Disclosure log

Our disclosure log is a record of information that the department has released in response to a formal access application from an individual or organisation that the department thinks could also be of interest to other members of the public. The department will usually include only non-personal information on the log.

The disclosure log sets out the date the decision was made to release the information; a description of the information released; and details about whether that information is currently available and how it can be accessed.

Be aware that the log lists the information requested, relevant to a specific time and may not contain the most up-to-date version of the information. Our disclosure log is continuously updated as additional information is released under the GIPA Act.

In deciding to release information in response to a GIPA access application, consistent with the GIPA Act consideration is to be given to personal factors of the application as outlined in section 55 of the GIPA Act. Where other members of the public request access to the released information described on the disclosure log, the department may delete certain information relating to the original applicant's personal information; business, commercial, professional or financial interests; research carried out by or on behalf of the applicant; or information concerning the affairs of another government. Depending on the work required and costs involved to make parts of the released information available to others, the department may require an access application to be lodged in some circumstances.

All released information available.

For access please contact Right to Access.

T: 7814 3525    E: GIPA@det.nsw.edu.au

Reference Number Date Application decided Description of Information to which access was provided Type of release - Full release or release with deletions
GIPA-25-0117 19/02/2025 Teaching Positions -Vacancies for Terms 3 to 4, 2024 and Term 1, 2025. Released to applicant in full

GIPA-24-1232 25/07/2024 Balance of Fund 6101 for listed schools; base school allocation for listed schools and capital works amounts for Narrabeen Sports High Released to applicant in full
GIPA-24-1303 31/07/2024 1. The number of vacant positions and the full staff complement at each NSW Department of Education facility - that is primary schools, central schools, high schools, secondary colleges, and so on - in the New England North West (defined above). Please include both faculty and non-faculty positions.
2. A list of any permanent positions which have been unfilled/in recruitment for more than 12 months in the New England North West. Please include both school level and Department roles based in the region, faculty and non-faculty.
Released to applicant in full
GIPA-24-1223 2/08/2024 Suspension and expulsion data for Kindergarten to Year Two students between 2019 to 2024 Released to applicant with deletions
GIPA-24-1675 3/09/2024 The full version of the Care Continuum Guide Full release
GIPA-24-1491 12/09/2024 1. Number of teacher staff incidents that were reported as workers compensation claims but not pursued from 2014-2023, broken down by year and mechanism of injury. 2. Number of reported teacher workers compensation claims from 2014-2023, broken down by year and mechanism of injury. Released to applicant with deletions
GIPA-24-1958 8/10/2024 Suspensions and expulsions - Updates to delegations of the Secretary's power under the Education Act 1990 Released to applicant in full
GIPA-24-0505-IR 11/10/2024 The Professional and Ethical Standards advisory review report Released to applicant with deletions
FOI-25-022 20/11/2024 Statistics 2020-2024 for reports made relating to physical or sexual abuse in early childhood education settings Released to applicant with deletions
GIPA-24-2331 21/11/2024 1. Total Capital spend excluding reactive maintenance for the financial years 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 2. Minor Works spend for the financial years 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 Full release
GIPA-24-2358 25/11/2024 Data for those who applied for NSW OC & Selective Test for entry in 2025 Full release
GIPA-24-2449 6/12/2024 Best Start Kindergarten Assessment data for 2023 to 2024 Released to applicant with deletions

Reference Number Date Application decided Description of Information to which access was provided Type of release - Full release or release with deletions       
GIPA-22-1632 25/01/2023 Maintenance backlog 2022 Released to applicant in full      
GIPA-22-1587 24/01/2023 Correspondence in relation to the COVID-19 risk assessment for school operations. Released to applicant with deletions      
GIPA-23-0153 7/03/2023 Enrolments at Bungendore High School and building cost Released to applicant with deletions      
GIPA-23-0206 7/03/2023 List of teaching staff at Woolongbar Public School - date range: 2000 to 2010 Released to applicant in full      
GIPA-22-1605 8/03/2023 Vacancies in schools, gifts and benefits, credit card charges. Released to applicant in full      
GIPA-22-1653-IR 15/03/2023 Copies of the following ministerial briefings and any attachments: MT22/1845, MT22/2116, MT22/2163, MT22/2181, MT22/2189, MT22/1887, DGS22/1636, DGS22/1441, DGS22/1830, DGS22/1775, DGS22/1742 Released to applicant with deletions      
GIPA-23-0272 28/04/2023 Castle Hill High School Clearance Certificates from REDOHMS/ SINSW Northern Sydney and air monitoring reports 1 October 2022 to 31 December 2022 Released to applicant with deletions      
GIPA-23-0762 5/05/2023 List of teachers at Cronulla Public School during 1996 to 2000 Released to applicant in full      
GIPA-23-0763 5/05/2023 List of teachers at Cronulla High School during 2002 to 2005 Released to applicant in full      
GIPA-23-0406 21/06/2023 Establishment of Connected Communities 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2013 Released to applicant with deletions      
GIPA-23-0352 27/06/2023 Policies, procedures & guidelines regarding incidents, child protection & supervision. Teachers Handbooks 1993/1994. Released to applicant in full      
GIPA-23-0301-IR 3/07/2023 Community consultation for school zoning Hastings/Port Macquarie Released to applicant with deletions      
` 11/05/2023 Clearance certificates and air monitoring reports for Castle Hill HS from 1/1/23 – 28/2/23  Released to applicant in full       
GIPA-23-0865 21/07/2023  A copy of all correspondence or documents related to the location of the Bungendore High School Released to applicant with deletions      
GIPA-23-0899 20/07/2023 Report for Wee Waa High School - Public Health Investigation.  The reference number is EDU/21/WWR001-B Released to applicant with deletions      
GIPA-23-1086 27/07/2023 Physical assaults/ violence by students at primary schools for July 2021-2023 Released to applicant with deletions      
GIPA-23-0731 28/07/2023 2023 Enrolment data for Special Religious Education and Special Education in Ethics for the following 11 schools: Epping Boys High, Killara High School, South Sydney High School, Arthur Phillip High School, Fairfield High School, Rose Bay Secondary College, Sydney Secondary College Balmain Campus , Marrickville High School, Camden High School, Castle Hill High, Cronulla High School Released to applicant in full      
GIPA-23-1164 28/07/2023 Bungendore High School Site Selection Process & Findings Released to applicant with deletions      
GIPA-23-1599 14/08/2023 A copy of Peer Review of Heritage Assessment Report from Orange Grove Public School - November 2019 Released to applicant in full      
GIPA-23-1756 5/10/2023 Information regarding the number of Electrical Certificate of Proficiency (CoP) that have been issued in NSW for the period 1 July 2023 to 5 September 2023 Released to applicant in full      
GIPA-23-1313 10/10/2023 Incidents relating to sharp finds and injuries at schools since 2022 Released to applicant with deletions      
GIPA-23-1849 14/11/2023 Targeted Environmental Investigation, Salt Ash Public School – 2020-2022 Released to applicant with deletions      
GIPA-23-2228 5/12/2023 Scripture enrolment in 20 schools in the Hunter region. Released to applicant in full      
GIPA-23-2085  6/12/2023 Ranking of the top 20 NSW government schools by enrolments Release to applicant in full All released information available
For access please contact Right to Access T: 7814 3525 E: GIPA@det.nsw.edu.au



AMENDED 22/04/2022

1. The number of access requests for support classes places and integration funding support made from 2011 to 2021 and the percentage of requests year by year that were successful in both categories at each school; Amended: data aggregated to the Principal Network level.

2. The number of integration funding support packages each year from 2011 to 2020 by disability and the total funding for them each year at each school; Amended: data aggregated to the Principal Network level.

3. The total number of adjustments for students with disability from 2018 to 2021 at each school; Amended: data aggregated to the Principal Network level.

4. The total number of students with autism spectrum disorder, moderate to severe intellectual disability and mental health needs each year from 2013 to 2021 at each school. Amended: data aggregated to the Principal Network level.

Released to applicant in full



 Certificates of Analysis of asbestos material at Bardia Public School and St Andrews Public School.
 Ingleburn North Public School Asbestos Register.

Released to applicant in full



Copies of briefings for the minister and the secretary as well as meeting papers and executive papers related to the salaries, admin burden and release time and conditions of teachers (in NSW and other states and territories) that have been prepared since July 2021.

Released to applicant with deletions



Final reports and briefings from consultancies listed in the 2020/21 Skills Board annual report

Released to applicant with deletions



Correspondence in relation to engagement of Sonic HealthPlus for the referral and review of medical contraindication certificates including processes and procedures, for staff employed under the Teaching Services Act.  

Released to applicant with deletions



Number of notifications between 2017- January 2022 in NSW approved and licensed childcare services of


• Allegations of physical and sexual abuse           

• Incidents of physical and sexual abuse

Released to applicant in full



1.         Briefings (and attachments) for the secretary, executive or minister related to disability funding for schools since June 2020

2.         Reports related to the department’s review of the disability criteria and any related briefing or meeting papers.

Released to applicant with deletions



1. The number of access requests for support classes places and integration funding support made from 2011 to 2021 and the percentage of requests year by year that were successful in both categories at each school; Amended: data aggregated to the Principal Network level.

2. The number of integration funding support packages each year from 2011 to 2020 by disability and the total funding for them each year at each school; Amended: data aggregated to the Principal Network level.

3. The total number of adjustments for students with disability from 2018 to 2021 at each school; Amended: data aggregated to the Principal Network level.

4. The total number of students with autism spectrum disorder, moderate to severe intellectual disability and mental health needs each year from 2013 to 2021 at each school. Amended: data aggregated to the Principal Network level.

Released to applicant in full



Briefings, meeting papers or reports (including attachments) prepared for the minister and/or secretary since December 1, 2021 that include content on teacher supply or demand, teacher shortages, out of area teaching and the teacher supply strategy.

Released to applicant with deletions



The name, suburb/town, total and average per student NSW recurrent funding paid to for each Independent non-government school and system in NSW in 2021.

Released to applicant in full



• De-zoning of primary schools for 1989 policy                                   

• Extension of de-zoning of schools for 1990 policy                                                       

• Choice of schools for 1992 policy

Released to applicant in full



Number of girls, number of indigenous students and students with a disability who sat selective school test who were offered places, accepted places from 2018 - 2021 for Year 7

Released to applicant in full



2022 annual assurances provided by SRE providers 

Released to applicant in full



Information relating to WHS obligations, risk assessments, COVID and children on campus.

