Specific project grant

The specific project grant of up to $10,000 is available to community organisations to support the development of teaching materials and or to conduct professional learning and training activities.

Community organisations wishing to apply for a specific project grant must meet all eligibility requirements outlined in Section 3 of the Program Guidelines or must be recognised by the Department as an association representing a community language group of organisations.

What your project must do

Your project must either produce materials that can be used in your community language school, or offer training to your teachers. It must benefit the wider language community or be easily adapted or applied across different language groups.

In developing proposals, community organisations are encouraged to partner with other community organisations operating community languages schools to submit a combined proposal. Community organisations are expected to make the resources produced available online.

See examples of approved specific project grants.

What your project should cover

Successful applications will show:

  • evidence of community consultation, research and identified needs
  • benefit to communities that use the same language and be transferable to other languages
  • educational merit in stated objectives, intended outcomes, and suggested pedagogical approaches
  • effective project planning including budget and timeline
  • capacity and skills of project team members to achieve project outcomes.

Who can apply?

  • You may receive a specific project grant if your community language school is already receiving, or has currently applied for, the Per capita grant through the NSW Community Languages Schools Program.
  • You are encouraged to partner with other organisations operating community languages schools to develop a proposal and also to seek other funding options. One application per organisation is permitted each year for the specific project grant.

What are the conditions?

A Specific Project Grant Acquittal Report, including a Statement of Income and Expenditure are required to be submitted by 31 October following the end of the funding period. Community organisations that do not provide the Acquittal Report by the required date will be ineligible for future Community Languages Schools Program grants.

If you received a grant previously, any future grants will not be released until the following have been submitted to the Community Languages Schools Program:

You must provide a copy of materials produced to the NSW Community Languages Schools Program at the end of the funding period. Terms and conditions relating to intellectual property rights, moral rights and copyright are outlined in the grant funding agreement.

When is the closing date?

Applications will close on 31 May each year.


  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Student Support and Specialist Programs
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