Meeting the school

Being prepared for your first meeting with the school is a good way to help support your child’s education.

Schools work with all children every day to support them and meet their needs at any stage during their schooling, and this includes children with disability.

This support can be for a short time or it can be for the whole time they are at school, and can be changed as their needs change.

After you first get in touch with your local school, the staff there may contact you to set up meetings to talk about your child’s needs.

You can ask to have an interpreter present if that is helpful for you. You can also bring a friend or relative.

What will be discussed

These meetings help the school to:

  • get to know your child
  • find out about your child’s support needs
  • explain the full range of support options available.

If your child requires changes to buildings to accommodate their needs, try to give the school at least two year’s notice to make sure they have enough time to make the changes.

Telling the school about your child will help them plan for their needs and put support in place to ensure your child is learning to their fullest potential.

You can also share information about your child's strengths, interests, and needs, and talk to school staff about any medication for your child and how it should be stored.

Do you have further questions?

If you would like additional advice, you can contact your local education office on 131 536.

What to bring

  • Existing reports you have from doctors, therapists or other agencies that could give the school more information about your child and their needs.
  • Details of any resources or equipment that are used or required for your child’s day to day activities.
  • Any information connected to their health conditions or needs.

If your child has an NDIS plan you can let the school know, as this may help with planning within the school setting.

If your child has significant health care needs, the school will work with you to create a health care plan.


  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Student Support and Specialist Programs
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