Released to applicant in full



1. Documents or other information in relation to the presence, installation, and/or removal of asbestos containing products located at Randwick Girls High School;

2. Asbestos registers and/or hazardous materials in relation to Randwick Girls High School.

Released to applicant with deletions



Records related to the Minister’s conflict of interest with Association of NSW Regional Conservatoriums 

Released to applicant with deletions





1. Documents or other information in relation to the presence, installation, and/or removal of asbestos containing products located at Randwick Girls High School;

2. Asbestos registers and/or hazardous materials in relation to Randwick Girls High School1. 

Released to applicant with deletions



List of staff at Berkeley Vale High School from 1982-1985

Released to applicant in full 



Air monitoring reports for Castle Hill High School

Released to applicant with deletions



School attendance percentages for Tarago Public School;  Bungendore Public School; Braidwood Central School; Tirranna Public School and Windellama Public School between 1 January 2019 to 1 July 2022.

Released to applicant in full 

GIPA-22-0738 18/07/2022 Student enrolment figures for each year from 2016 to 2022 for Blaxcell Street Public School 

Released to applicant with deletions

GIPA-22-0607 12/08/2022 Records relating to presence of asbestos containing products located at Tingha Public School Released to applicant in full
GIPA-22-608 12/08/2022 Records relating to asbestos testing and the presence of asbestos containing products at Lithgow Public School Released to applicant in full
GIPA-22-0676 26/08/2022 1. Separately for each financial year from 1 July 2020 to present, the number of break and enter incidents at schools and the total cost of claims made by schools as a result of break and enter incidents;
2. Separately for each financial year from 1 July 2020 to present, the number of vandalism/malicious damage incidents at schools and the total costs of claims made by schools as a result of incidents of vandalism/malicious damage;
3. Separately for each financial year from 1July 2020 to present, the number of arson incidents at schools, broken down by the number of reported cases and major arson incidents, and the cost of claims made by schools as a result of arson incidents; and
4. Separately for each financial year from 1 July 2020to present, the total number of incidents causing loss or damage at schools that have resulted in claims being made by schools and the total costs of those claims.
Released to applicant in full
GIPA-22-1032 16/09/2022 Briefings etc to the minister and/or secretary with content on teacher supply or demand, teacher shortages, out of field teaching, Attraction to Teaching and the Teacher Supply Strategy 

Released to applicant with deletions

GIPA-22-0995 27/09/2022 1. MASTERPLANNING: Heritage Report/ Heritage Impact Statement and any other documentation and reports including environmental impact statement, asbestos investigations of masterplan area;
2. SEWER WORKS - CCTV footage showing clearly the access point into the sewer in its context and the broken sewer portion
3. ARBORIST REPORTS obtained by OGPS and/ or NSW School Infrastructure for any trees on the school grounds of OGPS between 01/01/2018 and 15/08/2022, and any PAYMENT RECEIPTS for performed tree felling works.
Released to applicant with deletions
GIPA-22-1165 10/10/2022 • Risk management plan for Southern Stars 2022 event
• COVID-19 Safety Plan for Southern Stars 2022 event
• Records of attendees testing positive to COVID-19 after Southern Stars 2022 event

Released to applicant with deletions

GIPA-22-0915 13/10/2022 Records relating to e-tender SINSW03295-A/22.  Released to applicant in full 
GIPA-22-1422 23/11/2022 2022 012 – Educational Leadership Checklist Health and Safety Directorate forms for:            1. Baulkham Hills High School
2. Bella Vista Public School
3. Castle Hill High School
4. Cherrybrook Public School
5. Cherrybrook Technology High School
6. Crestwood High School
7. Crestwood Public School
8. Oakhill Drive Public School
9. Samuel Gilbert Public School
10. Winston Heights Public School
11. Winston Hills Public School
Released to applicant in full 
GIPA-22-1224 2/12/2022 1. Information regarding COVID measures implemented at Faulconbridge Public School ·  2. Emails and media documents regarding ventilation and air quality at NSW schools 
Released to applicant with deletions
GIPA-22-1423 6/12/2022 Castle Hill High School Building Plan Released to applicant in full 

Reference Number Date Application decided
(Format should be 13.05.2016)
Description of Information to which access was provided Type of release - Full release or release with deletions  Information available to the public and how it can be accessed.
GIPA-20-735 5/02/2021 Reports regarding any evaluations, analysis, advice about teachers dismissed/ disciplined in 2020; types of misconduct; advice about mitigating misconduct Released to applicant in full All released information available
For access please contact Information Access Unit  T: 7814 3525 E:iaunit@det.nsw.edu.au 
GIPA-20-538 8/02/2021 Records regarding the Bungendore High School project Released to applicant with deletions All released information available
For access please contact Information Access Unit  T: 7814 3525 E:iaunit@det.nsw.edu.au 
GIPA-20-716 8/02/2021 The cost of compensation from school bullying cases settled in court and out of court. 2015-2020. Released to applicant in full All released information available
For access please contact Information Access Unit  T: 7814 3525 E:iaunit@det.nsw.edu.au 
GIPA-20-745 11/02/2021 The 2020 NSW recurrent funding paid to all non-government schools and systems. Released to applicant in full All released information available
For access please contact Information Access Unit  T: 7814 3525 E:iaunit@det.nsw.edu.au 
GIPA-21-012 12/02/2021 Number of injury reports and WorkCover claims made for voice injuries by teachers in 1998, 2016-2020.   Released to applicant in full All released information available
For access please contact Information Access Unit  T: 7814 3525 E:iaunit@det.nsw.edu.au 
GIPA-20-599 18/02/2021 Documents relating to Ajuga School, including:
• the installation, maintenance, presence, demolition removal and/or any building renovation works involving asbestos or asbestos containing products
• Results of any asbestos surveys.
• Any asbestos exposure registers.
between the period 1996 to 2014.
Released to applicant with deletions All released information available
For access please contact Information Access Unit  T: 7814 3525 E:iaunit@det.nsw.edu.au 
GIPA-21-069 1/03/2021 2021 annual assurances provided by SRE providers  Released to applicant in full All released information available
For access please contact Information Access Unit  T: 7814 3525 E:iaunit@det.nsw.edu.au 
GIPA-21-034 24/03/2021 All correspondence, file notes and briefing notes from 1 January 2020 to 18 December 2020 in relation to the Before and After School Care service run out of Newport Public School, known as Newport Out of School Hours Care or NOOSHC.  Released to applicant with deletions All released information available
For access please contact Information Access Unit  T: 7814 3525 E:iaunit@det.nsw.edu.au 
GIPA-21-104 8/04/2021 Research conducted by CESE into the standard of writing in NSW schools, the teaching of writing in NSW schools and the importance/influence of writing on student performance Released to applicant in full All released information available
For access please contact Information Access Unit  T: 7814 3525 E:iaunit@det.nsw.edu.au 
GIPA-20-708 13/04/2021 1. All reports or briefings setting out the results of consultation undertaken by the Department with “several stakeholders of the Mick Sherd Oval”, referred to on page 1 of the Brochure; and
2. Anticipated initial and future student numbers at BHS and/or making any assessment of anticipated student numbers at Braidwood Central School following the opening of BHS
Released to applicant in full  All released information available
For access please contact Information Access Unit  T: 7814 3525 E:iaunit@det.nsw.edu.au 
GIPA-21-116 20/04/2021 In respect of the land known as Aquatic Reserve, Frenchs Forest comprising Lot 7349 DP 1167548, Lot 1192 DP 752038, Lot 2779 DO 46992, and Lot 1 DP 91527 (the Land) each report prepared since 2015 by GHD Pty Ltd or any other person with respect to the assessment of contamination of or from the Land or any part of it or the assessment of risk presented by such contamination.  Released to applicant in full  All released information available
For access please contact Information Access Unit  T: 7814 3525 E:iaunit@det.nsw.edu.au 
GIPA-21-134 29/04/2021 Records that detail or refer to: a) The construction of Palmers Island Public School b) Any refurbishment of Palmers Island Public School from 2001 to now; and c) The presence, location, or removal of any asbestos material at Palmers Island Public School. Released to applicant with deletions All released information available
For access please contact Information Access Unit  T: 7814 3525 E:iaunit@det.nsw.edu.au 
GIPA-21-266 10/05/2021 The number and title of teaching positions in schools without a substantive occupant on day 1, term 4, 2020 Released to applicant in full  All released information available
For access please contact Information Access Unit  T: 7814 3525 E:iaunit@det.nsw.edu.au 
GIPA-21-215 24/05/2021 Incidents relating to weapons, illegal substances, sexual assaults, indecent assaults and problematic, harmful and sexualised behaviours, occurred onsite in NSW public schools involving minimum one student, between 1 January 2021 and 25 March 2021. Released to applicant with deletions All released information available
For access please contact Information Access Unit  T: 7814 3525 E:iaunit@det.nsw.edu.au 
GIPA-21-357 9/06/2021 Clearance Certificate – Asbestos Removal, Warners Bay Public School. Jan 2020 Released to applicant in full  All released information available
For access please contact Information Access Unit  T: 7814 3525 E:iaunit@det.nsw.edu.au 
GIPA-21-363 15/06/2021 Ages and gender profiles for permanent and temporary teachers in March 2021
2021 resignation rates of permanent teachers in their first five years of teaching
Released to applicant in full  All released information available
For access please contact Information Access Unit  T: 7814 3525 E:iaunit@det.nsw.edu.au 
GIPA-21-194 15/06/2021 • Draft traffic assessments for the Bungendore High School project
• Briefing regarding Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council’s approval of resolution to support NSW Department of Education’s proposal for a high school in Bungendore.
Released to applicant with deletions All released information available
For access please contact Information Access Unit  T: 7814 3525 E:iaunit@det.nsw.edu.au 
GIPA-21-328 22/06/2021 Copies of Deed of Variation between DoE & Cronulla Sutherland Water Polo Club Released to applicant with deletions All released information available
For access please contact Information Access Unit  T: 7814 3525 E:GIPA@det.nsw.edu.au 
GIPA-21-426 24/06/2021 Societel Consulting's Staffing methodology review Released to applicant in full  All released information available
For access please contact Information Access Unit  T: 7814 3525 E:iaunit@det.nsw.edu.au 
GIPA-21-485 20/07/2021 The number of deaths of school children in NSW public schools between 1 January 2012 and 31 December 2020 Released to applicant in full  All released information available
For access please contact Information Access Unit  T: 7814 3525 E:GIPA@det.nsw.edu.au 
GIPA-21-312 21/07/2021 Historical department policies relating to child welfare and child protection for period 1993 to 1995. Released to applicant in full  All released information available
For access please contact Information Access Unit  T: 7814 3525 E:GIPA@det.nsw.edu.au 
GIPA-21-560 11/08/2021 2021 utilisation figures/data on a school by school basis including the number of classrooms in the school; the number of students; and the utilisation rate Released to applicant in full  All released information available
For access please contact Information Access Unit  T: 7814 3525 E:GIPA@det.nsw.edu.au 
GIPA-21-481 18/08/2021 Child Care Finder website – total cost, specifications and the period of time from commissioning the project to the delivery of the website. Released to applicant in full  All released information available
For access please contact Information Access Unit  T: 7814 3525 E:GIPA@det.nsw.edu.au 
GIPA-21-646 17/09/2021 1. Number and names of fully selective schools which had one or more students who completed an HSC course before they were in Y12, and the courses in which students accelerated for 2018-2020.
2. Number of students in fully selective schools who completed an HSC course in Y10/Y11, by course, from 2018 to 2020.
Released to applicant in full  All released information available
For access please contact Information Access Unit  T: 7814 3525 E:GIPA@det.nsw.edu.au 
GIPA-21-710 5/10/2021 Copies of briefings prepared for the Minister Sarah Mitchell in 2021 on Initial Teacher Education, including any prepared for meetings of Education Ministers related to the Quality Initial Teacher Education Review Released to applicant with deletions All released information available
For access please contact Information Access Unit  T: 7814 3525 E:GIPA@det.nsw.edu.au 
GIPA-21-886 10/11/2021 1. Copies of briefings prepared for the minister since June 1 2021 that include content on teacher supply or demand, teacher shortages or out of area teaching, the development of an employee value proposition and the teacher supply strategy.
2. Copies of briefings prepared for the secretary since June 1 2021 that include content on teacher supply or demand, teacher shortages or out of area teaching, the development of an employee value proposition and the teacher supply strategy.
3. Copies of House folder notes prepared since June 1 2021 that include content on teacher supply or demand, teacher shortages or out of area teaching, the June production of documents order of the Legislative Council, the development of an employee value proposition and the teacher supply strategy.
Released to applicant with deletions All released information available
For access please contact Information Access Unit  T: 7814 3525 E:iaunit@det.nsw.edu.au 
GIPA-21-888 11/11/2021 1. Copies of modelling prepared on teacher release time as part of the Staffing Methodology Review between January 2019 and July 2021.
2. Any reports or papers on teacher release time modelling presenting to the Staffing Methodology Review steering committee.
3. Briefings or updates on the Staffing Methodology Review prepared for the minister between January 2019 and 15 October 2021.
Released to applicant with deletions All released information available
For access please contact Information Access Unit  T: 7814 3525 E:iaunit@det.nsw.edu.au 
GIPA-21-913 17/11/2021 Information regarding the Walgett Community College High School for the period 01/09/2020 to 30/09/21:
- Incident reports & incident notifications including verbal & emotional & physical abuse of staff and children/students including possession of illegal substance, possession and use of weapons. Incidences reported internally and to police
- Incidence of vandalism and destruction of school property
- Suspension & expulsion rates
- School attendance rate
Released to applicant with deletions All released information available
For access please contact Information Access Unit  T: 7814 3525 E:iaunit@det.nsw.edu.au 
GIPA-21-853 18/11/2021 1. Briefings to the minister or meeting notes related to a mid career entry program for teachers
2. Briefings to the minister or meeting notes related to Alphacrucis College and teacher training.
Released to applicant with deletions All released information available
For access please contact Information Access Unit  T: 7814 3525 E:iaunit@det.nsw.edu.au 
GIPA-21-932 8/12/2021 Casual teacher wages paid in T3 2019, 2020 and 2021. Released to applicant in full All released information available
For access please contact Information Access Unit  T: 7814 3525 E:iaunit@det.nsw.edu.au 
GIPA-21-1012 8/12/2021 The number of children enrolled in the 2021 school year that were enrolled early, that is, children who were 4 years of age at the start of the school year and who turned 5 years of age on or before 31 July 2021 Released to applicant in full All released information available
For access please contact Information Access Unit  T: 7814 3525 E:iaunit@det.nsw.edu.au 

