Excursions and variations of routine

Direction and guidance on planning and managing excursions, including incursions and other variations of routine.


All staff involved in planning, approving and managing domestic and overseas excursions and variations of routines in NSW Government schools and public preschools.

Version Date Description of changes Approved by
V01.0.0 30/01/2025 Under the 2023 Policy and procedure review program, new policy document with consolidated instructions previously provided in the Excursions policy and procedures. Executive Director, Curriculum and Reform

About the policy

Excursions and other variations of routine may be planned as part of quality teaching and learning programs. The planning and management of excursions and other variations of routine must meet the requirements of these procedures.

Term Definition


A plan for learning based on mandated and approved syllabus documents and current department policies and procedures. The NSW curriculum refers to the syllabuses and support resources teachers use to implement the syllabuses.


The department’s system for verifying Working with Children Check clearances (including checking the department’s Not To Be Employed database and checking for barred or disqualified persons).


A structured learning activity provided or managed by a department school, conducted on or external to the school site that may also include online communication between physical locations.

External providers

Any person or organisation providing venue, activities, transport, presentations or materials for excursions, incursions and other variations of routine.


A school or preschool activity that occurs on a school site, conducted by community members, external providers or other schools. This may also include structured learning activity taking place via online communication between physical locations.

Overnight excursion

A school excursion taking place in a location in Australia on or external to the school site and which includes overnight accommodation the school organises.

Overseas excursion

A school excursion taking place in a country outside Australia and which includes overnight accommodation the school organises.

Parent and carer

Includes a guardian or other person having the custody or care of a child.

Preschool children

Children enrolled in a public preschool.

Preschool excursion

An educational or recreational activity provided or controlled by a public preschool. These must comply with Children (Education and Care Services) National Law 2010 (NSW) and Education and Care Services National Regulations (2011 SI 653).

Private tours

Tours that should occur outside of school hours, are organised and conducted by members of the community including private operators, parents, parents and citizens association and other external organisations. These tours may have department staff attending while on leave. Refer to Private tours (staff only) (PDF 149 KB).

Variation of routine

A planned activity, program or event that alters the regular daily routine of the school for either the whole school or a group of students.

Water-based activities

Any activity where it was planned to, or has a foreseeable risk of, entering water. Conveyance by water transport such as ferries is not considered a water activity.


  • approve all domestic excursions organised by their school
  • approve participation of students from their school to attend excursions organised by department staff
  • endorse overseas excursions and submit the overseas excursions application to their Director, Educational Leadership for approval by the appropriate Executive Director, in line with the department's overseas excursions application and approval process
  • approve their own school's participation when more than one school is involved
  • ensure a risk assessment plan for the excursion has been completed
  • maintain records of excursions and any incidents occurring on an excursion
  • exercise a duty of care towards all students, staff and other participants
  • evaluate their school's practices for the safe conduct of excursions on the basis of past experience, systemic and locally produced risk profiles and teaching and learning outcomes
  • manage any issues or incidents arising from school excursions, consistent with the department's Controversial issues in schools procedure and Incident notification and response procedure (staff only)
  • ensure the appropriate infection control measures are included in planning for excursions and are followed during the excursion
  • of public preschools, need to be aware of and follow additional requirements for excursions set out in Education and Care Services National Regulations (2011 S1 653), specifically regulations 99, 100, 101, 102, 168 and 170.
  • of public preschools, must ensure a preschool excursions procedure informed by the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) Excursion policy guidelines and the Leading and operating public preschool guidelines is maintained and followed.


  • may initiate and organise excursions
  • must exercise a duty of care to all students
  • complete and monitor a risk assessment plan for each planned excursion ensuring there will be adequate supervision
  • report any incidents that occur on an excursion
  • who organise an overseas excursion, do so in line with the department's overseas excursions application and approval process outlined in section 7 of this procedure.
  • in public preschools, collaborate with their principal to develop a preschool excursions procedure specific to their context
  • in public preschools, follow the advice provided in the Leading and operating public preschool guidelines in relation to preschool excursions.

Directors, Educational Leadership:

  • endorse an overseas excursion proposal
  • endorse an overseas excursion for approval by their executive director in line with the department's overseas excursions application and approval process outlined in section 7 of this procedure
  • monitor schools' compliance with this procedure.

Executive directors:

  • approve overseas excursions in line with the department's overseas excursions application and approval process outlined in section 7 of this procedure.

What needs to be done

These procedures apply to excursions (domestic and overseas), incursions and other variations of routine.

They do not apply to:

The department’s travel contractor does not manage school excursions or manage travel for students.

1. Initiate an excursion

School excursions are structured learning experiences that may pose risks. These procedures provide guidance to schools on managing those risks.

1.1 Consider the educational value of an excursion

Teachers must link the educational value of an excursion to curriculum outcomes. The Education Act 1990 (NSW) Part 3 establishes the school curriculum and key learning areas.

Principals should consider the following when determining the excursion’s educational value:

  • relationship to the curriculum
  • anticipated learning outcomes
  • school needs and resources
  • student and staff needs
  • impact on the continuity of regular teaching and learning programs
  • the evaluation of teaching and learning outcomes following the excursion.

1.2 Consider the duty of care

The department has a legal obligation to ensure the safety of staff, students and others in the workplace so far as is reasonably practical. Excursions are considered an extension of the workplace and the duty of care still applies.

All department employees must exercise this duty of care by:

  • taking reasonable care for the safety and welfare of students in their charge
  • taking all reasonable action to protect students from risks of harm that can be reasonably predicted.

The priority for all excursions is the safety and wellbeing of all students, staff and other people (for example, volunteers) participating in the excursion under the auspices of the school.

The standard of care required (for example, the degree of supervision) needs to be commensurate with the students' developmental maturity, ability and learning and support needs. The duty of care to students applies during all activities that schools conduct or arrange.

The duty of care cannot be delegated or transferred to another person or organisation even where the excursion is managed by an independent organisation.

1.3 Ensure inclusivity

Schools should provide the opportunity for all students in the specific learning group to be included in an excursion unless there are exceptional circumstances (that are unusual, not typical, or unable to be foreseen or planned for in advance).

This includes students:

  • with learning and support needs. Schools must make reasonable adjustments, where appropriate, to enable access and participation, in consultation with students and parents or carers as needed. Refer to Legal issues bulletin 60, Disability discrimination and the Inclusive education for students with disability policy
  • who are experiencing financial hardship – schools may provide financial assistance in these situations.

Alternative activities that provide for similar learning outcomes must be available to non-participating students.

Schools may select individual students or groups of students to represent the school at functions, events or competitions held at venues outside the school.

1.4 Implement local school practices

Schools implement their own procedures to provide for the safe conduct of each excursion in accordance with these procedures, based on local practices and experience.

Schools improve their procedures by de-briefing following an excursion to identify:

  • successful practices
  • areas for improvement, including systemic and locally produced risk profiles.

1.5 Gather pre-planning information

Before engaging in detailed planning for an excursion, excursion organisers may provide the principal with pre-planning information about the proposed excursion.

It may be useful for teachers to provide their principal with the following information:

  • the excursion purpose, its link to the curriculum and anticipated learning outcomes
  • dates and times, including number of school and non-school days
  • the student group attending the excursion
  • student learning and support needs, including any reasonable adjustments
  • the staff and any volunteers needed and their roles
  • the excursion destination and relevant information such as venue and accommodation
  • any transport needs
  • estimated cost per student
  • plan for non-participating students.

To help prepare this information, see the sample form, Application for domestic excursion to plan for domestic excursions.

2. Plan an excursion

2.1 Manage potential risks

Excursion organisers must:

  • complete a risk assessment plan (for repeat excursions, organisers may use previous risk assessment plans as a base for developing a new plan. The new plan must address any new activities and local circumstances)
  • consult with key staff members and other relevant stakeholders, such as external venue providers, as needed
  • follow any public orders, including from NSW Health and NSW Rural Fire Service
  • follow the department’s risk management process (staff only) when planning an excursion.

