworks by completing the module.
Tips for educators
- Explore the principles and practices of the updated framework, critically reflect on how these are embedded in your educational programs and practice and share your reflections with your team.
- Actively explore aspects of the updated framework with children and families. For example, you could choose a principle or practice and represent that visually with the children to display in your room and invite families to add their reflections to the display.
- Print or download the EYLF V2.0 Planning Cycle poster (PDF 148 KB) or MTOP V2.0 Planning Cycle poster (PDF 150 KB) and use it to guide your programming discussions as a team.
- Refer to the ‘Learning Outcomes’ from page 29 of the EYLF V2.0 (PDF 24.9 MB) or ‘Outcomes’ from page 32 of the MTOP V2.0 (PDF 27.1 MB) for expanded evidence examples and new guidance for educators.
Assessment and rating
During service visits, including assessment and rating, talk to your authorised officer about how your service is implementing the updated learning frameworks, and how they guide your program and practice.
Additional resources
- Approved Learning Frameworks webpage, including resources above and more.
NSW Department of Education
- ECE Connect online sessions:
- 'Lessons from the Approved Learning Framework pilot', Quality and Compliance in Practice newsletter, May 2023.
For more information
We are here to support you as you continue to provide quality programs for children and young people’s wellbeing, learning and development.
If you have any questions about your service operation, you can contact the department’s ECEC Information and Enquiries team by telephone on 1800 619 113 or email at
For services requiring specific support, please contact the NSW ECEC Regulatory Authority’s Continuous Improvement Team by email at or telephone on 1800 619 113.
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