Ref number

Date application was decided

Description of information to which access was provided

Type of release




Records relating to risk of harm from wi-fi in schools, tender documents for wi-fi supplier.

Released to applicant with deletions




1. The outstanding repair bill each year for the past two financial years (2017/18 and 2018/19) in relation to schools' maintenance projects;

2. The latest cost for each of the top 10 schools in the Metropolitan area -with the most expensive repair bills for outstanding maintenance projects.

Released to applicant in full




All costs of the NSW Department of Education relating to the launch and implementation of the new quality star rating system of early childhood learning providers provisioned in the:

a) Budget and expenditure to date for the financial year 2019/2020

b) Budget for the financial year 2020/2021

Released to applicant in full




Detailed breakdown of expenditure of $6,000,000.00 described as “ACECQA” together with a copy of all contracts and correspondence between the NSW Department of Education and ACECQA relating to the expenditure.

Released to applicant with deletions




A copy of the research paper written by CESE about the pros + cons of the International Baccalaureate.

Released to applicant with deletions




2020 annual assurances provided by SRE providers

Released to applicant in full




1. For the period 1 January 2017 – 31 December 2019, total number of applications (for each of the three years ie 2017, 2018 & 2019) made by childcare providers for a waiver of Regulation 108 to allow simulated outdoor space indoors instead of the outdoor space required by Regulation 108;

For the period 1 January 2019 – 31 December 2019, a list of approved childcare providers that were granted waivers where instead of the required outdoor space, they are now permitted to have “simulated” outdoor space indoors.

Released to applicant in full




Incident reports relating to verbal, emotional & physical abuse/incidents involving teachers, students and all other staff members at Walgett Community College

Released to applicant with deletions




All information relating to:

a) The effective reading in the early years training workshop conducted by the Department in Ballina on 25 and 26 June 2018

b) The funding Rous Public School received for decodable readers by attending the workshop

c) The expenditure of this funding by Rous Public School, ie what was purchased

Released to applicant with deletions




1. The amount of state government funding allocated to each non-government school in NSW for 2019

2. The amount of funding allocated to each non-government school for transition support in 2019

Released to applicant in full




Workers compensation claims filed by teachers in the Callaghan, Cessnock, Glenrock, Hunter, Lake Macquarie East, Lake Macquarie North, Lake Macquarie West, Maitland, Newcastle, Port Stephens and Upper Hunter. Principal networks from 2015 to 2019.

Released to applicant in full




Type of centre and rating for centre that recorded a death of a child in 2018.

Released to applicant in full




1. Information concerning predicted enrolments for Alexandria Park Community School;

2. Data held by the Department identifying the number of predicted school-aged children within the catchment area for Alexandria Park Community School.

Released to applicant with deletions




Records held in relation to the outdoor play equipment including documents as to the installation; maintenance; refurbishment and upgrade of the outdoor play equipment and play areas at Harrington Park Public School for the period 1/1/2016 to 19/03/2020

Released to applicant with deletions




1. The number of access requests for support classes places and integration funding support made from 2011 to 2019 and the percentage of requests year by year that were successful in both categories.

2. The number of integration funding support packages each year from 2011 to 2019 by disability and the total funding for them each year.

3. The total number of identified students with disability from 2011 to 2019

The total number of students with autism spectrum disorder, mild to severe intellectual disability and mental health needs each year from 2011 to 2019

Released to applicant in full




1. Records relating to the minimum qualification requirements and experience a field /authorised officer must have.

2. Records relating to any compulsory professional development training courses field /authorised officers receive from the Department.

3. Records relating to compulsory professional development training courses authorised /field officers have undertaken in the past 36 months.

4. Records relating to how many hours of compulsory professional development an authorised /field officer must undertake in any given12 month period.

5. Records relating to the number of services in NSW who requested a first-tier review and the number of ratings that were changed as result of a first-tier review in the past 36 months.

6. Records relating to the number of services in NSW who requested a second-tier review and the number of ratings that were changed as result of a second-tier review in the past 36 months.

Released to applicant with deletions




In the Callaghan, Cessnock, Glenrock, Hunter, Lake Macquarie East, Lake Macquarie North, Lake Macquarie West, Maitland, Newcastle, Port Stephens and Upper Hunter principal networks:

a) Number of teachers who had a psychological injury workers comp matter

b) Number of teachers who took medical retirement (broken down into categories, including psychological injuries)

Released to applicant in full




Copies of correspondence between the Department of Education and contractors regarding the discovery of asbestos in the Newcastle East Public School heritage building between 1 November 2019 and 3 February 2020.

Released to applicant with deletions




Residential postcodes of every student in every grade enrolled at Merewether High from 2017 to 2019, in a table format with calendar year, grade and postcode.

Released to applicant in full




1. Estimated NSW per student amount and total funding for the non‐government sector under the NSW bilateral agreement with the Commonwealth for each year 2018 to 2023.

2. Estimated NSW per student amount and total funding for the government sector under the NSW bilateral agreement with the Commonwealth for each year 2018 to 2023.

Released to applicant in full




Report on Health and Safety Directorate Culture Health Check

Released to applicant in full




1. The number of reports made by teachers of psychological injury through the Departmental Work Health and Safety system during 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019.

2. The number of reports made by teachers of a physical injury through the Departmental Work Health and Safety system during 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019.

3. The number of Workcover claims made by teachers for a psychological injury (regardless of whether the claim was accepted or denied) during 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019.

4. The number of Workcover claims made by teachers for a physical injury (regardless of whether the claim was accepted or denied) during 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019.

Released to applicant in full




For the years 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020:

A demographic breakdown of the students who sat the NSW Selective High School placement test; those who were offered a place; and those who accepted a place at a NSW Selective High School by:

- Gender

- LBOTE (who have been doing all school work in English for less than four years)

- Aboriginality

- Postcode

- Disability (yes/no detail only)

I am also seeking, for the years 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020, the proportion of those who sat the test who were attending a Catholic School/independent school.

Released to applicant in full




1. The number of waivers granted in the year 2019 in NSW where childcare centres have not been able to comply with Regulation 272.

2. The number of waivers granted in the year 2020 to 29 June 2020 in NSW where childcare centres have not been able to comply with Regulation 272.

Released to applicant in full




Manly West Public School:

- Asbestos Removal Control Plan (ARCP) for the works.

- All monitoring, testing & clearance certifications performed.

- Copy of the Worksafe NSW Asbestos Removal Permit for the works.

For the period 01/04/2020 to 26/05/2020

Released to applicant with deletions




1. Number of high school students suspended for 20 days in 2017 to 2019 and reasons.

2. Number of suspensions in high schools for the period 2017 to 2019 for violence, drugs, weapons and criminal behaviour.