Excursion organisers should refer to the:


  • the type of excursion and planned activities
  • student age and learning and support needs (see below)
  • whether there is more than one school involved (in this case, the principals of all participating schools approve domestic excursions and endorse overseas excursions)
  • where the excursion will take place (the venue)
  • whether excursion or camp venue staff have qualifications and/or training relevant to the activities and services they offer
  • how students will get to the venue (transport options)
  • local practices and experience (schools implement their own procedures to provide for the safe conduct of excursions in accordance with this procedure)
  • advice of specialised services and other department support officers to support or assist in developing appropriate risk management strategies
  • implications for transporting Schedule 8 medicines either interstate or overseas (information on taking medication overseas is found on the Smartraveller website)
  • infection control measures – for further information, refer to Infection control
  • risks of COVID-19 and other illnesses. For the latest advice on COVID-19 refer to Health, safety and staff wellbeing (staff only) or contact your local Work Health Safety Adviser (staff only).
  • Bureau of Meteorology weather warnings
  • possibility of car accidents – NSW Police has resources on actions to take if an accident occurs (refer to What to do after a car crash [PDF 112 KB])
  • sport and physical activities – consult the Sport and physical activity procedure, Specific sport and physical activity guidelines and Principal-endorsed activities for activities with specific risks – identify and manage issues accordingly
  • refer to Table 2 in section 2.5.2 for activities with specific risk as a guide for indoor and outdoor activities, water-based activities, contact with animals, food consumption, science and industry activities, viewing films, exhibitions and live performances.

Risk assessment plans are not always required for incursions. Incursions that involve additional risk because of unfamiliar equipment, staff or activities require a risk assessment plan. Examples of these include:

  • science day
  • colour run or fun run
  • interactions with animals – mobile zoo
  • student-organised fete with multiple activities in the playground and oval
  • virtual excursion (involving activities with equipment or controversial content).

Schools should consider specific risks where students might be tempted to acquire dangerous or illegal items such as replica guns, slingshots, nunchucks and lasers.

Where appropriate, staff must inform parents or carers in writing that students are not allowed to acquire these items. Parents or carers should sign an acknowledgement (included on the consent form) that they are aware of the directive and have explained this to their child, including the consequences if not adhered to.

For overseas excursions, the prohibition warnings should cover:

  • the risks of fines and penalties associated with illegally importing these items into the destination countries
  • the risk of serious injury to the student and others associated with the use and misuse of these items.

2.2 Consider additional risks for preschool excursions

Public preschools must comply with the legislated ratio of 1 qualified staff member for 10 children for all activities, including excursions (Regulations 122 and 271). The principal will refer to the risks identified in an excursion’s risk assessment to determine the number of adults required to ensure adequate supervision.

Table 1 Minimum ratios

Age of child Ratios
Birth to 24 months 1:4
24 months to 36 months 1:5
36 months to preschool 1:10
Over preschool age 1:15

As part of planning for an excursion, an excursion risk assessment must be conducted (Regulation 100). The excursion risk assessment must identify risks which the excursion may pose to the safety, health or wellbeing of the children and detail strategies for minimising these and include all items required under Regulation 101: Conduct of risk assessment for excursion.

Preschools do not need to submit a new risk assessment plan for regular outings that have a plan developed in the last 12 months. Further information, including the definition of a regular outing, is available in the Leading and operating public preschool guidelines.

2.3 Consider insurance needs

The NSW Treasury Managed Fund (TMF) Scheme provides a range of insurance cover for NSW public schools and department corporate offices. There are 5 lines of insurance:

  • workers’ compensation
  • liability
  • property
  • motor vehicle
  • miscellaneous risk claims (including voluntary workers, students on work experience, personal property and international travel).

For further information about what is covered, refer to Insurance and claims.

The Certificate of Currency (refer to Legal Services Insurance – certificates of currency) provides evidence to third parties of the department’s cover under the NSW Treasury Managed Fund.

The department does not hold personal accident cover for students involved in school activities.

For further advice on the following, refer to Accidents (staff only):

  • accident insurance for students
  • information for parents and carers wishing to insure their child.

Where a student is injured on an excursion, staff must follow the process set out in section 5.2 and 6.1 of these procedures. Refer to legal issues bulletin 39, Accident reports – preparation and use in school.

Staff on excursions are considered ‘on duty’ and therefore covered by the following provisions:

  • workers’ compensation insurance – for injury while on the excursion. Staff on overseas excursions are covered by a policy with benefits equivalent to that provided by the workers’ compensation insurance. Refer to Workplace Health Management (Health, Safety and Staff Wellbeing directorate) for more information.
  • miscellaneous insurance policy – includes staff essential personal belongings and baggage (coverage limits apply). The Insurance, Risk and Claims Management team manages this cover (contact via EDConnect on 1300 32 32 32, or EDConnect.InsuranceClaims@det.nsw.edu.au).

All lodged claims will be assessed in accordance with department policy and Treasury Managed Fund coverage guidelines. The Fund Manager will make the final determination.

Staff will require travel insurance on overseas excursions.

Students require travel insurance for overseas excursions (see Overseas Travel – COVID-19 (PDF 182 KB) for further information about travel insurance and COVID-19).

Excursion organisers:

  • Need to decide whether to obtain insurance as a group or as individuals – for overseas travel, organisers should consider a group insurance policy that covers all attendees and all activities. This will help manage student information and may decrease costs
  • include appropriate cover for medical costs and personal property loss and clearly indicate whether there is coverage for any pre-existing medical condition/s
  • provide details of the insurance policy to the principal before the excursion begins.

Parents and carers:

  • are primarily responsible for arranging their child’s travel insurance for air travel (domestic or international)
  • make independent enquiries to their insurer of choice about insurance when travel is not by air – in this case, insurance is optional but strongly encouraged. The same applies to volunteers and parents and carers who accompany staff and students on excursions.

The department cannot provide advice in relation to commercially arranged or commercially available insurance products to members of the community.

Where travel involves the use of a private motor vehicle for transporting students for departmental activities, refer to Legal issues bulletin 8 (Claims for loss of or damage to personal property and use of private motor vehicles by staff, parents and students) and Legal issues bulletin 24 (Cars at work).

Claims for damage to private motor vehicles are the approving school’s responsibility and cannot be lodged under the department’s insurance arrangements with the NSW Treasury Managed Fund.

The department will not accept liability for the loss of, or damage to, any personal property taken on excursions or for personal items purchased while on excursions.

Schools should communicate to students, parents and carers or volunteers that if they take such items, they do so at their own risk. For items of significant value, it is recommended they hold privately arranged insurance to cover any loss and/or damage.

Parents and carers or volunteers should check with their own insurer for any specific exclusions or limitations of their cover.

The NSW Ambulance Schools and Group Cover Scheme provides coverage for emergency ambulance services to NSW public school students attending approved, fully supervised school activities. It ensures that a decision to call an ambulance for any student who has an accident or falls ill is not hampered by cost considerations.

Incidents requiring an ambulance in SA or QLD are not covered by the scheme. It is recommended that travel insurance is obtained for any excursion or travel to SA or QLD.

For full details of the policy inclusions and exclusions, refer to Ambulance cover.

Parent and carers of students without cover are responsible for the cost of emergency ambulance services if they are injured while on excursions.

2.4 Consider student needs

Schools should provide the opportunity for all students in the specific learning group, including those with learning and support (including disability) needs to be included in an excursion unless exceptional circumstances exist (circumstances that are unusual, not typical, or unable to be foreseen or planned for in advance – refer to Legal issues bulletin 60, Disability discrimination and the Inclusive education for students with disability policy).

This may involve organising accessible transport for students with disability and additional learning and support needs so they can participate in the excursion on the same basis as other students.

Teachers must plan alternative activities that provide for similar learning outcomes for non-participating students.


  • must ensure, in accordance with the Student health and wellbeing policy, that individual health support plans for students with health support needs include provision for managing such conditions while on excursions
  • should also consider information about students with disabilities and additional learning and support needs that may impact on overall management of the student’s health on the excursion. Staff and volunteers on the excursion should be briefed about students with particular health support needs and the role they may have in supporting those needs.

