For principals

What school leaders and principals need to know about the NSW Healthy School Canteens Strategy.

The NSW Healthy School Canteen Strategy is mandatory for all government schools with a canteen as highlighted in the Healthy eating procedures.

To meet the Strategy, all schools canteens (licensed, parents and carer and school-run) must apply the Food and Drink Criteria that underpins the Strategy.

Menu checks

Schools will verify they have achieved the Strategy by completing a menu check. The canteen manager completes the menu check submission, which is signed by the principal.

A passed menu check is valid for three years. Schools are sent a reminder when their next menu check is due.

Free support is available to all schools to support understanding and implementing the Strategy and completing a menu check.

Learn more about our menu check service.

Canteen Licence Agreement

When a school is tendering for a licensed provider for their canteen, it is a requirement that the licensed provider comply with the Healthy School Canteen Strategy. A menu check verifies that the licensed provider is complying with the Strategy. Principals can contact School Infrastructure NSW for advice and assistance with establishing a canteen.

Key responsibility

Principals will oversee the implementation of school practices that are consistent with the Healthy eating procedures, this includes ensuring canteens meet the Healthy School Canteen Strategy.

The Strategy only applies to food and drinks that are sold at the school canteen. However, promoting healthy food options should be considered at all school activities that involve the provision of food and drink to the wider school community.


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