Released to applicant in full




Strengthening school and system capacity to implement effective interventions to support student behaviour and wellbeing in NSW public schools: An evidence review By Telethon Kids Institute

Released to applicant with deletions




1. The outstanding repair bill for NSW Government schools in relation to schools’ maintenance projects.

2. The latest cost for each of the top ten schools in the Greater Sydney Metropolitan area with the most expensive repair bills for outstanding maintenance projects.

Released to applicant in full




Terry Hills High School Asbestos Register, Asbestos testing and Site Building and Construction Plans

Released to applicant with deletions




1. The amount of funding allocated to the Building Grants Assistance Scheme for each year from 2012/13 to 2019/20.

2. The names of Independent schools that have benefited from interest subsidies from 2014/15 to 2018/19 (or calendar years 2014 to 2019). For each school the amount paid by the department and if the subsidy for the school is ongoing the estimated year when it will cease.

3. The total amount of interest subsidies for the Catholic sector for each year from 2014/15 to 2018/19 (or calendar years 2014 to 2019).

4. The total number of demountable buildings in NSW public schools each year 2014 to 2019.

Released to applicant in full




Records relating to Boston Consultancy Group’s consultancy work on the Department’s Disability Strategy

Released to applicant with deletions




Information relating to Newtown Performing Arts High School:

1. In the last 5 years how many students were enrolled at the High School as out of area under compassionate grounds;

2. In the last 5 years how many students were enrolled at the High School that were under the care of the Minister and in long term out of home care.

Released to applicant in full 




1.     for each financial year from 2017 to present, the number of break and enter incidents at schools and the total cost of claims made by schools as a result of break and enter incidents; 2. for each financial year from 2017 to present, the number of vandalism/malicious damage incidents at schools and the total costs of claims made by schools as a result of incidents of vandalism/malicious damage; 3. for each financial year from 2017 to present, the number of arson incidents at schools, broken down by the number of reported cases and major arson incidents, and the cost of claims made by schools as a result of arson incidents; and 4. for each financial year from 2017 to present, the total number of incidents causing loss or damage at schools that have resulted in claims being made by schools and the total costs of those claims.

Released to applicant in full




Incident report summary relating to the use or possession of a prohibited weapon, knife or gun/firearm in the Sydney Basin. Number of long suspensions for the use of an implement as a weapon. 2018 - April 2020.

Released to applicant with deletions




1.       Asbestos Register entry for Clunes Public School

2.       Site building plans for Clunes Public School  

Released to applicant in full 




Correspondence relating to the Auditor-General’s performance audit report – Supply of secondary teachers in STEM-related disciplines

Released to applicant in full 




Emails, documents, reports, memos and/or briefing notes relating to the purchase of toilet paper for schools that was found to be of the wrong size or found to be incompatible with dispensers

Released to applicant with deletions




1. Records identifying any remedial actions taken at Lue Public after the notification around 2013 by Kingsgate Consolidated that there were lead paint and dangerous level of lead contamination at the school, including the dates of these actions.

2. Records relating to any testing of lead contamination since 2013, including the level of lead in the soil and water, on floors and surfaces and in ceilings at the school. 

Released to applicant with deletions




Records (including reports, plans, specifications, assessments, photographs etc.) that detail or refer to:

(a) the construction of Seaforth Public School;

(b) any refurbishment of Seaforth Public School between 1978 to now; and

(c) the presence, location or removal of any asbestos material at Seaforth Public School.

Released to applicant with deletions




Final reports or executive summaries relating to work undertaken by consultants engaged to review internal policies, operations or programs.

Released to applicant with deletions




Summary of information RELEASED

Records including policies and procedures regarding:

·        Services provided by the department available to students with a disability in public schools and how these are accessed

·        How the department manages support services from external providers

·        How the attendance of students accessing services from an external provider outside school premises is recorded

Released to applicant in full




Cabramatta West Primary School Asbestos Register

Released to applicant in full 




Policies and guidelines 1980-1991 regarding suspected cases of sexual, physical or emotional abuse 

Released to applicant in full




• Services provided by the department available to students with a disability in public schools and how these are accessed

• How the department manages support services from external providers

• How the attendance of students accessing services from an external provider outside school premises is recorded

Released to applicant with deletions




Census data, for every government school for 2019 and 2020 school year. Please include for each school:

a)    Total capacity of the school for 2019 and 2020

b)    Utilization, that is, percentage over or under capacity for 2019 and 2020

Released to applicant in full





The number of permanent, casual and temporary teachers (FTE equivalent)employed by the department in 2020                                         

The department’s current aggregate projections for the number of additional teachers out to 2026


Released to applicant in full






Ministerial briefings regarding Teach for Australia and supporting documentation

Released to applicant in full








Ref number Date application was decided Description of information to which access was provided Type of release
GIPA-18-359 15.01.2019 Emails related to the Hurlstone Agricultural High School Assurance Review in the four months prior to 26 October 2018 Released to the applicant with deletions
GIPA-18-413 17.01.2019 Total amount of maintenance backlog in NSW Government schools to 30 June 2018 Released to applicant in full
GIPA-18-423 24.01.2019 Capital expenditure (not maintenance) by school over the past 5 years for Public Primary Schools in electoral districts of Lane Cove, Willoughby, Davidson, Ku-Ring-Gai and Hornsby. Released to applicant in full
GIPA-18-411 31.01.2019 Agreements and/or correspondence establishing the basis for the provision or distribution of state funding to Catholic Schools from 1 January 2015 to 28 November 2018 Released to applicant in full
GIPA-18-439 08.02.2019 All aboriginal culture heritage consultation protocols and policies maintained by Aboriginal Affairs
Minutes of all meetings and consultations with Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people regarding the Crown’s purchase of 25 Watson Street Putney.
All reports and assessments and other documents, records, consultations, deliberations or communication prepared in relation to the Crown’s purchase of Bennelong’s grave.
Released to applicant in full
GIPA-18-431 14.02.2019 1. Draft Noise Prevention Report – Katoomba High School
2. Draft Hearing protection factsheet
Released to applicant with deletions
GIPA-19-003 08.02.2019 The number of out-of-area students enrolled in each NSW Department of Education high school in the combined areas of Sydney Metropolitan South Network of Schools and Sydney Metropolitan North Network of Schools, according to the Department’s most recent data. Released to applicant in full
FOI-19-009 19.02.20109 For financial years 2016/2017 and 2017/2018, the number of applications to become approved childcare providers, under the NSW Department of Education’s Enhanced Approval Process, and the number of applications received Released to applicant in full
GIPA-19-020 18.02.2019 Number of students who changed their first name in years 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 Released to applicant in full
GIPA-19-014 20.02.2019 Information regarding the number of teachers who have applied to the department for a second job. List to include, sex of the teacher and what job they wished to undertake from the below NSW schools for the past 3 years:
Cherrybrook Technology High School
Castle Hill High School
Westfields Sports High School
Westmead Public School
Killara High School
Bonnyrigg High School
Cabramatta High School
Wadalba Community School
Canley Vale High School
Chatswood High School
Released to applicant with deletions
FOI-19-004 21.02.2019 1.     For the financial years 2016/17 and 2017/18, how many full time Field Officers were employed to conduct assessments and ratings onsite at childcare services; and
2.     Further, for the financial year 2018/19, please advise how many have been budgeted for.
Released to applicant in full
GIPA-19-031 21.02.2019 Details of the number of attendees of all the Early Childhood Education roadshow sessions conducted over the past 3 years, including details of where and when the roadshows were conducted. Released to applicant in full
GIPA-19-011 22.02.2019 Documents showing the Secretary's conditions of employment, targets/goals/aims, terms of reference and whether the targets/goals/aims have been met, along with remuneration and bonus amounts and whether they've been awarded. Released to applicant with deletions
GIPA-18-412 28.02.2019 Records relating to decision to merge Griffith and Wade High Schools. Released to applicant with deletions
GIPA-19-030 05.03.2019 Complete list of all the GIPA and all FOI applications that the department has completed from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2018 including:
a) Date of request
b) A summary description of what the request was about; and
c) The date of completion of the request
Released to applicant with deletions
GIPA-18-438 06.03.2019 Documents relating to redevelopment of Manly Warringah War Memorial Park and the Aquatic Reserve Baseball Fields into an education and recreation precinct Released to applicant with deletions
GIPA-19-043 08.03.2019 Number of children enrolled each year for the last 5 years that were enrolled early (the term “enrolled early” refers to those children who are 4 years of age at the start of the school year and who turn 5 years of ago on or before the 31st July that year) Released to applicant in full
FOI-19-011 12.03.2019 The number of waivers granted in the years 2017 and 2018 in NSW where childcare centres have not been able to comply with Regulation 272 (Education & Care Services National Regulations) Released to applicant in full
GIPA-19-041 12.03.2019 In relation to the $10 million Start Strong Capitals Works Grants Program please provide details of:
- The number of providers who were successful
- Funding amount applied for under the program for each successful application
Released to applicant in full
GIPA-19-048 14.03.2019 Asbestos testing reports conducted in 2018/2019 at Killarney Vale Public School Released to applicant in full
FOI-19-002 25.03.2019 For the period 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2018, please provide a complete listing of all completed enforcement actions taken by the Department against any approved childcare providers. Please include details of which actions were successful and which were unsuccessful. Released to applicant with deletions
GIPA-19-065 28.03.2019 Copies of annual written assurances provided by Special Religious Education providers for the 2019 year, with personal information removed. Released to applicant in full
GIPA-18-430 04.04.2019 Detailed breakdown of programs, staff and resources funded by RAM in 2018 and 2019 at Summer Hill Public School. Information should include breakdown of funding and use of low level adjustment for disability for both years and numbers of children covered in each year. Released to applicant with deletions
GIPA-19-059 05.04.2019  Documents, specifically reports, ministerial/executive briefing notes and attachments, internal correspondence, relating to heat stress at Education facilities, including schools and childcare centres.
Records are to be from the period 1 December 2018 to 25 February 2019.
Released to applicant with deletions
GIPA-19-090 01.04.2019 In relation to the 17 providers who submitted successful applications for the $10 million Start Strong Capital Works Grants Program, please provide the estimated number of additional 600 hour community preschool places to be created as a result of this funding. Released to applicant in full
FOI-19-008 04.04.2019 Please provide a list of approved childcare providers in the past 2 years that have been granted with waivers where instead of the required outdoor space, they are now permitted to have “simulated” outdoor space indoors. Released to applicant with deletions
GIPA-18-402 15.04.2019 Details of funding provided in 2018/2019 under the Building Grants Assistance Scheme. That includes sector funding totals. Also the name of each school, suburb or town, amount of funding and what it is to be used for. Released to applicant in full
GIPA-19-004 16.04.2019 

The number of instances school teachers, principals, executives, administrative staff and support staff reported emotional or psychological injury through the Departmental WHS system, listed by term, for the period 2015 to 2018 (limited to instances where there is no associated workers compensation claim with costs paid);

The number of workers compensation claims as a result of staff reporting emotional or psychological injury to the WHS system, listed by term, for the period 2015 to 2018.