Excursion organiser:

  • consults students and parents or carers as needed to make reasonable adjustments, where appropriate, to enable access and participation of all students (refer to Legal issues bulletin 60, Disability discrimination and Inclusive education for students with disability policy)
  • should consult and brief, in advance, students with health support needs and their parents or carers about how the school will meet the student’s needs
  • includes any reasonable adjustments in the risk assessment plan
  • advises parents or carers and students that staff, parents or carers and volunteers attending the excursion will be briefed on student needs and staff roles in supporting student needs
  • considers legal rights for, and responsibilities to, a student at risk of anaphylaxis (for further information, refer to Legal issues bulletin 52, Anaphylaxis in schools, Anaphylaxis and allergy management procedures, local work health and safety adviser and the Anaphylaxis web page).

Ensure student medical information is up to date

For many excursions, it will not be necessary to collect a new medical information form. The school will use the medical information it currently holds to assist staff organising excursions.

To ensure information is current, consent forms should instruct parents and carers to inform the school where the information has changed.

Schools should update medical information at least annually and as required, and take account of activities proposed for the excursion.

Plan for the administration of medication

The principal determines whether students may self-administer medication while on excursions. Students must not self-administer or carry medications unless there is a written agreement between the school and the student’s parents or carers. The principal's decision will be dependent on the student’s maturity, parental consent and any other issues that could affect the safety of the student or others.

Parents and carers:

  • must complete a written request form (refer to Student Health Condition Support [DOCX 82 KB]) and provide consent for administering medication, both prescribed and over-the-counter
  • are responsible for providing prescribed medication and consumables to the school in a container clearly labelled with the student’s name and required dosage.

Take an appropriately equipped first aid kit

For all excursions, this must include a general use adrenaline injector, a general Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) First Aid Plan for Anaphylaxis (Orange), and an asthma reliever inhaler and spacer.

For overseas excursions, principals should:

  • check with the relevant embassy (via website or email) to identify any international requirements for bringing medication into the country
  • retain a copy of any information or advice provided and ensure it is stored with the general use adrenaline injector
  • check with the airline carrier whether the adrenaline injector can be in hand luggage – ASCIA advises it should be in hand luggage so it is within reach and not exposed to fluctuations in temperature and pressure (for more information see Legal issues bulletin 52, Anaphylaxis in schools).

As noted in the risk management section, when travelling with medicines and medical devices (refer to Australian Government’s information for Travellers), risk assessment plans must consider implications for transporting Schedule 8 medicines either interstate or overseas (information on taking medication overseas is found on the Smartraveller website).

Ensure staff first aid training is current

All school staff are required to have current first aid training recognised by the department (for further information on mandatory training, refer to First Aid, CPR and Anaphylaxis training). This includes mandatory first aid training such as the anaphylaxis e-learning and e-emergency care for school-based staff.

Any excursions:

Schools should also consider whether staff may require additional training such as rescue competencies or lifesaving qualifications.

Plan for students with anaphylaxis

Parents or carers must provide information, in writing, to the school on food or other allergies. This will assist with planning to minimise the risk of exposure to allergens for these students. Further information is available:

For excursions, camps or incursions where food is provided by the venue or a third-party supplier, excursion organisers should consider whether venue or third-party staff have qualifications and/or training in food allergen management and anaphylaxis response (see National Allergy Council’s Food allergy training website for more information on available training courses).

Ensure correct immunisations for overseas excursions

Students travelling overseas should consult a health professional and have the correct up-to-date immunisations for the destination. The World Health Organization has information on preventable diseases and areas at risk, vaccine-preventable diseases and vaccines.

School staff retain the ultimate responsibility for student supervision but may be assisted by appropriate adults, parents or carers, volunteers, specialist instructors and venue staff. Staff may not bring partners or children who are not part of the excursion cohort.

Students no longer enrolled at the school are not part of the excursion cohort and should not attend the excursion.

To satisfy the department’s duty of care, schools must ensure excursions are appropriately staffed. Students on excursion should be subject to direct adult supervision, unless prior approval for unsupervised activities has been obtained in accordance with section 2.5.1 Consider unsupervised activities.

For overseas excursions, staff must not extend their overseas stay or leave the planned excursion for personal reasons, unless there is an emergency.

Teacher/student ratios

There are no set supervision ratio requirements for Kindergarten to Year 12. Principals determine the number of teachers (and volunteers) required to supervise an excursion using average class sizes as a guide. For teacher/child ratios for preschools, refer to section 2.2 Preschool excursions above.

In addition to the risk assessment plan, a higher teacher-to-student ratio will be necessary for water activities or some outdoor activities such as bushwalking. Further information can be found in the Specific sport and physical activity guidelines.

To ensure appropriate and effective levels of supervision, the principal will consider:

  • staff experience, training and skills to respond in emergency situations (including volunteers and instructors)
  • students’ age, maturity, physical characteristics and gender
  • the nature, location and duration of the excursion
  • the activities to be undertaken
  • students’ ability and experience
  • students with disability and additional learning and support needs
  • the size of the group
  • the requirements outlined in the Sport and physical activity procedures and the Specific sport and physical activity guidelines
  • any other relevant factors.

The cost of excursions is to be met by the parent or carer. As no student is to be disadvantaged by the inability of a parent or carer to pay, costs may be subsidised from school funds at the principal’s discretion. They may also be charged to a grant or be externally subsidised.

Excursion costs should be managed to minimise the financial burden imposed on students and their families.

2.5 Plan activities, venues, transport and accommodation

On limited occasions, activities involving mature students may occur without direct supervision, on an individual or small group basis.

The principal and teachers must:

  • ensure the safety and welfare of the unsupervised students
  • inform parents and carers, who must agree to unsupervised activities.

Incidents that occur at non-approved, unsupervised activities are not covered by the NSW Ambulance Schools and Group Cover Scheme (ASGCS) (PDF 8 MB). See section 2.3.5 above (Ambulance Group Cover Scheme – schools).

Table 2 provides information on managing activities with specific risks.

Table 2 Activities with specific risks

Activity Issue Management
All outdoor activities Sun Safety

Students and staff should:

  • wear broad brimmed hats
  • wear longer sleeve lengths
  • apply at least a 30+ sunscreen.

Students should also be encouraged to carry water in an unbreakable container.

Sport and physical activities Relevant safety

Consult the Sport and physical activity procedure and relevant Specific sport and physical activity guidelines.

Where an excursion involves a sports activity that is not listed in the Specific sport and physical activity guidelines or included in the banned activities list (refer to Sport and physical activity procedure [2.1 Banned activities]), principals should refer to the Principal Endorsed Activities for further guidance.

Water-based activities Relevant safety

For all water-based activities:

  • consult the Specific sport and physical activity guidelines
  • adhere to the guidelines for the chosen activity, which provide mandatory qualifications, supervision, student pre-requisites, parent or carer consent, required equipment and settings.
Food consumption Food purchased or provided at excursion venue

At least one supervising teacher must have current CPR and anaphylaxis training.

Confirm appropriate food for students with allergies with parents or carers.

Liaise with venue managers about providing appropriate foods as required, and consider whether they have qualifications and/or training in food allergen management and anaphylaxis response (see National Allergy Council’s Food allergy training website for more information).

For further information, refer to Health safety and staff wellbeing or contact the local WHS adviser.

Animal contact Treatment of animals

The use of animals for educational purposes must be in accordance with the Animal welfare–schools procedures.

The principal must refer to the Animals in schools website when considering approval.

Students should handle animals respectfully and empathetically.

Students should be advised of incident procedures, if an animal behaves in an unexpected way.

Animal contact Contact with animals and exposure to potential health risks

Minimise exposure to potential health risks for students from contact with animals by following relevant infection control and hygiene procedures. The Health, safety and staff wellbeing’s Infection control provides specific risk management guidance material in relation to managing exposure to animals in the workplace and on excursions.

To protect animals and minimise exposure to infectious conditions, students are expected to behave in accordance with the Animal welfare–schools procedure. as well as follow specific venue requirements.

Science and Industry Chemical, laboratory or industry hazards

Science activities may include field work or industry visits where staff and students must follow Chemical safety in schools advice. For more information visit Safe work Australia’s Chemicals.

A member of staff with current e-Emergency Care training must accompany the students.

The excursion organiser must identify industry or site specific and personal protective equipment requirements. Staff and students must wear appropriate clothing, footwear and specialist safety equipment.

Films, exhibitions or live performances Appropriateness of material

Films can only be shown as part of a course of instruction.

Principals must approve the material as appropriate to the educational context and the age and maturity of students.

