Transition to high school

What to expect, advice and support for families transitioning from primary school to high school.

Transition to high school programs

Many schools begin a transition program during Term 3 and 4 of Year 6, or even earlier. Make sure you attend any orientation or ‘meet the teacher’ events offered by your school. It will make Year 7 easier if you know what to expect, how the school works and who to talk to about issues. Staying in touch with your child’s progress may be harder than primary school as they may have a different teacher for each subject.

Support and additional needs

If your child has additional learning and wellbeing needs, talk alk to your primary school about their transition to high school. They can help you start a conversation with the high school to discuss and arrange your child's support. Your primary school can provide additional information to assist with this discussion

Aboriginal students

Some communities have tailored programs to help improve school outcomes for Aboriginal students. Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander parents and carers are encouraged to help create their child’s Personalised Learning Pathway (PLP). This ongoing process involves students, families, and teachers working together. Contact your school for information about these programs, PLPs, or support from staff like an Aboriginal Educational Officer or an Aboriginal Education Committee.

Support for students who are learning English as an additional language or dialect

Schools support students who need extra help to learn English as an additional language or dialect (EAL/D). This support helps them improve their English skills so they can fully take part in school.

High school age students in the early phases of learning English may be eligible to receive intensive English language tuition in an Intensive English Centre or Intensive English Class.

Contact your school to discuss how they support the needs of EAL/D learners.

Inclusive education in schools

Inclusive education ensures all that students, regardless of differences, can fully access and participate in learning with their peers.

The NSW Department of Education values diverse school communities and is dedicated to creating an inclusive education system that includes every student, regardless of disability, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, nationality, language, gender, sexual orientation, or faith. This is done by making customised changes and using teaching methods that address the specific needs of each student

Our culture, policies, and everyday practices support the integration of inclusion throughout school life.


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