Released to applicant in full
GIPA-19-109 21.05.2019 A list of all research commissioned, by the NSW Department of Education Directorate, from all Australian Universities for the period 1 July 2016 to date Released to applicant in full
GIPA-19-095 21.05.2019 Number of students enrolled in Special Religious Education at:
1. Katoomba High School
2.  Sydney Secondary College Leichhardt Campus
3. Marrickville High School
4. Sydney Secondary College Balmain Campus
5. Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus
6. Chatswood High School
7. Fort Street High School
8. Mosman High School
9. Willoughby Girls High School
10. North Sydney Boys High School
Released to applicant in full
GIPA-19-133 28.05.2019 School level enrolment/participation statistics for the number of students in the Special Religious Education (SRE) program, Special Education in Ethics (SEE) program, and for those who do not attend either.
Statistics are to be provided for the 22 chosen schools.
Released to applicant in full
GIPA-19-152 03.06.2019 1.     The total funds awarded through the $20 million Before and After School Care Fund from 24 March 2015 to 23 March 2019.
2.     The total number of new before and after school care places created as a result of funding from this
3.     A spreadsheet which list all recipients of funds from this program, the funds awarded to that recipient, the number of new before and after school care places created from that funding, and in which funding round the recipient was successful.
Released to applicant in full
GIPA-19-149 06.06.2019 Incident reports relating to sharp/syringe finds and injuries at NSW schools Released to applicant with deletions
GIPA-19-124 14.06.2019 Document outlining the budget for the NSW Department of Education’s Early Childhood Directorate, including the breakdown of funds allocated to certain tasks within the directorate including staffing, travel, communication, grant allocations and other expenses for the financial year 2017-2018 Released to applicant in full
GIPA-19-154 03.06.2019 Any correspondence from the Department of Education to the Bungendore High School Action Group between the months of January and March 2019. Released to applicant in full
GIPA-19-163 19.06.2019 In relation to the Capital Works Grants Program, for each of the financial years 1 July 2015 – 30 June 2016 and 1 July 2016 – 30 June 2017, please provide details of:
a) How much was distributed in total for that financial year;
b) The number of providers who were successful; and
c) The funding amount applied for under the program for each successful application.
Released to applicant in full
FOI-19-015 05.07.2019 Incident reports, since 1 January 2017, relating to sharp/syringe finds and injuries at NSW childcare centres. Released to applicant with deletions
FOI-19-020 24.07.2019 The number of waivers granted in the years 2013, 2014 2015 and 2016 in NSW where childcare centres have not been able to comply with Regulation 272 (Education & Care Services National Regulations) Released to applicant in full
GIPA-19-230 02.08.2019 Copies of advice provided by NSW Department of Health and ARPANSA instructing the Department of Education that wifi is safe to install in schools. Released to applicant in full
FOI-19-022 07.08.2019 1. Details of how many breaches under Regulation 97 of the Education and Care Services National Regulations "Emergency and Evacuation Procedures" for the years 2017 and 2018, showing clearly how many breaches per year; and
2. Details of how many services breached Regulation 97 of the Education and Care Services National Regulations "Emergency and Evacuation Procedures" for the years 2017 and 2018, showing clearly how many services breached per year; and
3. Copies of internal reports describing the common breaches against Regulation 97 for the years 2017 and 2018.
Released to applicant in full
FOI-19-018 09.08.2019 Guidelines and policies referenced by DoE staff in relation to the Department approving “simulate outdoor space indoors” in all new service applications. Released to applicant in full
GIPA-19-280 26.08.2019 Permanent mathematics teacher appointments in 81 schools from 2016 to 2019;
Temporary teaching positions in NSW in 2018 and 2019;
Growth in NSW public schools teaching full Time Entitlements from 2004 to 2020.
Released to applicant in full
GIPA-19-338 29.08.2019 Number of prenatal reports/unborn child reports made to NSW Government child wellbeing unit each year from 2014 – 2018 inclusive. Released to applicant in full
GIPA-19-287 09.09.2019 Summary of information RELEASED:
SRE and SEE Participation statistics for the following 11 schools:
1. Gunnedah High School
2. Quirindi High School
3. Blackville Public School
4. Boggabri Public School
5. Carroll Public School
6. Curlewis Public School
7. Currabubula Public School
8. Duri Public School
9. Gunnedah Public School
10. Gunnedah South Public School
11. G S Kidd Memorial School
Released to applicant in full
GIPA-19-329 13.09.2019 Allegations and investigations of child protection incidents against employees where the alleged victim was a student with a disability. Released to applicant in full
FOI-19-023 26.09.2019 Data and incident reports for serious incidents which occurred in NSW Family Day Care centres from 1/1/2019 to 24/7/2019 Released to applicant with deletions
GIPA-19-333 30.09.2019 Records relating to Parramatta East Public School that were delegated by the Minister for Education or the Office of the Minister for Education (past and present) to the department for response. March 2015 to August 2019 Released to applicant with deletions
GIPA-19-243 30.09.2019 A list of all research commissioned by the NSW Department of Education Directorate from all Australian Universities from 1 January 2012 to 30 June 2016 Released to applicant in full
GIPA-19-353 04.10.2019 List of incidents and relevant incident reports in which parents have injured themselves whilst on school grounds for the past 12 months (1 Sept 2018 – 1 Sept 2019) or the following 11 schools:
1.    Cherrybrook Technology High School
2.    Castle Hill High School
3.    Westfield Sports High School
4.    Westmead Public School
5.    Killara High School
6.    Bonnyrigg High School
7.    Cabramatta High School
8.    Waverley High School
9.    Canley Vale High School
10.  Chatswood High School
11.  Glenwood High School
Released to applicant with deletions
GIPA-19-322 8.10.2019 Information regarding Walgett Community College – High School attendance rates, suspensions, expulsions, school lock downs, teacher & principal turnover, verbal, emotional and physical abuse or incidents involving teachers, students & other staff members.
Records are to cover the period January 2014 to August 2019.
Released to applicant with deletions
GIPA-19-293 15.10.2019 School level participation statistics for the number of students enrolled in the Special Religious Education (SRE) and Special Education in Ethics (SEE) programs.
Statistics for the current 2019 school year for the following 10 schools is requested:
1)       Katoomba Public School
2)       Leichhardt Public School
3)       Mosman Public School
4)       Willoughby Public School
5)       Cherrybrook Public School
6)       Parramatta Public School
7)       Cronulla Public School
8)       Liverpool Public School
9)       Burwood Public School
10)     Gordon West Public School
Released to applicant in full
GIPA-19-295 15.10.2019 School level participation statistics for the number of students enrolled in the Special Religious Education (SRE) and Special Education in Ethics (SEE) programs for the current 2019 school year for the following 10 schools:
1)       Cambridge Park High School
2)       St Mary’s Senior High School
3)       Colyton High School
4)       Chifley College Dunheved Campus
5)       Cambridge Gardens Public School
6)       Oxley Park Public School
7)       St Mary’s North Public School
8)       Lethbridge Park Public School
9)       Ropes Crossing Public School
10)     Willmot Public School
Released to applicant in full
GIPA-19-290 23.08.2019 Residential postcodes for all students enrolled in:
1. All students at fully selective schools
2. Selective students at partially selective schools
3. All other students at partially selective schools
Released to applicant in full
GIPA-19-470 7/11/2019

The postcode of every student at fully selective schools, and every selective student at partially-selective schools, broken down by school.

Post code is the students’ current postcode as at term 4 2019 and includes year 12 students.

Release to applicant in full 
GIPA-19-423 7/11/2019

1. Number of officers conducting Assessment and Ratings of ECE services.

2. Early Childhood Education Organisation chart

Release to applicant in full 
GIPA-19-377 12/11/2019 The number of students in Kindergarten, year one and year two who have been given a short and long suspension and how many have been expelled for 2018 and so far in 2019. Data by region and offence. Release to applicant in full 
GIPA-19-206 14/11/2019

In relation to the appointment of Community Connections Solutions Australia (CCSA) to the Sector Development Program panel of pre-qualified providers from July 2018:

 (1)  a copy of the Sector Development Program panel terms and conditions 

 (2)  a copy of the funding/services agreement between CCSA and the Department to deliver Leadership Development programs on behalf of the NSW Department of Education

Released to applicant with deletions
GIPA-19-480 26/11/2019 Playground to student ratio at NSW Department of Education schools Release to applicant in full 
GIPA-19-421 5/12/2019

Census data for every government school for the 2019 year, including high schools, senior colleges, primary, infants and central schools in NSW. Please include for each school:

a)    Total capacity of the school for February 2019

b) Utilisation, that is, percentage over or under capacity for 2019.

Release to applicant in full 
GIPA-19-497 6/12/2019 The accumulated funds held by each public school in NSW at 31 December 2018. Released to applicant in full 

Reference Number

Date Application decided
(Format should be 13.05.2016)

Description of Information to which access was provided

Type of release - Full release or release with deletions



Documents from 2016, relating to weapon-related incidents excluding suicides/suicide attempts/self harm/threats of self harm or suicide and excluding incidents that don’t involve students or staff.

Released to the applicant with deletions  on 10/01/2018 when balance of charges were paid. Upload to DL on 22/01/2018,



A list of the number of demountable classrooms located within schools situated in the Parramatta and Ryde NSW Electoral districts from 28/3/2013 to 31/5/2017.

Released to the applicant in full



Postcodes of all students enrolled in NSW selective (or partially selective) schools in year 7 in 2017.

Released to the applicant in full

Duplicated at row 152


Documents and briefings to the Secretary and identified Directors and Executive Directors and other senior officers on i) anti-social and/or ii) extremist behaviour in NSW schools from 1 February 2017  to 11 August 2017

Released to the applicant with deletions



1.  Coorabell Public School anticipated and average enrolment numbers and average staff numbers for 2015 and 2016
2. Records relating to State Environmental Planning Policy 2007 for demountable building installations at Coorabell Public School in 2015/2016

Released to the applicant with deletions



Correspondence from Gareth Ward MP relating to enrolment issues at Coorabell PS.

Released to the applicant in full



Correspondence between Eureka PS, Director PSNSW Lismore and Gareth Ward MP relating to enrolment issues at Coorabell PS.