Staff considering excursions involving:

  • film screenings, should comply with the Smartcopying official guide to copyright issues for Australian schools
  • films, exhibitions and live performances, including public lectures and presentations, should comply with the Controversial issues in schools procedure.
Films, exhibitions or live performances Compliance with copyright requirements Staff need to comply with the Smartcopying website as the official guide to copyright issues for Australian schools.

Excursion organisers must check whether excursion venues are restricted or banned. Staff must not use the venues listed on the Health and Safety school camp venue warning (refer to Safety Alert 86 [PDF 82 KB] ).

Note that visiting abattoirs and meat processing plants is not generally encouraged due to risk of contracting Q fever and other zoonotic diseases. Further information can be found at Student workplace learning (Keeping students safe – Horses and livestock). Students completing Agriculture and HSC VET courses are permitted to visit these venues as livestock and carcass assessments are integral to the program for students over 15 years of age.

As noted in the risk management section above, consider and document in the excursion risk management plan, any risks associated with travel including infection control. Further information can be found on the promoting safe travel and Excursions and road safety webpage. The considerations outlined in the table below may apply.

Table 3 Transport considerations

Transport type Considerations
Walking Students and their supervisors may walk to the excursion location if it is nearby and safe.
Car transport

Excursion organisers must:

  • obtain written permission from parents or carers for students to travel by car
  • obtain written permission from parents or carers for their child to use the vehicle and drive other students
  • sight and document current registration certificate and drivers’ licence for a driver who is transporting students other than their own children
  • ensure any parent, close relative or volunteer transporting students other than their own children, without their own children present in the car, has a valid WWCC clearance and a completed Declaration for Child-Related Workers (PDF 473 KB). Refer to the specified (child related) volunteers (staff only) section of the screening catalogue for more information.

Those travelling in cars must:

Staff members:

  • should not travel alone with a single student for any part of the journey unless there is no other feasible option. If there is no other option, staff must follow child protection practices and the student should sit in the rear of the vehicle
  • must have comprehensive insurance when authorised to use their vehicle and if they intend to submit a mileage claim. Otherwise, comprehensive insurance is not generally required.

For further information refer to Excursions and road safety for:

  • advice on the use of private vehicle by students, staff and parents or carers
  • sample consent forms

Legal issues bulletin 8 (Claims for loss or damage to personal property and use of private motor vehicles by staff, parents and students) and Legal bulletin 24 (Cars at work).

Private transport operators Excursion organisers must check the operator holds appropriate licence and insurance.
Buses and coaches

Excursion organisers must:

  • select vehicles licenced to carry the required number of passengers and ensure that this is not exceeded
  • select buses or coaches fitted with seatbelts, where practical, particularly for long distance travel outside urban areas and ensure students wear available seatbelts
  • check the vehicle is appropriate for the needs of the group, for example, wheelchair access if required
  • be aware of the Motor vehicle procedures and its impact on travel time and driver availability
  • check heavy vehicles used for excursions are registered with the appropriate government department (Transport NSW or equivalent in other states). Bus and coach operators should be able to provide evidence of registration for the vehicle
  • comply with Motor vehicle procedures Heavy vehicles or buses operated by schools are also subject to the Chain of Responsibility (staff only)
  • organise accessible transport for students with disability and additional learning and support needs so they can participate in the excursion on the same basis as other students

For further information refer to Excursions and road safety for advice on safe bus travel and seatbelts.

Regional and intercity public transport and travelling on the Opal network

Excursion organisers:

  • can make group travel bookings for regional and intercity rail services through NSW TrainLink
  • must develop strategies to manage crowds and interactions with other commuters to keep students safe and together. This includes regular head counts, clear group instructions, and close monitoring of vulnerable students

Within the Opal network, each individual requires an Opal card or single use ticket as there are no other ticketing options. The recommended option is for students to use their own child/youth Opal card or one the school provides. Staff and volunteers require an adult Opal card.

More details about group travel bookings are provided on Transport for NSW’s school excursions page.

Further information on using Opal cards for excursions can be found in the Other expenses section of the Finance in Schools Handbook (FISH).

Air travel

Scheduled airline flights are preferred over chartered flights.


  • may approve air travel for students and teachers to travel on an excursion within Australia, which includes interstate and travel to Lord Howe Island and all external Australian territories including Norfolk Island
  • must confirm that operators of charter flights have public liability insurance.

Excursion organisers:

  • must develop strategies to manage crowds and mixing with other passengers to limit risks of students straying from the group or being placed at risk. This includes conducting regular head counts, providing clear group instruction and vigilantly monitoring more vulnerable students.


  • must ensure that all staff have up-to-date training in child protection and are aware of the need to be vigilant in all matters relating to student safety and welfare.

Excursion organisers:

  • consider the purpose of the excursion, cost, capacity, facilities, accessibility, supervision and security when selecting accommodation
  • consider the most appropriate form of accommodation, which could include hotel or motel accommodation, caravan parks, camping in tents, residential camps or billeting
  • ensure that accommodation arrangements meet the needs of all staff and students attending the excursion, including LGBTQIA+ staff and students. For further guidance refer to Legal issues bulletin 55, Transgender students in schools
  • inspect accommodation facilities for suitability before planning the excursion, where possible
  • ensure no accompanying adult is placed in a position where there is potential for allegations of improper conduct
  • ensure sleeping and bathing arrangements do not place any adults in a situation where the propriety of their behaviour can be questioned
  • ensure there is no sexual contact between students.

Billeting involves students staying overnight in the homes of volunteer host families. It is sometimes referred to as ‘homestay’ and is a component of some excursions. Billeting relies on the goodwill of host families offering to accommodate visiting students, usually without financial compensation.

Billeting has an important role in overseas excursions. It is not required but it can make the excursion more affordable and accessible for families.

This can sometimes be a sensitive issue. Many parents and carers will appreciate the department’s obligation for the welfare of students and the measures that need to be in place to fulfil that obligation.

While homestays are a rewarding and successful experience, students might be placed in situations where they are unsafe or vulnerable to inappropriate behaviour.

Principals and school staff:

  • must ensure that all staff have up-to-date mandatory training in child protection and are aware of the need to be vigilant in all matters relating to the safety and welfare of students involved in billeting
  • must discuss the department’s requirements for child protection with the host school, including:
    • the need for a Working with Children Check or a local equivalent from the host families for domestic billeting
    • obtaining a Working with Children Check or its local equivalent from the host families for overseas billeting, where available. If this is not possible in overseas countries, this condition is not required for approval.
  • ensure that non-government agencies or school personnel from interstate or overseas are aware of department requirements in relation to child protection
  • must appoint a coordinator at both the visiting school and the host school and ensure coordinators establish mechanisms for collaboration and communication. Schools visiting from overseas usually use an agent to arrange visits who can undertake the role of coordinator
  • must establish a clear timeline for the billeting process
  • should provide details of billeting families and allocated students to the coordinator of the visiting school at least 7 days before the activity begins. This information is usually required at least 4 weeks in advance for visiting overseas schools
  • ensure requirements and expectations about transporting students to and from group meeting places are communicated clearly to adults in billeting families
  • consider establishing a meeting time each day for billeted students so they can raise issues
  • communicate to all participants that the coordinator must approve any unplanned alterations to billeting arrangements
  • before the billeting activity begins, provide all participants with a program of events that includes
    • the agenda
    • venues
    • meeting times, places and addresses
    • group travel arrangements.
  • must carefully screen potential billeting accommodation. If screening is difficult, alternative accommodation may be more appropriate
  • arrange suitable alternative accommodation if there are not enough families volunteering to host the visiting students
  • determine how many staff supervisors will be required for the particular activity and ensure each billeted student has ready access to a supervisor
  • billet 2 or more students of the same sex together, where possible. This allows for increased comfort and safety of students
  • must provide host families with the Billeting form (staff only) (DOCX 180 KB) to complete (provide the form in the host family’s language if the adults in the home do not speak or read English)
  • retain a copy of the signed billeting form

Concerns about a student’s safety must be taken seriously and appropriate action taken to protect the student.

If the student’s wellbeing or safety is at risk, or there is a suspicion of risk, staff must:

  • relocate the student to another approved accommodation arrangement
  • inform the student’s parents or carers
  • meet their department reporting obligations as well as obligations of the local jurisdiction, such as reporting to local police.

