What initiatives can support my school?
Team Around a School (staff only) can help you find local programs and initiatives.
Prequalified external providers - Specialist allied health
The department has established a prequalified panel of allied health providers, including behaviour practitioners. The Specialised Allied Health and Behaviour Support Scheme (“the Scheme”) provides an easy process for the engagement and management of these providers by schools. Schools can access using RAM funding or in some cases, the student's NDIS funding.
Behaviour practitioners work with individuals who have complex needs, who may or may not have a diagnosed disability.
Behaviour Practitioners can support schools to meet the specific and individual needs of students, groups of students or to provide professional development to your staff.
Behaviour practitioners may also work with parents, carers, teachers and others in support roles to provide training, professional development and mentoring.
The Specialist behaviour supports in school webpage provides information about how behaviour practitioners work, what services they can provide to schools and how services can be delivered.
The Scheme homepage includes further information for school staff and providers, a searchable database of providers and a series of templates to support schools through the process.
Student Wellbeing external programs catalogue
The department has established a catalogue of quality-assured programs and providers for schools to support students' wellbeing. The catalogue is an online register of externally produced programs, available either free of charge or to purchase.
The current release of programs supports three themes:
- programs supporting positive student behaviour
- programs building resilience
- programs improving students' sense of belonging.
The programs and services offered by external providers include mentoring, youth work, engagement or re-engagement programs, homework or tutorial programs and alternative education programs. Schools can also seek advice and support from experts within the NSW Department of Education.
Mental health organisations
Behaviour, mental health and academic outcomes are inextricably linked. The department partners with several initiatives that can also improve behaviour outcomes for all students. Evidence-based initiatives that can support your school may include, but not limited to:
The department works with mental health organisations here in Australia and internationally. Our focus is on prevention and early intervention. Many of these organisations also provide specific programs that build the skills and mental health literacy of teachers, leaders, specialist staff, and parents and carers. This enables them to recognise and effectively respond to children and young people who need help with their mental health.
Family Connect and Support (FCS)
Family Connect and Support (FCS) is built on key features and strengths of the Family Referral Service (FRS) model. Just like the Family Referral Service, the new Family Connect and Support brings together families, support services and community resources so that children and young people are safe and well. Key features include:
- Free and voluntary, accessed across NSW, referrals made by anyone
- Right support at the right time
- Builds on a family’s strengths to make positive change.
Youth off the Streets
Youth Off The Streets is a non-denominational community organisation working for disadvantaged young people who may be homeless, drug dependent and/or recovering from abuse.
Youth Off The Streets supports these young people as they work to turn their lives around and overcome immense personal trauma such as neglect, physical, psychological and/or emotional abuse.
They provide over 35 services including aboriginal programs, crisis accommodation, alcohol and other drug services, counselling, accredited high schools, outreach and residential programs.
Discretionary referrals to Youth on Track (YoT)
Youth on Track is an early intervention scheme for 10–17 year-olds that identifies and responds to young people at risk of long-term involvement in the criminal justice system. Refer to the YoT page for more information, including the discretionary referral process.
Youth on Track provides the NSW Police, Education, Youth Justice NSW, Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health, solicitors, Community Services, Out of Home Care Providers, Community Health, Family Connect and Support, Headspace and other mental health services with an opportunity to refer young people, known to be at medium to high risk of offending, to a support service without requiring a legal mandate. The young person's engagement in Youth on Track is voluntary.
Youth on Track has the benefit of multi-agency support. It aims to work collaboratively with other service providers to ensure consistent service provision without duplication of service.