Released to the applicant with deletions



In relation to Coorabell Public School: Out of the 23 kindergarten enrolments for 2016, how many were within area or within zone enrolments? The total cost for the purchase, refurbishment, transportation and on-site installation costs for the following demountable units installed in 2016:
- Four module demountable classroom; and
- Two demountable toilets.

Released to the applicant in full



1.     Total amount of maintenance backlog in NSW Government schools of December 2017.
2.     An itemised breakdown showing the overall estimated cost of repairs and improvements for each government school in NSW, required as of December 2017 for facilities and building maintenance that formed the basis of the backlog.
3.     The total value of planned maintenance work planned for each NSW Government school for the 2017/18 financial year.

Released to the applicant in full



A list of the schools which had a lockdown procedure in 2017 that were reported to the Incident Report and Support Hotline. From these reports please provide how many times each of those schools had a lockdown procedure in 2017.

Released to applicant in full



Documents in relation to people falsely or fraudulently claiming they live in the catchment for 12 NSW public schools to which they wish to send their children.

Released to the applicant with deletions



Annual assurances provided by every Special Religious Education (SRE) provider to the NSW Department of Education for the 2017 and 2018 school years who lodged their applications on or before the lodgement due date. No personal information on the assurance is sought.

Released to applicant in full



The 2018 per student dollar amounts of NSW State funding allocated to each Independent School and also Catholic Schools NSW.

Released to applicant in full



Primary OOSH’s tender, lease or licence to occupy space at Mowbray Road Public School. Its service approval as an OOSH provider at the school.

Released to applicant with deletions



Annual electricity bills (cost total) for primary schools and high schools between 2011 & 2017.
The top 5 schools with the biggest power bills.
The number of schools with solar roof panels and overall percentage of schools using solar energy. 

Released to applicant in full



Documents and briefings to the Secretary and identified Directors and Executive Directors and other senior officers on i) anti-social and/or ii) extremist behaviour in NSW schools from 1 February 2017  to 11 August 2017

Released to applicant with deletions under Internal Review decision



The weekly fee payable for a student in the year before school (defined as aged 4 years old on or before 31 July of a preschool year) at each NSW community preschool (as well as the name of that community preschool) enrolled in the service for 600 hours per year (and not eligible for additional equity funding) in:  (a) 2016 (b) 2017

Released to applicant in full



The name of each non-government school that has received funding under the Building Grants Assistance Scheme in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 and the amount of funding allocated.

Released to applicant in full



All reports, briefs, results, findings, research and/or status updates produced in relation to Ernst and Young Australia's review of BAU support for SAP and SALM systems in schools (CAN ID: CW2225997).
The RFx document for Ernst and Young Australia's review of BAU support for SAP and SALM systems in schools.

Released to the applicant with deletions



Documents from 2017, relating to drug-related incidents in NSW public schools excluding:
-        suicides/suicide attempts
-        incidents that don’t involve students or staff
-        incidents where marijuana is the only substance involved.

Released to the applicant with deletions

2018-126 Informal release


Demountables classrooms in NSW schools Term 1, 2018, location, number in each school and costs to relocate

Released to the applicant in full

2018-128 Informal release


Land and property sold and purchased by the department 01.07.2017 to 31.03.2018. Land and/or property identified by the department as ‘surplus to need’, currently on the market and identified for sale before 31.03.2019.

Released to the applicant in full



1. All demountable classrooms  by Principals’ Network and school, Term 4, 2017.
2. Old system demountable classrooms  by Principals’  Network and School, Term 4, 2017.

Released to the applicant in full



(1) The total number of public school classrooms (excluding demountables) in NSW with air conditioning as at:
a. January 2011
b. January 2018
(2) A list of all schools in NSW with the number of classrooms (excluding demountables) in each school that are air conditioned

Released to the applicant in full



Records containing details of the material sprayed onto the ceiling of buildings at Strathfield South High School during its construction

Released to the applicant in full



The total number of suspensions issued by Kingscliff High School:
-        2014 – Year 7
-        2015 – Year 8
-        2016 – Year 9
Short and long suspensions and total number of students in each year.

Released to the applicant in full



School utilisation in NSW data, based on 2018 enrolments. Data broken down by school name, type, total classrooms and percentage utilisation.

Released to the applicant in full



Documents specifically ministerial/executive briefing notes and attachments, reports relating to the use of the Inclosed Lands Protection Act 1901 for people who enter onto or remain on departmental sites without authority.

Released to the applicant with deletions



Total number and names of NSW government schools using PLAN2 software from 01.06.17 to 30.05.18

Released to the applicant in full



Information relating to the potential acquisition of vacant land on Redwood Drive, Wallis Creek Estate Gillieston Heights, or any other site in the Maitland electorate from January 2011 to 22 January 2018

Released to the applicant with deletions



Since 1 January 2017, reports, audits, briefing notes and internal correspondence that relate to how the NSW Department Education is dealing with and/or changing processes or policies to accommodate LGBTIQ students and gender identity issues

Released to the applicant with deletions



1.     The number of Year 7 enrolments at Gosford High School in each year from 2011 to 2017
2.     Count of those enrolments by postcodes selected by the applicant

Released to the applicant in full



The current allocation of full time equivalen school counsellors in each New South Wales public school.

Released to the applicant in full



1.    The number of instances school teachers, principals, executives, administrative staff and support staff reported emotional or psychological injury through the Departmental WHS system, listed by term, for the period Term 1 2017 to Term 1 2018.
2.    The number of workers compensation claims as a result of staff reporting emotional or psychological injury to the WHS system, listed by term, for the period Term 1 2017 to Term 1 2018.

Released to the applicant in full



Data on NSW public school enrolments for 2017 and enrolment trends for the years 2026 and 2031

Released to the applicant in full



Annual assurances provided by 12 Special Religious Education (SRE) providers to the NSW Department of Education for the 2018 school year not released in GIPA-18-035. No personal information included.

Released to the applicant in full



The number of reports made of students at NSW public schools threatening to behead teachers.
The number of such reports that have been reported to the Police.
Information about how the department is protecting school staff from such threats.

Released to the applicant in full



A list of workers compensation claims made due to assaults or exposure to violence - 2013 to 2018.

Released to the applicant in full



Meeting minutes from the Confucius Institute Board from 1 January 2010 to 3 July 2018 held by the deparment.

Released to the applicant in full



1.     Number of Access Request applications in 2016 & 2017.
2.     The increase in the number of specialist support classes in 2018 compared to;
a.     2017
b.     2016  
3.     The number of Access Request applications submitted in 2018 that have an SSP placement as the first priority, reported on outcome as at 20 July 2018 provided by operational directorate. 
4.     Increase in staffing entitlements to SSPs in 2018 compared to 2017.
5.     The number of officers working in Operational Directorates to provide disabilities and learning support assistance for schools for 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018. This number does not include School Learning Support Officers that work in schools (formerly Teacher’s Aides).

Released to the applicant with deletions



1. Any and all demographic studies or demographic information relating to the proposed Pottsville High School
2. Any and all viability studies or information relating to the proposed Pottsville High School.

Released to the applicant with deletions



1. Correspondence relating to Federal Funding for NSW schools
2. Report of the review to achieve educational excellence in Australian schools – March 2018

Released to the applicant with deletions



NSW Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation (CESE): 1. total cost of CESE by financial year from 2012 to 2017;  2. total number of employees at CESE by financial year from 2012 to 2017

Released to the applicant in full



Documents since 1 January 2018 specifically reports, ministerial/executive briefings and attachments and executive meeting minutes regarding surveys relating to schools, teachers and students undertaken or proposed by the Department of Education. Held by the Office of the Secretary/Deputy Secretary Educational services.

Released to applicant in full



Lease agreement signed 11.04.2008 between Department of Education and Training and Warringah Shire Council for lease of Beacon Hill Public School playing fields

Released to applicant with deletions



All documentation sent by Department of Education representatives to the SRE Committee’s past and current members, about any relevant matters including minutes and decisions.

Released to applicant with deletions



For period 2009 to present date: information provided by DoE to The Aboriginal Land Claim Investigation Unit or the Registrar of Aboriginal Land Claims referencing the Crown land located next to Tuggerah Public School designated Lot 7019 or referencing Land Claim 17440. For period 2015 to present date: information on plans for the future of Tuggerah Public School which reference the crown land located next to the school designate Lot 7019.

Released to applicant in full



List of successful and non-successful smartygrants applications. The data includes the following:
-       Name of Services
-       Address of Service
-       Successful or Not Successful
-       if successful financial amount grants, proposed professional development activities for successful applications.

Released to applicant in full



1. The survey of all schools conducted in or around November 2011 that includes facilities
2. Any survey of all schools conducted since November 2011.

Released to applicant in full



A copy of any briefing papers prepared for the Education Minister in July or August 2018 on the 2018 NSW NAPLAN results and specifically the comparability of online and paper test results.

Released to applicant in full



1.The report entitled: Asset Management Unit for School Infrastructure NSW, Indoor Air Quality Survey report for Fort Street High School, or similar;
2. Copy of the invoice for the report

Released to applicant with deletions



1) A copy of the invoice from Ernst and Young for the facilitation of the early childhood education sector roundtable held on Thursday 2 August 2018 at NSW Parliament House. 2) The total cost of the above.

Released to applicant with deletions



Data relating to compensation payments and out of court settlements made by the NSW Department of Education to teachers or former teachers and students for bullying or assault for the period 2014 to 2017 inclusive

Released to the applicant with deletions



Summary of findings from the Social Policy Research Centre’s Aboriginal Policy Scan dated May 2016

Released to applicant in full



Reports of incidents involving NSW school students and/or school staff caught on school security cameras, which resulted in either disciplinary action and/or referral to police. From 01/01/2017 to 05/10/2018

Released to the applicant with deletions



Details on the number of cash and gifts of the value of $50 or more parents gave or attempted to give teachers and principals and school staff in 10 selected schools. All identifying information is not requested. January 2015 to October 2018.

Released to applicant in full



UNSW’s Griffith Secondary School Reform initial feedback report and tasks for benchmarking visit

Released to the applicant with deletions



The total value of planned maintenance work to be performed in the 2018/19 Financial Year for each NSW Government school.

Released to applicant in full



1. All correspondence, plans, reports and other documents relating to the Dunloe Park Urban Release area Master Plan. 2. All correspondence, minutes of meeting and other documents relating to the provisions and acquisition of school sites within the Pottsville locality.

Released to the applicant with deletions

2018-351 Informal Release


The $100 additional allocation planned maintenance work in the 2018/19 Financial Year for each NSW Government school. 