Teacher checklist

The excursion organiser must ensure that, where students are required to be billeted on an excursion, the following conditions are met.

Table 4 Teacher checklist – Billeting

Person Action
Parents and carers
  • are briefed before providing consent to their child being billeted
  • have reasonable means to contact the teacher
  • are provided with the host family’s contact details to ensure they can contact their child as necessary
  • must be provided with full details of billeting arrangements, including rooming details and contact details of the families, before providing consent.
Host family
  • are deemed suitable by the host school and have met all appropriate local education authority guidelines, including Working with Children Check requirement or its local equivalent
  • can provide accommodation that includes a private bedroom or one shared with a student of the same gender
  • immediately report risk of harm and wellbeing issues for their billet to the teacher in charge and are provided with the teacher’s contact details
  • can provide privacy for bathing and toilet facilities
  • are suitably trained to address students’ health support needs (for example, administer an adrenaline injector if students identified as being at risk of anaphylaxis, asthma or other medical condition that may require an emergency response)
  • notify the teacher in charge of any travel by the student involving an overnight stay during the period of the billet.
Billeted students
  • have reasonable means to contact the teacher and their parents or carers
  • always have emergency contact details.
  • are contactable for the duration of the billet by both the student and host family
  • contact the student(s) regularly during the period of the billet
  • can access transport to visit the student(s) at short notice
  • arrange alternative accommodation for students who need to be relocated
  • provide students to be billeted with information on things that can go wrong and strategies for keeping themselves safe.

2.6 Plan for parent and carer communication and consent

Schools must:

  • provide parents and carers with consent forms, in a format or language understood by parents and carers, that contain detailed information about the excursion
  • obtain parental consent for all excursions.

This will allow parents and carers to make an informed decision about their child’s participation. Parents and carers are also to provide relevant information to the school about their child’s needs.

As personal information will be sought on students, the consent forms must include advice on privacy and the use of personal details. For more information on this and a sample notice about privacy and the use of personal details, refer to the privacy bulletin 2, Collecting personal and health information.

Incursions that involve a cost and/or additional risk due to unfamiliar equipment, staff and/or possible controversial content require consent. For example:

  • science day
  • fun run or obstacle course
  • interactions with animals – mobile zoo
  • a visiting speaker discussing environmental issues.

Written and digital consent

Excursion organisers:

  • prepare consent forms for parents and carers for principal approval
  • arrange the distribution and collection of consent forms.

Consent forms must contain:

  • details of all planned activities
  • educational value of all planned activities
  • controversial issues likely to be addressed on the excursion (refer to the Controversial issues in schools procedures for more information)
  • method of transport
  • accommodation
  • level of supervision
  • payment methods
  • a notice about privacy and the use of personal details – for a sample notice, refer to the privacy bulletin 2, Collecting personal and health information.

To ensure excursion organisers can accommodate student needs and minimise risks, consent forms must request the following from parents and carers:

  • any medical information about their child that may have changed since the parent or carer last provided the information to the school, including current medical conditions or recent medical procedures
  • medical information that may be relevant to the activities proposed for the excursion
  • consent around the risk of COVID-19 – consistent with the Consent and Excursions advice
  • where food will be served, information about food or other allergies, special dietary needs, cultural or religious dietary needs
  • where students might acquire dangerous or illegal items such as replica guns, slingshots, nunchucks and lasers, acknowledgement that they understand that students are not allowed to acquire these items and that they have explained this to their child.
  • consent for Years 11 or 12 students to travel to or from the excursion venue without teacher supervision (if relevant).

Schools may use the proforma information and consent forms for domestic excursions (refer to the supporting tools and templates section below), which provides the minimum information required. Staff may need to collect additional information for specific activities or types of excursions.

Information and consent forms are available in many languages other than English on Translated documents.

Digital consent

Schools can develop digital consent forms using department-approved software. When making this decision, schools will need to consider the needs of their parent and carer community and ensure this is suitable to the school environment. For further information and advice, including quick reference guides to set up digital forms, refer to Parent and carer communication - simple consent.

Follow the Sport and physical activity procedures and Permission guidelines for the chosen sport or physical activity to seek permission or notify parents and carers.

Schools should limit the use of excursion consent forms covering multiple excursions.

Schools may use one consent form for regular excursions (for example each week for a term) involving the same or very similar activities.

The consent form should remind parents and carers to notify the school either:

  • if the student develops health support needs
  • if there are changes to an existing medical condition.

Schools must distribute a new consent form if there is a significant variation in the activities.

Students whose parents or carers have not completed a consent form are usually not permitted to participate in a school excursion.


  • may accept verbal consent for a local excursion where it is not possible to obtain completed consent forms from parents or carers
  • must keep a written record of any parental verbal consent
  • should consider confirming with the parent or carer, in writing, the verbal consent.


  • may approve consent from any other person they consider appropriate where parental consent cannot be obtained
  • must obtain written agreement to participate in an excursion from a student who is independent of parents and carers
  • may seek advice from Legal Services (staff only) in particularly contentious situations.

Written authorisation must be provided by a parent or other person named in the child’s enrolment record as having authority, given by a parent, to take a child outside the preschool premises for an excursion. Authorisation must state all items required under Regulation 102: Authorisation for excursions.

Further information and sample authorisation forms can be found in the Leading and operating public preschool guidelines.

Authorisations must be kept with each child’s enrolment form (refer to Regulation 161).

2.7 Ensure child protection requirements are in place

In accordance with the department’s Employment screening procedure, all people seeking to engage in child-related work in the department are subject to Working with Children Check requirements and a Not to be Employed (NTBE) check in eCPC. There are different requirements for staff and other adults participating in an excursion.

Principals must, before the excursion date:

  • ensure that all parents, close relatives, volunteers and contractors assisting on school excursions comply with the Employment screening procedure. Refer to Table 5 (in 2.7.1 Working with children check requirements below) for role-specific requirements
  • sight and verify through eCPC, Working with Children Checks for parents and close relatives volunteering on an overnight excursion, and retain any clearances. Sight the Declaration for Child-Related Workers (PDF 473 KB)
  • sight and verify through eCPC, Working with Children Checks for volunteers and contractors who are not close relatives of a student at the school, and retain any clearances. Sight the Declaration for Child-Related Workers (PDF 473 KB)

Excursion organisers must:

Principals must ensure a Not to be Employed (NTBE) check is performed prior to any engagement. For further information, refer to Screening requirements for schools.

Supporting information:

Table 5 Working with children check requirements

Role on excursion Working with children check requirements

Parents or close relatives of a student volunteering on a day excursion

  • must complete and sign the Declaration for Child-Related Workers

Parents or close relatives of a student transporting students other than their own children, without their own children present in the car

  • must have a current Working with Children Check clearance verified in eCPC
  • complete and sign the Declaration for Child-Related Workers

Parents or close relatives of a student volunteering on an overnight excursion

  • must have a current Working with Children Check clearance verified in eCPC
  • complete and sign the Declaration for Child-Related Workers

Volunteers and contractors who are not parents or close relatives of a student at the school participating in an excursion

  • must have a current Working with Children Check clearance verified in eCPC
  • complete and sign the Declaration for Child-Related Workers if they are engaged in child-related work
  • specialist instructors, contractors and venue staff providing services on the excursion must have a current Working with Children Check clearance if supervising students. This must be verified by the employer and confirmation provided to the school.

External providers

  • all external providers working in a child-related service must have a current Working with Children Check clearance. This must be verified by their employer and confirmation provided to the school. Child-related services include employees of a museum leading a tour and employees of a basketball stadium coaching a group of students.
  • do not need to hold a Working with Children Check clearance if they do not provide a child-related service during the excursion. For example, employees of a museum may not be required to hold a Working with Children Check clearance if they are providing services not related to children such as research services.

All school-based staff

  • are engaged in child-related work as a paid employee of the department and must have a probity clearance before engagement, including a:

2.8 Ensure appropriate supervision arrangements are in place

The department’s duty of care owed to students for the duration of an excursion cannot be delegated from the school to parents and carers, volunteers or individuals associated with external organisations.

