Curriculum planning and programming, assessing and reporting to parents K-12
Direction and guidance on curriculum planning, programming, assessing and reporting to parents, and other curriculum related programs, events and activities.
All staff employed in NSW public schools, operational directorates and department offices. Applies to students attending public schools and has implications for school communities.
Version | Last updated | Description of changes | Approved by |
V10.0.0 |
30/01/2025 |
Under the 2023 Policy and procedure review program, this policy is consolidated with the Excursions, Controversial issues in schools, Literacy K-12, Numeracy K-12, Environmental education for schools, Road safety education, driver education and training, Homework, and Animal welfare - schools policies. Converted into new template and improved readability. |
Executive Director, Curriculum and Reform |
Document history
2024 Oct 14 - removal of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) link to coronavirus advice.
2023 Feb 06 - updated the policy statement to remove reference to the Covid-19 interim policy standards. Previous policy standards restored with the removal of the reference to Stage 5 elective course offerings that have been in place since Term 1 2022.
2022 Oct 17 - updated the implementation document, COVID-19 Interim Policy Standards 2022, to refer to 2023 requirements on RoSA and HSC rules and clarify reporting to parents requirements for Kindergarten (section 3.1.1).
2022 Aug 31 - updated policy statement to refer to the revised COVID-19 Interim Policy Standards 2022. Retitled implementation document from COVID-19 Interim Policy Standards Semester 1 2022 to COVID-19 Interim Policy Standards 2022. Extended the requirements for reporting to parents from Semester 1 2022 to Semester 2 2022.
2022 May 6 - updated policy statement to refer to the revised COVID-19 Interim Policy Standards Semester 1 2022. Updated sections 4 and 5 for compliance with template.
Retitled implementation document from COVID-19 Interim Policy Standards Semester 2 2021 to COVID-19 Interim Policy Standards Semester 1 2022. Continues the amendments to the curriculum because of COVID-19 (sections 1.1, 1.2). Amendments to requirements for reporting to parents (section 3) include returning to use of 5-point scale and reducing number of subjects requiring comments in K-6. Refer to the Context section for updated learning from home advice.
2021 Sept 15 - updated links in policy statement. Updated implementation document: Curriculum Policy Standards - title change. New implementation document added to policy: COVID-19 Interim Policy Standards.
Implementation document:
- sections 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 - updated references to the department's COVID-19 advice
- section 1.2 - details the department's requirements for additional studies (electives) in Years 7-10
- section 1.4.3 - points schools to the HSC monitoring webpage for current advice.
2021 Jul 16 - updated policy statement to clarify language and responsibility. Updated implementation document to detail the department's requirements for additional studies (electives) in Years 7-10 and provide updates for COVID-19.
2020 Oct - Publication of interim policy and interim policy standards amended updates from Term 4 2020 both shown as implementation documents.
2020 May - Publication of interim policy and interim policy standards during COVID-19 both shown as implementation documents.
2020 May -Updated contact details and minor text and style changes.
2019 Dec - Updated Curriculum Policy Standards to enable consistency with the 2019 HSC monitoring package and better align the requirements to the NESA registration process for schools.?
2019 Aug - Updated contact details Leader, Primary Curriculum.
2018 - Life Ready personal development and health education course incorporated to replace Crossroads.
2017 - Details updated to address change from Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW to NESA.
2016 The curriculum allocation of time been revised to align with the Sport and Physical Activity Policy.
2016 - Updates to address change over to NSW Department of Education.
2004 - Curriculum programming, assessing and reporting to parents: expectations and support material consultation document. (2004) NSW Department of Education and Training, Sydney.
2003 - Time to teach a time to learn: report on the evaluation of outcomes assessment and reporting in NSW government schools, (2003) NSW Department of Education and Training, Sydney.
2003 - Memorandum to principals: Evaluation of school based assessment and reporting. (2003) NSW Department of Education and Training, Sydney.