Released to applicant in full under informal release



Records relating to homework trial for years 2, 3 & 4 including correspondence and feedback and strategies trialled at Gladesville Public School

Released to the applicant with deletions

Ref number

Date application was decided

Description of information to which access was provided

Type of release



SUMMARY: Air conditioning in NSW government schools:

1. Number of schools as at 26/10/2015;

2. schools with mean max January temp 33 degrees Celcius & above

3. schools with A/C installed under minor capital works program 2010 - 2015;

4. schools that received funding for A/C under Public School Upgrade Program 2011/12 - 2014/15;

5. schools that received funding for A/C under Joint Funding Program 2010 - 2015

Released to applicant in full



1. Total amount of expenses incurred by the Secretary, Department of Education on her corporate credit card for each of the last three financial years, from 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2015.

2. For the 2014-15 financial year, details of the types of corporate credit card expense, amounts, dates and locations.

Released to applicant in full



Costs of the LMBR program to 30/12/2015

Released to applicant with deletions



Costs of the LMBR program to 30/12/2015

Released to applicant in full



Serious incident notifications and complaint notifications for the Hunter/Central Coast region from 1/1/14 to 31/12/15

Released to applicant with deletions



1. Estimated cost of repairs and improvements for each government school in NSW, required as of 30/06/2015 for facilities and building maintenance.
2. List of completed repairs and improvements for each school from 01/07/2015 to 19/02/2016 including actual cost.
3. For the top 5 primary schools with the highest value backlog in the audit 30/06/2015, breakdown of items that need replacing.
4. For the top 5 high schools with the highest value backlog in the audit 30/06/2015, breakdown of items that need replacing.

Released to applicant in full



Information held by Wingham High School as well as the relevant regional and executive offices, related to the formal transfer of Lot 451 to the Wingham Brush Nature Reserve.

Released to the applicant with deletions



For each financial year from 01/07/2013 to 21/03/16:

Part 1 - the number of break and enter and vandalism and major arson incidents in NSW government schools.

Part 2 - the number and total cost of insurance claims made by schools for arson (major and minor), break and enter and malicious damage incidents in NSW government schools; the total number and total cost of insurance claims made by schools for incidents causing loss of damage. 10 most expensive insurance claims as a result of arson, break and enter and malicious damage incidents and amount of these claims.

Released to applicant in part



Census data for every government school for the 2016 year, including high schools, senior colleges, primary, infants and central schools, in NSW. Please include for each school:
a) Total capacity of the school for 2016
b) Utilisation, that is, percentage over or under capacity for 2016"

Released to applicant in full



Census data for every government school for the 2016 year, including high schools, senior colleges, primary, infants and central schools, in NSW. Please include for each school:

a)Total capacity of the school for 2016;

b) Utilisation, that is, percentage over or under capacity for 2016"

Released to applicant in full



Estimated cost of repairs and improvements for each government school in NSW, required as of 30/06/2015 for facilities and building maintenance sorted by state electorate.

Released to applicant in full



A summary of outcomes of investigations of a child protection nature against employees where the alleged victim has been identified as a student in a NSW government school (child or young person) with a disability from 1 January 2014 to 30 March 2016.

Released to applicant in full after de-identification



Records about land purchase for Homebush Wes Public School Upgrade project

Released to applicant with deletions



Annual Course enrolment Figures for Hunter TAFE for 2014-2016

Released to applicant in full



Documents since 1 January 2014, specifically incident reports relating to sharp syringe finds and injuries in NSW schools

Released to applicant with deletions



Briefings re Proposed Rationalisation of Saturday School of Community Languages

Released to applicant in full



Funding for pre-schools and long day care services from 2013 to 2016

Released in full

GIPA-16-068 IR


Documents since 1 January 2014, specifically incident reports relating to sharp/syringe finds and injuries in NSW  schools

Released to applicant with deletions



Registered Ministerial Letters (RMLs) concerning ‘funding' held by the Department's ESD since 1 May 2014 to June 30 2016 where the RMLs have been received from the Federal Minister for Education and Training or sent by the NSW Minister for Education to the Federal Minister for Education and Training

Released to applicant with deletions



Emails between AMD officers and Haberfield PS Principal related to the HOOSH licence and tender from 1/7/13 to 30/6/14

Released to applicant with deletions



Records about land purchase for Homebush Wes Public School Upgrade project

Released to applicant with deletions



Documents since 1 January, 2013, specifically incident reports, photos and CCTV/video footage, relating to sharp/syringe finds and injuries at NSW child care centres.

Released to applicant with deletions



For NSW government public schools, high schools and community schools, the number of cases of student on student sexual abuse during 2014 and 2015 (please have separate statistics for separate years) that resulted in an incident report to the Safety and Security Directorate, Department of Education and Communities

Released to applicant in full



Agreement between NSW Government and Chinese Government for the creation of a Confucius Institute in NSW Public Schools and related correspondence

Released to applicant in full



Statistics related to staff employed in the Department's Early Childhood Education Directorate for 2013 to 2016 financial years

Released to applicant in full



1. "Incident reports received by the School Safety Response Unit or Incident Support Unit from 1 January 2015 – 30 August 2016 relating to the use or possession of a prohibited weapon, firearm or knife at NSW schools (including off school grounds) in networks in the Sydney basin.
2. Incident reports received by the Health and Safety Directorate hotline from 1 January 2015 – 30 August 2016, relating to the use or possession of a gun/firearm at NSW schools (including off school grounds) in networks in the Sydney basin."
*Records exclude reports that have been proactively released

Released to applicant in full



Enrolment policies and intake zones for Coorabell, Eureka and Bexhill Public Schools

Released to applicant with deletions



Definitions used by the Department to define disabilities. Proportion of staff who have disclosed their disability status. This includes actual and estimated numbers.

Released to applicant with deletions



A computer-generated spreadsheet, de-identified so as not to identify claimants listing all incidents notified to the insurance company for payment over the past 5 years' as a result of alleged physical assaults causing harm specifically - punching, stabbing and kicking and also including date of incident, injuries caused and time off work'.

Released to applicant in full

Ref number

Date application was decided

Description of information to which access was provided

Type of release



Notifications to ECED requiring emergency services in 2014

Released to applicant with deletions



The number of direct complaints and complaint notifications lodged with the secretary in 2014

Released to applicant with deletions



Information about the advertising costs of the strategy ‘Made by TAFE NSW'

Released to applicant with deletions



Correspondence from and to the Minister's office and Minutes of meetings between DEC & SRE providers including ICCORELS regarding information to be given to parents about SRE/SEE.

Released to applicant with deletions



Injury or injuries to children requiring medical attention

Released to applicant with deletions



Census data for every government school for the 2015 year, including high schools, senior colleges, primary, infants and central schools, in NSW. Please include for each school:

a) Total capacity of the school for 2015

b) Utilisation, that is, percentage over or under capacity for 2015

Released to applicant in full



Operation of programs under which Community Liaison Officer or like positions are employed in public schools

Released to applicant in full



Number of international students (full fee-paying students) enrolled at each NSW government high school in the school areas known as Ultimo and Macquarie Park for the years 2013-2015

Released to applicant in full



TAFE NSW – The number of students enrolled for semester 1, 2015 at each TAFE institute within NSW as of 31 March 2015 with a comparison of the same data for semester 1, 2014 on the same date in 2014.

Released to applicant in full



Demountable classrooms in NSW schools – total  number and location as of 01/06/2015

Released to applicant in full



Gwandalan Public School - projected class sizes from 2016 – 2020.

Released to applicant in full



Data about the total number and total cost by year, from January 2014 to 26 June 2015, of compensation claims for psychological injury made by officers in school based teaching positions (including teachers, principals and executive school staff) working in NSW Public Schools Principals Networks:

- Callaghan / Port Stephens
- Gosford
- Hunter
- Lake Macquarie East
- Lake Macquarie West
- Maitland
- Newcastle
- Wyong

Released to applicant in full



WH&S & incident reporting policies & procedures; summary of analysis of WH&S incident notifications reported following LMBR roll-out

Released to applicant in full



Correspondence between Minister for Education Premier's office, DoE officers & SRE providers re: School enrolment form changes - SRE & ethics.

Released to applicant with deletions



The number of NEW enrolments of International students from 2011 to 2015 at each of Chatswood High School, Chatswood Public School and Willoughby Girls High School

Released to applicant in full



Documents relating to the purchase of and subsequent withdrawal of the Wattle/Fig Street site for the new Ultimo Public School and demographic data/modelling showing the projected population growth for Ultimo/Pyrmont area *Records provided only up to amount of processing charges paid by applicant.

Released to applicant with deletions



Discrimination against students with autism spectrum disorder, strategies to control students with ASD and training of educators.

Released to applicant with deletions



All contamination reports, ministerial briefing notes and internal department valuations and assessments on the former proposed site of Ultimo Public School.

Released to applicant with deletions



Equity loading for English language proficiency as staffing from selected primary schools within the old Northern Sydney Region from 2009 - 2015

Released to applicant in full



All correspondence mentioning the NSW Government's response to the inquiry of the NSW Legislative Council Select Committee on Home Schooling between the Department of Education, the Education Minister's office, the Department of Premier and Cabinet and the NSW Premier's office between 28 May 2014 and 20 July 2015

Released to applicant in full



A table created by EPAC which includes investigations and outcomes of a child protection nature against employees where the alleged victim has been identified as a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder. All identifying information has been removed.

Released to applicant in full



List of canteens in Government schools run by the schools and also leased privately. Total revenue raised by lease of canteens to private companies.

Released to applicant in full



Records from 21 August 2015 to 28 August 2015 about the decision-making process that led to the memo of 26 August 2015 from the Deputy Secretary, School Operations and Performance directing schools not to show the film ‘Gayby Baby' in school time

Released to applicant with deletions



Records from 21 August 2015 to 28 August 2015 about the decision-making process that led to the memo of 26 August 2015 from the Deputy Secretary, School Operations and Performance directing schools not to show the film ‘Gayby Baby' in school time

Released to applicant with deletions



All copies of the LMBR monthly reports to Department of Education Executive from August 2014 to September 2015

Released to applicant with deletions



The final executed contract for the tenders DECSIR-14-01 – Survey of secondary school students and DECPR-22-12 – Research into expectations of secondary school students. Commercial in confidence information is not sought.