School staff retain the ultimate responsibility for supervision but may be assisted by appropriate adults, parents, close relatives of the student, volunteers, specialist instructors and venue staff.

Principals must ensure that all parents and close relatives of the student, or volunteers assisting on school excursions comply with the Employment screening procedure before the excursion.

Adults other than supervisors and volunteers are not allowed to attend the excursion. Staff, parents and close relatives of the student and volunteers cannot bring partners or children who are not part of the excursion cohort.

As part of their induction before the excursion, parents, close relatives, and volunteers must be appropriately briefed on:

  • safety and behaviour measures
  • student health
  • additional learning and support needs and their role in supporting these requirements where relevant.

The student and his or her parent or close relative must be advised that this is being done.

Parents and close relatives of the student and volunteers cannot bring partners or children who are not part of the excursion cohort.

Parents and close relatives of the student or volunteers on overnight excursions must have a Working with Children Check clearance.

Specialist instructors, contractors and venue staff providing services on the excursion must have a current Working with Children Check clearance if supervising students. This must be verified by their employer and confirmation provided to the school.

On overnight and extended excursions, excursion organisers need to ensure that no staff member or accompanying adult is placed in a position where there is potential for allegations of improper conduct, or where the propriety of their behaviour could be questioned. This includes supervisory and accommodation arrangements, such as sleeping and bathing arrangements.

There is to be no sexual contact between students.

Including male and female staff supervisors is a consideration for risk management on overnight supervision and not a requirement. Schools make appropriate risk management judgements based on the needs of the student cohort and staff.

Ensure that accommodation arrangements meet the needs of all staff and students attending the excursion, including LGBTQIA+ staff and students. For further guidance refer to Legal issues bulleting 55, Transgender students in schools.

Staff cannot bring partners or children who are not part of the excursion cohort or extend their overseas stay or leave the planned excursion for personal reasons, unless there is an emergency.

Children (other than those in the cohort) or partners of staff members will not be allowed to attend the excursion as overseas excursions are a work-related activity and staff are on duty as department employees.

2.9 Manage costs of staff, parents or carers and volunteers attending excursions

Excursion costs should be managed to minimise the financial burden imposed on students and their families.

In most circumstances, parents or carers and volunteers required to assist on domestic excursions should not have to pay to attend.

All staff must comply with the Gifts, benefits and hospitality procedures.

Schools often need to administer funds for excursions, school performances, concerts, sporting visits and other events where money is received from students for attendance. The correct account assignment details must be used when receipting excursion fees and making excursion payments.

Salary costs must not be factored into excursion fees charged to students. These costs are not to be passed on to students.

Travel general ledgers must not be used for excursion expenses as they relate to travel on official business only.

Refer to:


  • must be satisfied that the excursion organisers comply with the Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality procedures in relation to benefits, subsidies and gratuities
  • may consult with members of the school community to determine whether any benefits received are reasonable.

Excursion organisers:

  • who have an actual or potential conflict of interest (pecuniary or non-pecuniary) must disclose that interest to their supervisor, who will determine what action will follow. Refer to the department's Code of ethics and conduct procedure
  • are not allowed to gain extra customer loyalty scheme points, rewards or commissions when booking or travelling on excursions.

Schools must disclose all sources of funding, gratuity or subsidy, including free airline tickets, donations, rewards or commissions, in the approval submission. These must be used for the relevant event and not for personal purposes.

In some circumstances, it may be appropriate for students attending an excursion to bear the reasonable travel, accommodation and admission costs of employees and volunteers. There should be a clear benefit for the excursion, such as allowing a supervising teacher to attend. The teacher in charge must declare the subsidy’s market value to the principal, who will decide whether to approve it. The subsidy:

  • may be direct subsidisation by students attending or in kind by the travel provider
  • must not be used to cover staff salary costs for the excursion.

Refer to Managing excursions (staff only) in section Excursions and extra-curricular activities (refer to Financial management (schools) procedures [staff only]) for further guidance.

Principals must seek approval from the Director, Educational Leadership if overtime payments are required for school learning support officers who are attending an excursion.

If approved, schools must use the ‘Record working time’ service in SAP for performing approved duties, for example assisting the students, feeding and monitoring. It is not normally paid when students are at rest or for travel.

Principals must ensure appropriate rest breaks are taken during excursions.

If the employee resumes or continues to work without having an 8-hour break, the appropriate overtime rate will apply until the employee has 8 hours off duty. In these circumstances, principals will need to complete the form for Excursions – Overtime Payments for SAS Staff (PDF 115 KB) form, which EDConnect will process.

For further information, refer to Timesheets and work schedules.

2.10 Plan for students not able to attend the excursion

The excursion organiser needs to ensure that students who are not able to attend the excursion will have an alternative educational experience that provides for similar learning outcomes, particularly where an assessment task relates to the excursion.

3. Approve excursions

3.1 Ensure correct delegations for approving excursions

Principals (or, when more than one school is involved, the principals of all participating schools) are responsible for approving (domestic) or endorsing (overseas) excursions. Before doing so, principals must:

Principals can approve:

  • domestic travel for students and staff by road, rail, ferry and air travel, including interstate and travel to Lord Howe Island and all external Australian territories including Norfolk Island – preference must be given to scheduled airline flights over chartered flights
  • students in Years 11 and 12 to travel to and from excursions unsupervised – noting that this is not a preferred method of travel
  • students to leave the school grounds for brief, local, spontaneous educational activities when there is insufficient time to obtain parental permission before the visit – see ‘Approving unscheduled activities’ below for more information.

Principals must not sign any indemnity or waiver releasing an external provider from liability for injury, loss or death if requested to by an external provider. For further information, contact Legal Services (staff only).

On limited occasions, teachers may identify an opportunity for students to take part in brief, local, spontaneous educational activities that require them to leave the school grounds. In these cases, there may be insufficient time to obtain parental permission before the visit.

After considering the safety, welfare and wellbeing of students and being satisfied of the activity’s educational value, principals can approve students leaving the school grounds for this purpose.

Unscheduled activities must not involve vehicle travel.

Preschool children cannot participate in unscheduled activities without prior parental authorisation.

Example of an unscheduled activity:

The local primary school has a sporting activity that was being run by an external provider. The external provider has cancelled at the last minute due to illness. The primary school contacts the local high school to see if the sports coaching class can assist as they have previously worked with these students. There is an educational benefit for the high school students as this provides an opportunity to apply students’ learning in a practical setting. As the primary school is within walking distance and a teacher is available to escort and supervise the students, the principal may determine that the unscheduled activity can be approved.

3.2 Prepare information and consent letter to parents and carers

Excursion organiser:

  • checks with the principal whether there are any court orders relating to students’ interstate or overseas travel
  • checks with the principal whether any children in out of home care have additional requirements for interstate or overseas travel, which may require approval from the relevant Minister’s delegate
  • arrange the distribution and collection of parent and carer information and consent forms
  • clarifies and resolves parent’s or carer’s consent and any unclear or incomplete responses from the excursion consent form before the excursion. This is particularly important for relatively high-risk activities such as swimming or water activities
  • makes available an alternative educational experience that provides for similar learning outcomes, particularly where an assessment task relates to the excursion, for students’ whose parents or carers do not permit them to participate in the excursion.

4. Prepare for an excursion

4.1 Provide pre-excursion briefings

Before an excursion, the excursion organiser should brief the relevant staff, assistants and parents and carers on excursion details (the sections below provide more information).

In addition, principals:

  • must provide a copy of current student individual health support plans and ensure supervising staff fully understand issues such as administering prescribed and emergency medication (for example, adrenaline injector, asthma medication)
  • must discuss health support procedures and emergency response plans and ensure supervising staff fully understand these before departure
  • before the excursion, should ensure that staff leading the excursion are familiar with the department’s Incident notification and response procedures (staff only)and Legal issues bulletin 39, Accident reports – preparation and use in school so they can promptly report any incidents or hazards that occur on any excursion.

