Out-of-Area Enrolments

Schools may accept enrolments from outside their designated intake area if places are available; to be considered for placement, parents/carers must submit an expression of interest for out-of-area enrolment.
From July 2020, several NSW schools began trialling the use of Online Enrolment for digital out-of-area applications. The digital process offers parents an online alternative to long, handwritten application forms and standardises the out-of-area application process across NSW Government schools.
To apply for an out-of-area enrolment online, your child must be:
- a NSW resident
- an Australian or New Zealand citizen or permanent resident.
More information about out-of-area enrolment
Contact the school for further information about their out-of-area enrolment process. If the school is able to accommodate out-of-area enrolments, the school will advise you of any non-local enrolment selection criteria.
Information is also available on our going to a public school website.
How it works
- If out-of-area online enrolment is supported by a school, a link to begin an out-of-area enrolment application will be available via the "Enrolment" section of the school website.
- The parent/ carer completing the application must provide the child’s main residential address and a contact email to begin the application process.
- A one-time security code will be sent to this email to authenticate the parent/carer against their email; the parent/carer can use this email address to resume the application at a later time.
- The dynamic form will only show information relevant to that school’s out-of-area procedures, which means parents/carers will receive clear and consistent messaging about the school’s ability to consider out-of-area enrolment applications.
- The form can take as little as 10 minutes to complete, and is sent directly to the school administration staff at the school.
- Parents/carers will be emailed a PDF copy of the out-of-area application immediately following the submission for their own records.
- School administration staff can then contact parents/carers directly for any clarification required around the application.
- Where the school can consider out-of-area applications, the application will be assessed using the non-local enrolment selection criteria applicable to the school.
- The school will confirm the outcome of the application with the parent/carer.
- If a student is offered an out-of-area placement, the parent/carer must then complete a full enrolment application.
- The application to enrol will be finalised once the parent/carer has met with the school, provided all the relevant identity and medical documentation for the student and completed the processes required by the school.