Released to applicant with deletions

Ref number

Date application was decided

Description of information to which access was provided

Type of release



The number of vandalism incidents reported by NSW government schools in 2012 and 2013

Released to applicant in full



Enrolment data for Years 10, 11 and 12 for NSW government high schools and central schools in the Hunter/Central Coast region for 2008 to 2012

Released to applicant in full



Hunter Central Coast Region – number of teachers dismissed, referred to improvement programs or alternative duties due to performance or conduct issues from 2010 to 2013

Released to applicant in full



Permanent teaching space utilisation for schools by region - 2013

Released to applicant in full



Total number and total cost by year, from January 2008 to 31 December 2013, of compensation claims for psychological injury made by officers in school based teaching positions (including teachers, principals and executive school staff) working in the NSW Public Schools Principals' Networks listed below:
Callaghan / Port Stephens
Lake Macquarie East
Lake Macquarie West

Released to applicant in full



Development plans for five Day Care centres in Sydney

Released to applicant in full



All contracts that the DEC currently has with Google regarding the use of Gmail and Google Apps

Released to applicant with deletions



Compensation payments by the NSW Government to victims of bullying and harassment in NSW Public Schools in years 2012 and 2013

Released to applicant in full



Number of direct complaints and complaint notifications made about child care services in 2012 & 2013 to the Director General

Released to applicant with deletions



Facilities Asbestos Registers for all NSW government school sites, where asbestos has been found for the first time since November 2012

Released to applicant in full



Number of demountable classrooms in NSW schools that are more than ten years old as at 10 March 2014; period of time the demountables have been on site at the current school locations

Released to applicant in full



For NSW government public schools, high schools and community schools, the number of cases of student-on-student sexual abuse during 2013 that resulted in an incident report to the Safety and Security Directorate, Department of Education and Communities.

Released to applicant in full



L3 Implementations summary report 2007 - 2010; and Teach, Learn, Share evaluation data 2011.

Released to applicant in full



Anti-Workplace Bullying Working Party records January 2012 to July 2014 including terms of reference, meeting minutes, reports.

Released to applicant in full



Information in relation to proposed boundary change for Manly Village Public School and lease with Manly Community Centre

Released to applicant with deletions



Crisis alert documents – or the equivalent of – received by the Department Secretary since February 1, 2014

Released to applicant in full



Information about air cooling in schools

Released to applicant in full



Recommendation from the Executive Director, Public Schools NSW to the Education Minister regarding the closure of Wollombi Public School

Released to applicant in full

Ref number

Date application was decided

Description of information to which access was provided

Type of release



Proud Schools steering committee meeting minutes 6 December 2012

Released to applicant with deletions



List of NSW schools that have received demountable classrooms for the 2013 school year

Released to applicant in full



Records held in the Office of the Director-General about voluntary contributions collected by NSW public schools since 1 April 2011.

Released to applicant with deletions



General Schools and Subject Contributions 2011 and 2012

Released to applicant in full



All NSW schools that have new classrooms (but not demountables) built or scheduled to be built between 8 October 2012 and 20 December 2013.

Released to applicant in full



List of audits completed by the Department's Corporate Audit Team between 1 April 2012 and 28 March 2013

Released to applicant in full



Avalon Public School – Maintenance and service by Spotless Ltd 2011-2012; and Capital works performed 2008-2011

Released to applicant in full



Aggregate data for current class sizes in NSW public schools, by school region, for years K-2 and years 3-6.

Released to applicant in full



Breaches and complaints at NSW childcare centres in the Hunter-Central Coast Region in 2012

Released to applicant in full



Contracts and agreement for Sae Soon Church to use  facilities at Hunters Hill High School and Riverside Girls High

Released to applicant with deletions



LMBR contract DETP1016 category 43231500 – contractor Tribal Group Pty Ltd

Released to applicant with deletions



2012 report on the future of Grong Grong Public School

Released to applicant with deletions



Mowbray Public School – number of disciplinary blue cards issued to all students male/female and to Year 3 students male/female – from 24/1/13 – 24/5/13

Released to applicant in full



Reports held by Work Health and Safety that are labelled with the incident code of ‘being assaulted by a person or persons' for the full year of 2012.

Released to applicant with deletions



Documents, from 2010-2013, relating to future use of Cleveland Street Intensive English High School

Released to applicant with deletions



Correspondence since March 2011 – Fire at Yass High School and reconstruction

Released to applicant in full


21.06.2013 (records released 23.07.2013)

Plans or drawings of Hans and Gretel Log Day Care Kindergarten at Ryde

Released to applicant in full



Land and property sales 2008-2013 financial years including sale price, land size and location.

Released to applicant in full



Information around the Proud Schools pilot program and its evaluation

Released to applicant with deletions



Wentworth Falls Public School 2012 School Review Report

Released to applicant in full

Ref number

Date application was decided

Description of information to which access was provided

Type of release



Proud Schools steering committee meeting minutes 13 September 2012.

Released to applicant with deletions



Decision on location of Kariong Mountain High School at Mount Penang.

Released to applicant in full



Records relating to the NSW public preschool fee increases.

Released to applicant in full



Number of demountable classrooms in NSW Government schools as at first day of Term 3, 2012; demountable classrooms added or removed during 2011.

Released to applicant in full



Proud Schools pilot program – steering committee records and correspondence.

Released to applicant with deletions



P6 category primary schools – staffing and enrolment data as at 13/06/2012.

Released to applicant in full



A list of all current early childhood education and services in NSW that fall under the Department.

Released to applicant in full



Information related to teacher improvement programs.

Released to applicant in full



Reports covered by clauses 80(4)-80(6) of the Children's Services Regulation 2004 for the period September 2011 to November 2011 - including the type of injury.

Released to applicant in full



Children's services complaints and complaint notifications received in 2011.

Released to applicant in full



Reports covered by clauses 80(4)-80(6) of the Children's Services Regulation 2004 for the period September 2011 to November 2011.

Released to applicant in full



Maximum number of children approved in childcare services within Marrickville LGA.

Released to applicant in full



Number of schools closed 2001-2012 and schools currently in recess.

Released to applicant in full



Attendance rates of all schools 2010 and 2011.

Released to applicant in full



Relocation of Gosford Public School from its current site to the Henry Kendall High School site.

Released to applicant with deletions



2012 applications for enrolment in special needs schools and support classes in the Hunter area.

Released to applicant in full

Ref number

Date application was decided

Description of information to which access was provided

Type of release



All information concerning the new perimeter security fence at Hunters Hill High School. This should include and not be limited to official files, correspondence, plans, drawings, emails, files and handwritten notes.

Additional records released under internal review



A list showing every government school in NSW that currently has a mean maximum January temperature of 30 degrees Celsius or above and a list of schools' mean maximum January temperature and heat stress figures.

Released to applicant in full



All information concerning the new perimeter security fence at Hunters Hill High School. This should include and not be limited to official files, correspondence, plans, drawings, emails, files and handwritten notes.

Released to applicant with deletions



Licensed childcare providers' compliance regarding staff to children ratio requirements.

Released to applicant in full



Selective High School Placement test 2009/2010:
1. Number of appeals;
2. Number of appeals resulting in immediate offer; and
3. Number of illness/misadventure claims.
Copy of the appeal form.

Released to applicant in full



Number of non-English background applicants and number of acceptances in 2010 and 2011 entry into selective high schools.

Released to applicant in full



Details of 2010 legal proceedings in relation to non-enrolment and unsatisfactory attendance of school-age students.

Released to applicant in full



Early Intervention Resource Support Program policies, procedures and guidelines.

Released to applicant in full



Lists of audits completed by the department's corporate audit team between April 2009 and April 2011.

Released to applicant in full



OHS Management Action Plan of Willoughby Public School 2009 & 2010.

Released to applicant in full



Draft report about performance of behaviour schools.

Released to applicant in full



Number of teachers dismissed, reinstated, referred to improvement courses or on alternative duties due to performance or conduct issues.

Released to applicant in full



Records held by Information Security Unit for requests to take action where social networking sites are mentioned for the period 2008-2011.

Released with deletions



Documents relevant to retention of records during caretaker period.

Released in full



Tender document and architectural drawings – Blocks A & B – Castle Hill TAFE - 2009.

Released in full



Feasibility/viability report - future high school in Kellyville Ridge.

Released in full



Policies or procedures relating to the supervision of students undertaking TAFE courses.

Released in full



Number of students currently enrolled in 7 specified schools in the Western/South Western Sydney regions.

Released in full



Teacher supply and demand – workforce projections until 2017.

Released in full



Summary of information regarding investigations into alleged irregularities in the 2010 NAPLAN tests in NSW schools.

Released in part



Number of teacher resignations and retirements in the Hunter Central Coast region during the period 2006-2010.

Released in full



Summary of records concerning glass panelled doors at Muswellbrook TAFE campus after student incident in 2007.

Released in full

Ref number

Date application was decided

Description of information to which access was provided

Type of release



Summary of information concerning a consultancy report commissioned by the department in relation to School Student Special Transport Scheme.

Released with deletions



Asbestos related incidents in schools.

Released with deletions



Information regarding Hurstville Boys' High School and the Hurstville Precinct project.

Released with deletions



Information regarding the Hurstville precinct project, including Hurstville Boys' High School, held by the Schools Directorate.

Released with deletions



The 2009/2010 spending of maintenance in schools.

Released in full



Compensation to students between 2007-2010 for claims of discrimination.

Released in full



1. Number of Yr 7 students in certain selective high schools who previously attended schools with opportunity classes; and
2. Number of Yr 6 students at particular public schools who gained entry into certain selective high schools.

Released in full



Bullying and harassment claims – litigation and non-litigation matters from January 2008.

Released with deletions



Media/Communications strategies by the Department in relation to the National Curriculum, contractor engagement and findings of the BER inquiry.

Released with deletions



Information concerning funding and grants for St Andrew's Christian School and Presbyterian Church (NSW) Property Trust.

Released in full



Summary: Number of NSW government school teachers who attained, or failed to attain, accreditation at professional competence in 2008 and 2009.

Released in full



Information concerning the distribution of DER (Digital Education Revolution) laptops to NSW schools, number of warranty claims and the number of lost/stolen laptops as at the end of Term 3, 2010.

Released in full



Proven allegations of teacher misconduct – Hunter Region 1/1/2010 to 31/8/2010.

Released in full



Annual number of WorkCover stress claims lodged by high school teachers in the Hunter/Central Coast Region and cost paid since 2006.

Released in full



Details of appointment of Position number 149820 through a Request for Quotation

Released with deletions

GIPA-10- 098


Parking at Sydney Boys High School.

Full release



Number of applications and acceptances for selective high schools which indicated a language other than English spoken at home.

Full release



Demountable classrooms in schools 2010: total number; schools with demountable classrooms onsite.

Full release



Curriculum for Ethics Pilot Project for Years 5 & 6, Term 2, 2010 by St James Ethics Centre; project review terms of reference and correspondence.

Released with deletions



Ethics course trial in schools - criteria for assessment and related correspondence.

Released with deletions


  • Education support operations

Business Unit:

  • Legal Services
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