The excursion organiser should brief staff, volunteers and assistants (including parents and carers who are assisting) on excursion details, including:

  • the risk management plan that includes control measures and responsibilities
  • safety and behaviour measures, student health, additional learning and support needs and their role in supporting these requirements where relevant (after informing the student and his or her parents or carers that this will be done)
  • about students with particular health support needs and their role in supporting those needs
  • students with disability or additional learning and support needs
  • first aid, including emergency first aid response
  • expected standards of behaviour
  • communication strategies
  • supervision strategies, including grouping, name tags, meeting points
  • equipment
  • venue expectations
  • travel arrangements, including safe road user behaviours
  • incident reporting
  • any other matters relevant to the excursion.

Staff are on duty during excursions and must conduct themselves in line with the Code of ethics and conduct procedure. This includes maintaining professional boundaries with students, not consuming alcohol or illicit substances and taking all reasonable action to protect students from foreseeable risks.

Excursion organisers should brief students participating in an excursion on:

  • the plan for the excursion
  • expected standards of behaviour and safety strategies for students in Years 11 and 12 who have been approved to travel without teacher supervision on travel routes
  • rights and obligations specific to the excursion including
    • right to be safe and protected
    • the risk assessment plan including control measures, monitoring and reporting
    • expected standards of behaviour, including Behaviour code for students for students and the school’s Behaviour support and management plan or school rules
    • communication strategy
    • cultural sensitivities and appropriate communication in cross-cultural contexts for students participating in excursions to communities that are culturally different to their own
    • incident reporting
    • court etiquette for students visiting courts of law.

Excursion organisers should consult and brief students with health support needs and their parents or carers about how the school will meet the student’s needs.

4.2 Conduct pre-excursion checks

In the week and days before the excursion, the excursion organiser:

  • must review
    • the risk assessment plan
    • public orders, weather forecasts or safety warnings
    • student health or health support plans and first aid requirements
    • student behaviour
  • must make any necessary adjustments to the risk assessment and excursion plan
  • communicates any changes or decisions to students and parents or carers as soon as possible.

If there is an outbreak of a vaccine-preventable disease, principals may exclude from domestic excursions any preschool and primary students who are not immunised.

The excursion organiser should:

  • check the list of court matters to be heard on the day of the excursion and consult with court officers and any police officers involved
  • in consultation with the principal, assess the particular court matter to ensure it is appropriate to students’ age, maturity and experiences
  • develop strategies to minimise exposure to any potentially traumatising material/events.

Senior departmental officers may instruct principals to cancel excursions in response to issues or events impacting on the health, safety and wellbeing of excursion participants. This may include health emergencies, travel advisories or local emergencies.

For further information on issues related to overseas excursions, refer to Overseas Travel – COVID-19 (PDF 182 KB).

5. During an excursion, incursion, or variation of routine

5.1 Ensure appropriate risk management arrangements

Excursion organisers/supervising staff:

  • must take an appropriately equipped first aid kit, including
    • a general use adrenaline injector
    • a general Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) First Aid Plan for Anaphylaxis (Orange)
    • an asthma reliever inhaler and spacer
  • should actively review the risk assessment plan throughout the excursion as needed
  • report any unexpected controversial issues arising on the excursion to the principal as needed
  • must not allow students to engage in additional or alternative activities not originally scheduled in the program, for which parental approval would normally have been required (for example, horse riding or water activities)
  • must ensure any students not able to attend are adequately supervised with an alternative educational experience that provides similar learning outcomes.

Schools must provide a health and safety induction (staff only) for all workplace visitors and volunteers that includes a Health and safety induction briefing (DOCX 192 KB) populated with local safety information.

Visitors and volunteers must complete the school’s sign in and out register. Further resources are available at Contractors, volunteers and visitors safety induction (staff only).

5.2 Respond to incidents during the excursion

Staff are required to follow the Incident notification and response procedure (staff only) to report incidents that occur while on excursion. This may include unplanned events that:

  • result in an injury to any person
  • have the potential to significantly affect the health, safety and wellbeing of students, staff and others.

The Incident notification and response procedure (staff only) and Legal issues bulletin 39, Accident reports – preparation and use in school contain a list of incident types that staff must report.

All staff and assistants:

  • provide immediate and effective first aid to excursion participants who have become injured or ill during excursions
  • should follow the same procedures for administering all medication as for prescription medications (refer to Administration of medication procedures) including:
    • only staff who are trained can administer medication – except in an emergency (see below). Staff required to administer medication must complete Administration of medication in schools (staff only) on MyPL
    • in an emergency, all staff have a duty to respond and administer medication if required
    • students must not self-administer or carry medication unless there is a written agreement between the school and the student’s parents or carers – the principal's response will be dependent on the maturity of the student, parental consent and any other issues that could affect the safety of the individual student or others
    • parents or carers must complete a written request form (refer to Student Health Condition Support [DOCX 82 KB]) and provide consent for administering medication, both prescribed and over-the-counter
    • non-prescribed (over-the-counter) medication must be in the original packaging with the manufacturer’s instructions on how to administer the medication
    • prescribed medication must be in the original packaging provided by the pharmacy and include a pharmacy label detailing the student’s name. Examples include manufacturer’s packaging, blister packs, plain pharmacy packaging with pharmacy label
    • prescribed medication must have the instructions for administration included on the pharmacy label or provided in writing or verbally by the medical practitioner to the school
    • schools should not supply medication for administration to students (except for first aid where necessary)

Refer to the Health support planning and student safety procedures for more information.

6. After an excursion

6.1 Report incidents that happened during the excursion

Excursion organisers report:

  • any unexpected controversial issues arising on the excursion to the principal, if not reported during the excursion
  • possible exposure to Q fever and other zoonotic diseases at abattoirs and meatworks to SafeWork.

When preparing and using accident reports for any students injured on an excursion refer to:

6.2 Maintain excursion records

Principals must ensure a record of each excursion, both domestic and overseas, and a register of approved overseas excursions, is maintained in accordance with local school record keeping practices. The records must include:

  • a copy of the principal-endorsed risk management plan
  • copy of information given to parents and carers
  • approval letters
  • completed consent forms
  • details of costs, supervision, travel and administration
  • records of incidents and accident reports

Destroy copies of passports and other personal data held when the excursion is completed. Some incidents may require complete records to be stored for a period of time (refer to Record-keeping requirements below).

6.3 Account for excursion funds

Schools often need to administer funds for excursions, school performances, concerts, sporting visits and other events where money is received from students for attendance. Schools must use the correct account assignment details when receipting excursion fees and making excursion payments.

Salary costs must not be factored into excursion fees charged to students. These costs are not to be passed on to students.

Travel general ledgers must not be used for excursion expenses as they relate to travel on official business only.

Refer to:

7. Prepare for overseas excursions

7.1 Plan for an overseas excursion

Overseas excursions must be conducted substantially during school vacation time. If the excursion includes school days, planning must address how students will complete work for other subjects during their absence. Excursions that span over a significant number of school days may not be approved.

Approval for overseas excursions cannot be assumed. Teachers and principals need to be aware of the timelines required for notifying their Director, Educational Leadership and the appropriate Executive Director.

Overseas excursions must be endorsed by both the principal and their Director, Educational Leadership and approved by the appropriate Executive Director or above. When more than one school is involved, directors of all participating schools must endorse the excursion.

Overseas excursions are not recommended for preschool or early primary school students.

Additional mandatory procedures apply to excursions that involve overseas travel. These are outlined below and in Overseas excursions planning (staff only).

For advice on safe travel for LGBTQIA+ staff and students please see smartraveller.

All applications for overseas excursions must follow the steps and processes and complete the mandatory forms outlined in this procedure.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) provides advice regarding travel to particular countries, including safety and security issues, practical tips on health, local laws, local customs and entry and exit requirements. If DFAT has recommended against travel, the excursion will not proceed, regardless of the proximity to the date of departure and other organisational matters. Check DFAT advice regularly through the planning process, including just before departure. DFAT provides most of the service relevant to schools through smartraveller.

Excursions may be cancelled or varied in accordance with instructions provided by senior department officers in response to issues or events impacting on the health, safety and wellbeing of excursion participants. This may include health emergencies, travel advisory or local emergencies.

Instructions may be provided via email, online or other communication channels.


The fact sheet, Overseas Travel – COVID-19 (PDF 182 KB) provides advice and risk management information for department-approved overseas travel.

7.2 Apply for and approve overseas excursions

Timeframe – minimum 12 months before the excursion.

