Enhancing SBAT engagement
Tailored support from dedicated SBAT Engagement Officers to increase access to School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships at participating schools.
SBAT Engagement Officers are a conduit between schools, students, parents, Registered Training Organisations and employers. Their role is to support the student SBAT journey, leading to completion of the HSC and an industry-recognised VET qualification.
SBAT Engagement Officers:
- Connect student career interests with SBAT pathways.
- Provide skills and resources to assist students in finding an employer.
- Support and guide stakeholders through the establishment process.
- Are there to monitor/mentor students throughout their SBAT.
- Can assist with ‘what’s next’ after an SBAT.
Information for students
SBATs are more than just part-time jobs, they combine employment and vocational training as part of your HSC. As part of the Educational Pathways Program, SBAT Engagement Officers are there to help you get the best out of your SBAT experience and start your future.
For more information on SBATs and the range of industries they are available in, or to download useful SBAT resources, visit the department’s SBAT page.
Information for employers
Employing a school-based apprentice or trainee allows you to train a young person who can contribute to the current and future growth of your business or organisation. If you employ a school-based apprentice or trainee from a school participating in the Educational Pathways Program you will gain the additional support of an SBAT Engagement Officer, who can mentor your apprentice or trainee as they navigate school, work and training.
SBAT Engagement Officers will work closely with employers to:
Promote SBAT vacancies to students
Connect interested students with your business
Provide ongoing support during the SBAT
If you are interested in employing a school-based apprentice or trainee for your business or organisation, please complete the expression of interest form below and our team will be in contact with you.