2000 - Memorandum to Principals: Curriculum Requirements in Government Schools. (2000) NSW Department of Education and Training, Sydney.
1996 - Memorandum to principals: Assessment and reporting in NSW government schools. (1996) NSW Department of School Education, Sydney.
1995 - Memorandum to principals: Focusing on learning. (1995) NSW Department of School Education, Sydney
1995 - Focusing on learning: report of the review of outcomes and profiles in New South Wales schooling. (1995) NSW Department of Training and Education Co-ordination, Sydney.
Superseded documents
Curriculum planning and programming assessing and reporting to parents K-12 interim policy during COVID-19.
Interim Policy Standards during COVID-19.
Policy Standards December 2016
Memorandum to Principals, August 1996: Assessment and reporting in NSW government schools Principles for assessment and reporting in NSW government schools, 1996.
Memorandum to Principals, August 2000: Curriculum Requirements in Government Schools.
Memorandum to Principals (High and Central Schools) DG95.3144 95/050 (S.049): Minimum Mandatory Requirements for LOTE
Memorandum to Principals: 92/109 (S.072) School Sport
- Policy statement
- Curriculum planning, programming, assessing and reporting
- Schools plan curriculum and develop teaching programs that are consistent with the Education Act 1990 (NSW), Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) and the Disability Standards for Education 2005, as well as the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) syllabuses and credentialing requirements.
- Curriculum planning, programming, assessing and reporting to parents Kindergarten to Year 12 will meet the department’s Curriculum policy standards.
- Road safety education is taught in each stage of learning in the Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) syllabus Kindergarten to Year 10 and the 25-hour mandatory course for stage 6 students, Life Ready.
- Controversial issues may arise in school communities and will be managed using the Controversial issues in schools procedures.
- Excursions and other variations of routine may be planned as part of quality teaching and learning programs. The planning and management of excursions and other variations of routine must meet the requirements of the Excursions and other variations of routine procedures.
- Department staff must comply with the legislative requirements that govern the use of animals for educational purposes and the Animal welfare – schools procedures.
- Curriculum planning, programming, assessing and reporting
- Context
- The Curriculum policy standards provide clarity for teachers and schools in response to curriculum, assessment and reporting. They cover the requirements for reporting to parents specified by the Australian Education Act 2013 (Cth), the Australian Education Regulation 2023 (Cth) and the Schools Assistance (Learning Together – Achievement Through Choice and Opportunity) Act 2004 (Cth).
- The study of controversial issues provides valuable and significant learning experiences when managed appropriately. Principals, teachers, external providers and visitors are in a privileged position to influence students. All staff have a responsibility to address controversial issues including the study of controversial issues in accordance with the Controversial issues in schools procedures.
- The department is committed to providing a safe, secure, disciplined, inclusive, and quality learning environment in which students can develop their individual talents, interests and abilities through a curriculum that fosters students’ intellectual, physical, social and ethical development. The Excursions and variations of routine procedures provides detailed direction and guidance to schools.
- The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979 (NSW) applies to all people in NSW at all times and deals with the cruel and unconscionable treatment of all animals. In addition, the Animal Research Act 1985 (NSW), and the Australian code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes govern the use of animals for educational purposes.
- The following procedures and standards support this policy:
- Policy contacts
- Animal welfare-schools procedures
Animal Welfare Coordinator
02 7814 2631 - Curriculum policy standards
Leader, Primary Curriculum
02 7814 2807
Leader Secondary Teaching and learning, Secondary Curriculum
02 7814 0611 - Controversial issues in schools procedures
Director, Secondary Curriculum
02 7814 3293 - Excursions and variations of routine procedures
Director, Curriculum Implementation and Provision
02 7814 0226 - Road safety education procedures
Road Safety Education Coordinator
02 7814 1937
- Animal welfare-schools procedures
- Monitoring the policy
- The Executive Director, Curriculum monitors the implementation of this policy, regularly reviews its contents to ensure relevance and accuracy, and updates it as needed.