Organising teacher:

If supported, the principal:

  • refers the organising teacher to these procedures and Overseas excursions planning (staff only)
  • provides advice or direction to the teacher on the intended activities
  • signs the completed proposal form (DOCX 214 KB) and forwards to the Director, Educational Leadership, including application for a travel grant or endowment to attend an overseas activity if required.

Director, Educational Leadership either:

  • endorses the proposal and forwards it to the operational directorate office for approval by the appropriate Executive Director
  • delegates network staff to work with school staff to rectify any deficiencies in the proposal, and if the proposal is accepted, forwards it on to the operational directorate office for approval
  • declines the proposal and provides the school with reason/s for the decision.

Executive Director, either:

  • provides approval to plan the overseas excursion and nominates operational directorate staff to organise the roundtable planning meeting with the Director, Educational Leadership (or nominee) and the principal and/or organising teacher
  • delegates operational directorate staff to work with school or network staff to rectify any deficiencies in the proposal, and if proposal is accepted, forwards it on to the operational directorate office for approval
  • declines the proposal and provides the school with reason/s for the decision.

The approval to plan may be withdrawn because additional activities are introduced or following the emergence of unforeseen events or unfavourable circumstances.

Timeframe – minimum 11 months before the excursion.

Organisers and approvers discuss and document mitigations for any concerns raised by the proposal, early in the planning process to minimise administrative workload.

Operational directorate staff may initiate and conduct the roundtable meeting at the Executive Director’s discretion. If operational directorate staff opt to not participate, the Director, Educational Leadership (or nominee) sets the meeting date.

The local work health and safety (WHS) adviser (staff only) should be invited to attend the meeting as needed.

Meeting actions:

  • organisers and approvers go through the OEx requirements for the 2. Roundtable planning meeting (staff only)
  • approvers make their expectations clear before detailed planning commences
  • organisers and approvers support organising teachers particularly those with limited experience in organising overseas excursions
  • participants discuss and prepare a checklist to guide organisers when planning the overseas excursion, taking into account previous experience of school staff in conducting similar excursions
  • organisers and approvers use the checklist in OEx – Roundtable checklist form (staff only)(DOCX 180 KB) to document their agreed actions. The checklist must complement the requirements detailed in OEx. It must not limit information to be provided or impose additional requirements on parents and carers or schools

Sample roundtable scenarios (staff only) are available on the Overseas excursions planning (styaff only) website.

Timeframe – minimum 10 to 6 months before the excursion.

Organisers and approvers use a mandated application and approval pack for consistency of requirements across the department.

Organising teacher:

  • completes the required forms as detailed in the OEx application and approval pack, 3. Detailed planning using OEx (staff only)
  • ensures agreed checklist items are addressed
  • liaises with the principal network if activities not included in the approved proposal are introduced
  • seeks advice from the principal or network office on local issues
  • seeks advice from their local WHS adviser (staff only) on the risk assessment plan and management
  • communicates to all staff planning to travel overseas the need to apply for approval if they would like to take or access department digital devices, services or information while overseas. Information on how to apply is detailed in section 4 (Taking or accessing department digital devices, services and information from overseas) of the Digital devices, services and information - staff use procedures (staff only)
  • seeks advice from Curriculum for policy-related enquiries, SchoolsPolicyExcursions@det.nsw.edu.au.

Timeframe – minimum 5 months before the excursion.


  • The organising teacher provides the completed application pack to the Director, Educational Leadership.
  • The Director, Educational Leadership provides the pack to the local WHS Adviser (staff only) to review and provide corrective feedback on the risk assessment plan.
  • The principal network staff review the application pack and check agreed checklist items or specifications are met.
  • The organising teacher makes required changes to the application pack.
  • The Director, Educational Leadership endorses the completed overseas excursions application pack.

Timeframe – minimum 3 months before the excursion.


  • The principal network forwards the endorsed application pack to the public schools directorate office.
  • The designated public schools directorate staff verifies the application pack is complete and agreed checklist items from the roundtable meeting are met.

Timeframe – minimum one month before the excursion.

The appropriate Executive Director approves the completed overseas application pack via email at least 28 days before departure to allow staff to apply for international access to digital devices while oversees (see below).

Depending on the circumstances, the appropriate Executive Director may be:

  • Executive Directors, Public Schools
  • Executive Director, Connected Communities
  • Executive Director, Student Support and Specialist Programs.

If copies of items such as passports or personal travel insurance cannot be provided one month before the excursion, conditional sign off may be granted, specifying the items that the organising teacher must provide prior to the excursion.

Conditional approval will not be granted if one or more of the following is not included in the excursion application:

  • risk assessment plan
  • itinerary
  • list of attendees
  • billeting information.

Approval or conditional approval may be withdrawn at any time if additional excursion activities are introduced or following the emergence of unforeseen events or unfavourable circumstances.

Different approvals and lead times may be required when specific groups of students are selected to travel overseas, for example tours conducted by, or with the assistance of, the Arts unit and the School Sports unit. Principals should discuss delegations and approvals with the appropriate senior officer – the relevant director in accordance with the reporting line.

Once approval for the excursion is granted, staff attending the excursion must submit an International access (Working from overseas) (staff only) SAP form at least 28 days before departure and obtain approval to access department devices, services and information from overseas, as per section 4 of the Digital devices, services and information- staff use procedures (staff only).

Record-keeping requirements

Refer to Retention and disposal requirements for schools for information on retaining and disposing of records.

Records Instruction Instrument

Excursions and variations to routine

Records relating to planning for and approval to conduct excursions, camps, incursions, sporting carnivals, performances and so on. Includes risk assessment and authorisation to conduct.

Retain minimum of 5 years after action completed, then destroy

FA387 3.0.15

Communication between the school and parents and carers about planned excursions (with or without overnight stay, overseas travel) and variations to routine, including parent permission to participate, use electronic devices, attend hospital school, or election to opt out of activities. Includes information to parents, excursion package, residential package for distance education residential facility usage, signed permission from parent or carer.

Retain minimum of 2 years after action completed or minimum of 2 years after excursion completed, whichever is longer, then destroy

FA387 3.0.16

Accidents and incidents

Records relating to the management of accidents, incidents, injury, trauma, bullying and illness involving students, including records documenting actions taken in response by staff, ambulance reports, and copies of relevant records such as attendance registers.

See 3.0.19 for records relating to allegations of child abuse.

Retain minimum of 25 years after action completed, then destroy

FA387 3.0.1

Lists of student accident, injury, trauma and illness related events, for example, registers of injuries, accidents, first aid, sick bay and medicines administered, medications books, and epipens currency checks.

Retain minimum of 2 years after action completed, then destroy

FA387 3.0.2


Reports, plans, parent interactions and orders pertaining to the welfare of students. Includes: medical plans, anaphylaxis and asthma plans, students’ health risk summaries, student risk assessments, court orders related to access, apprehended violence, requests for student assistance, counsellor reports, notes of parent interviews relating to contentious issues and action by school in response.

Retain minimum of 25 years after action completed, then destroy

FA387 3.0.17

Emergency contact forms.

Retain until superseded or student no longer enrolled, then destroy

FA387 3.0.18

Records relating to allegations of child abuse, including copies forwarded to other agencies.

Retain minimum of 99 years after date of incident, then destroy

FA387 3.0.19

The school/relevant business unit undertaking the screening and WWCC verification is responsible for collating and storing all documents collected as part of the screening and verification process. Documents must be made available upon request from the Probity Unit. Record keeping requirements are auditable.

The documents you collect to conduct the WWCC clearance verification and probity check contain sensitive personal information. You must store them securely for seven years post inactivity.

State Records Act, General Authority 28 (GA28-15.4.4), and privacy legislation

Mandatory tools and templates

Section Forms required



TAB 1 – Staff

TAB 2 – Students

TAB 3 – Volunteer adults

TAB 4 – Travel insurance

TAB 5 – Correspondence

TAB 6 – Itinerary

TAB 7 – Billeting

TAB 8 – Risk management

TAB 9 – First aid kit

TAB 10 – Costs

Supporting tools, resources and related information

Policy contact

Director, Curriculum Implementation and Provision
02 7814 0226

The Executive Director, Curriculum monitors the implementation of this procedure, regularly reviews its contents to ensure relevance and accuracy, and updates it as needed.

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